Status: Continuing

And Your Bird Can Sing

An Unseen Force

Your heart was pounding in your ears and you had a major headache. You thrash out of your covers and mumble something about the dream you had last night. Having to take a huge piss, you stumble down the hall to use the loo.
The only thing you rememeber from last night's gig were all the drinks that those lovely birds kept sending your way. Damn, they were sexy.
What better to bring you to the present than a loud bang on you appartment door. Cursing under your breath you walk past a clock and notice that it's 7 am. You reach the door and growl, "Yes?"
"Hey, come on get dressed you and me are going out. The new Bob Dylan record comes out and we gotta get a copy so we can practice it as soon as we can." said your best mate John.
"It's fucking 7 in the morning! I'm not going anywhere."
"You think you're not going anywhere, but the truth is that you are indeed going, so get your ass dressed." he said.
"Fine, but only for Bob."
You go to your room as John heads for the kitchen. You throw on a clean shirt and a pair of trousers and throw on some old shoes. You come out of your room to find John looking through your magazines while eating your last slice of pie.
"Hey! That was my last slice! What the hell!!"
"Oh, sorry mate, but I didn't see your name on it."
"That's because it's my appartment therefore it's my food you twit."
"Why I never!!" John says sarcastically. Then he gets all dramatic by placing the pie on the table and pretending to swoon.
"Oh, come off it. Let's go."
"Well, if you insist." John says hurrying in front of you.
You two are walking and laughing and having a good old time. He finishes your pie and sets the plate down on a random bench. Oh well, you think, you didn't even like that plate.You guys end up making fun of the crazy birds last night and George when he was nervous talking to a few of them. You get to the record store and John immediately heads to the back to look at a few of his favorites.
"Ello Paulie. what can I do for ya?" said Chuck, the manager.
"Do you have the new Dylan record yet?"
"Ah, no Paulie sorry they're holding the shipping date for another week." he says with a sad tone.
"What?! The paper said it would be in today!"
"Sorry, there is nothing I can do."
"Alright, yeah. John! They don't have it, we'll have to come back for it sometime next week."

"What?!? The paper said that it would be out today! This is bullshit!" he said. Then he started muttering something about meeting me at The Cavern at noon. That gave me about 4 hours to kill. I looked through some more records. I've seen these a thousand times but for some reason I keep wanting to look at them again. It's just something I'd always done. You realize that since John ate your last slice of pie you didn't have anything to eat at your house. The problem with that was that you were hungry now. You decide to head to the cafe up the street to grab a bite to eat.
You step out of the door but can't even go two steps without getting knocked into by an unseen force. You start to turn around to yell at this person until you hear "Oh, shit!"
Your anger melts away at the sight of this poor girl flat on her bum with papers all around her. "I'm so sorry, love! Here let me help you."
It's the least you could do since you were just about to yell at her. You start to feel terrible as you start to grab the papers before they get carried away with the wind. You are talking about how you should've been loooking and that it was all your fault as you scramble to collect her things. You hear her saying something similar but you don't pay attention considering you feel this is your fault.
But the second you look up into her eyes you stop. She stopped too. Her eyes were.... they were purple?!? You look deeper and sure enough. Those eyes of hers are a deep purple.
Flustered you say, "Uh, here ya go love, so sorry. What's a pretty girl like you hurrying for anyway? If you don't mind my asking."
"I was headed off to The Cavern. Not that it's really any of your business. I'm terribly sorry again, but I must be going. I'll be late." she says.
As she says this she is looking herself over and starts to rub the dirt off her butt. You can't help but to notice her body too. She had a very full figure. Not fat, but not stick thin, either. She was a woman with curves and boy, did you appreciate them. You look up quickly so you didn't scare her off with your staring.
"Well, the least you could tell me is your name, love. That is my business considering I just ran into you."
"The name's Caddy. Caddy Elizabeth. You are?...."
Caddy. What's that short for?
"The name's James, but everyone calls me Paul. Paul McCartney." you say.
"A pleasure, I'm sure but please excuse me. I have to go." she says to you. As soon as the sentence is out of her mouth, she is rushing past you. You turn to watch her head towards The Cavern. Oh, yeah. You had no desire not to see that again.
She goes around the corner before you stop watching her. You laugh to yourself as you head to the cafe. Caddy Elizabeth. That's a very unique name and you cant' help but wonder if Caddy is as unique as her name. You sure hoped she was.
At the cafe you order a slice of cherry pie and some tea. As you reach your seat you look out the window and see a purple bus go by. This brings you back to Caddy's eyes and the way they pierced your own. They were just beautiful. You had never seen eyes like that... ever.
You take your time with your pie because just then a tune begins to play in your head and you are lost to its tempting rhythm. Since you are quite relaxed at this cafe you order another cup of tea and read the newspaper.
Soon however, you realize you've gone through four cups of tea and five newspapers. You had completely forgot about the time. You sneak a look at your watch hoping that it's lying to you. Alas, it is not and your watch says it's five to noon.You quickly pay for you meal and rush out the door.
You break through the doors of The Cavern and jump down the stairs to the breakroom. John, Ringo and George were already there. "We were beginning to think you wouldn't see this band with us!" said John.
"No, sorry. I just lost track of time." you say, slightly out of breath.
"Ok, well they will be going on for the lunch session in about ten minutes so you guys should go and get in the seats I have reserved for you." says the manager.
"Alright, alright. We see how you are. You don't love us anymore and you've finally decided to ship us off to Gramma's house!! Well let me tell you one thing! I will not go quietly! No Sir!!!" says John and he makes a mad dash for the door. Everyone laughs at his sense of humor as you all follow him out.
You all are still quietly laughing as you make your way to the front of the crowded room. You are supposed to be seated right up front, right next to the stage. The band still hadn't gone on stage yet so you all begin to talk loudly.
"Ok everyone. We are theMisleds and we'd like to start off with one of our favorites. It's called Long Tall Sally and it's been recorded by Little Richard. Enjoy." says a female voice.
You look up and your heart (strangely enough) gave a little thump thump. The girl starts belting out her rendition of Long Tall Sally while playing the bass.
It's Caddy. And she was good.