Status: Continuing

And Your Bird Can Sing

"I've Never Seen Her This Mad"

It had been almost two weeks since your kiss with Caddy. You would be leaving for the three week tour in two days and you were at home packing a few things. Your group would be traveling by train to Newcastle, and then you would be flying to Goteborg, Sweden to begin with. The tour didn't start for another week so you had a few days to get yourself settled. After that you would be traveling Sweden.
Caddy had been bringing her siblings with her to The Cavern while the Misleds practiced to spend as much time with them as she could. She had told you that they would be staying with her Aunt Abigail. You had met them the first day they stopped by. They were good kids. They listened to her as if she were their mother, not their sister. She was good with them too.
Georgie was small for his age but very active. He bustled around the entire time he was at the club pretending to do something important. Caddy once asked him for a glass of water and off he went determined to get her that water as fast as his little legs could carry him. George Harrison however, seemed to have the most fun with little Georgie. He would take him on his knee and talk to him about guitar and he even started showing him some notes.
Maybel was more of a reader. She had a favorite chair that she would sit in while she read. Whenever you talked to her though, she was always up for a chat with a smile on her cute little face. Occasionally she would play with Georgie but most of the time she was content to stay by herself.
Sometimes you would have alone time with Caddy but only a few minutes. Somehow though, she always made you laugh. Even if you only spent a few minutes with her. You had wanted to kiss her so many times but the unknown time limit that was put on you two was hard to work around. She would say she had ten minutes of free time only to be whisked away after 5 to fix a situation.
You got bored with packing and decided that your going down to The Cavern early. You and the boys were supposed to be there at five. It was 4:34 so, yeah, you were going to be early.
You walk into the club to see that it's mostly empty. The waitress was talking to the bartender while another waitress cleaned a table.
Someone was playing piano on stage.
It's Caddy and she looks like she was trying to concentrate so you keep quiet. She is singing in a hushed tone to herself. Her voice is moving perfectly to the notes she was playing and it sounded like something out of a dream.

Her arms hit the keys with such a sudden force that the few people in the club, including you, jumped. Her face was in her hands as she shook her head.
"That was really good." you say gently, "Why did you stop?"
She looks up and sees you. "I messed up. I've been trying to get it right now for the past hour."
You get up and join her on the bench, "What are you trying to play? Maybe I can help."
"You wouldn't know the song. It was a lullaby my mother taught me that she made up for me. She would sing it whenever I had a bad dream. I'm trying to remember it from memory. I haven't play it for months."
She had spoke to you a few times about being tired but you had never seen this 'tired' version of her. Now you were getting a piece of it. Her eyes looked into yours and they had a level of sadness you had never seen before. When she looked back at the keys a second later however, this tired version was gone.
She jumped up with a sudden burst of energy and headed down to the greenroom saying, "I'll try again later."
You follow her to the sound of guitars and talking. Mike and Ronnie were standing in a corner playing a random tune together arguing about the notes and Sean was on the phone with someone.
"Georgie and Maybel aren't going to be here today, if you were wondering." she said.
"No I-"
" 'Ello everybody!!" shouted John followed by George and Ringo. "We have come to steal your hearts!!"
Everyone laughs and says their hello's.
You all sit around for a little bit, playing your instruments, joking and talking. It was about 5:30 when all of a sudden...
"Where is she!!!" a man shouted.

"Shit." says Caddy. She's the leader of the group as the lot of you walk out to the unknown voice.
"What the hell are you doing here?" she asked calmly.
"When were you going to tell me you were leaving! Who the bloody hell said you could go anywhere!" he screamed.
"Last time I checked, I didn't need your permission to do anything. You left us, remember? You have no right to have a say in anything I do, Maybel and Georgie either, for that matter." she says a little louder.
"They're MY kids Catherine! Not yours! You're a worthless piece of shit! You honestly think you can raise those kids better than I can! I'm their father!"
"Yeah, the father who can't hold a job because he's always drunk to high heaven! The father who left us to drink his life away! You never gave a shit about Georgie or Maybel so don't even start that with me! You never paid rent, paid utilities, hell you never paid for the clothes on your own back! They are MY kids, or did you forget a year ago when I LEAGALLY adopted them! You didn't even show up to the court hearing!"she shouted back.
"You're a whore Catherine! Always going on the street to make money! You're a liar and you deserve to rot in hell for what you did to your mother! How dare you take her away from me!!!" he screamed at her face.
Caddy pounced. She jumped at him and tackled him to the floor with her outburst. She started throwing punches before he could even register her jumping.
You and John rush in and try to grab her from on top of him. She was fighting hard against you continuing to throw punches with a flying rage. Mike and Ronnie got in a few seconds later and together you finally pull her fists away from the mans face.
You may have pulled her fists away but her feet started kicking him as soon as her hands were captured.
"YOU! FUCKING! ASSHOLE!" she screams between gasps.
The man has blood gushing out of his nose, a bloody, swollen lip and bruises already staring to form from where Caddy had hit him. He scrambles towards the door on his hands and knees holding his side while coughing.
Caddy goes limp in the four sets of arms holding her so you all let her go. She has the look of a killer as she turns around and pushes her way between you guys. Her hands are still balled up in fists as she walks away.
"I've never seen her that mad and I've known her since we were kids." said Mike. The look on his face showed he wasn't kidding either.
"I'm guessing that was her dad?" said John. "Boy, did she beat the shit outta him!"
"Guys I'm going to go check on her, ok?" you don't wait for a response as you go to look for her.
You find her sitting on the couch in the greenroom. She has her head on her knees so she doesn't see you. She looked small.
"Caddy?" you say. You expected her to be crying but as she looked at you, her face was dry.
"Caddy you ok? That was pretty rough out there. Did you hurt yourself?"
She shook her head.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" you ask.
She shakes her head again.
"Do you need anything?"
She nods her head.
She doesn't answer, she just motions with her hand for you to come closer. You go to sit down on the couch next to her.She puts her arms around around your stomach and brings one leg up and rests it on your legs so she is snuggled into your left side. You wrap your arms around her as she holds you tighter.You still expected her to cry but the wetness on your shirt never came.
You stay wrapped together like this with Caddy for the longest time. You rubbing her back and her gently drifting off to sleep.