Status: Done

When Harry Met Simone


I never thought that I would say this. That I’m in love. Because I never really believed in it. I saw fake love, and love that was forced, or love that just…wasn’t love. But what’s happening now? It’s definitely love.

I remember the first time I saw him. His brown curly hair was what first drew me to him, then when I saw him smile for the first time- I was sucked in this whirlpool of emotions, and I wasn’t getting out anytime soon. His smile was so bright and inviting. His teeth were so straight and so white I just couldn’t stop staring. And he knew that- he knew that I was looking at him.

I was so embarrassed when he walked over to me. I wasn’t alone- I had come to the beach with friends but they were by the water and I was watching all of their stuff.

“Hey there,” He said and flashed me his gorgeous smile.

“Hi-” I said squinting my eyes wishing I had brought my sunglasses.

“My mate is off to work, which means I‘m partner-less. You look like you want to jump in. What do you say?”

My heart started to race as I heard he had a really thick and sexy accent. I looked over to my friends being idiots in the water, then I looked over to the volleyball net where he was previously playing with his own friends.

“Oh no I couldn’t. I’m not very good and I’d make you lose…”

“Nonsense, come on it’ll be fun! By the way, my name is Harry.”

He extended his hand and I shook it. “Simone.”

I figured I would be stupid if I said no to him. It was the only way I could possibly get to know him. Why not? “ Alright, maybe I’ll just play for a little while. If you promise not to make fun of me.”

Harry smiled again and shook his head, making his long hair fall in front of his face “I’d never do such a thing.”


So it happened just like that. I played volleyball with Harry for approximately an hour. Then we talked on the beach for two more hours. He asked me for my number, I gave it to him, and we called each other from time to time. We went out as friends a few times- just small things like coffee and ice cream.

Surprisingly I got the courage to invite him out for a change. I asked him to come with me to a party that one of my friends was having. I didn’t drink, and neither did he; but we still had fun. We watched all of the drunk shenanigans that was occurring around us and just laughed. It was then that I noticed when he said my name, that it sounded so much different than when anyone else said it. I was falling for him hard and fast and I didn’t know how to handle it.


I turned my head and looked at him. “Yea?”

He smiled and shrugged. “You look really pretty tonight. I don’t know why I waited until now to tell you. But you do.”

I felt myself blush and I smiled. “Thank you. It’s nothing,” I muttered and started to play with my skirt. It was pink and white and it was kind of crazy but I liked it. It was crazy enough to work for me.

“I really like it. And another thing…I thought your eyes were brown this whole time. They’re green, aren’t they?” He asked, looking deep into my eyes.

I started to feel heat run through my body. He wasn’t just looking at me; he was really looking and examining me, and at first I felt nervous but then I was excited. Maybe he felt the same way that I did.

“They um. They change. Sometimes brown. Sometimes green. Sometimes a mixture.”

“They’re beautiful. Simone- I think you’re beautiful,” he said sheepishly.

I never witnessed him so shy before. It was the cutest thing I’d ever seen. I had no idea why he was complementing my eyes when his eyes were just about the most perfect shade of blueish green I had ever seen, but I liked it. A lot.

“Stop it, I’m okay looking…I guess.”

He put his hand over mine and it scared me at first but I didn’t flinch.

“I mean it. I saw you on the beach that day and I couldn’t stop myself from talking to you. I had to talk to you, I had to get to know you. Now that I do know you, I’m so happy. I’m a babbling mess right now but what I’m trying to say is that I like you. As more than a friend. And I’m not trying to make this weird or ruin our friendship I just- I had to tell you.”

I couldn’t stop smiling like a fool he probably thought I was so stupid.

“What? How could you…I’m just-”

And then he kissed me. He answered all of my questions and calmed all of my fears. I was so glad that he liked me back, I was just scared of what that meant.


It’s been 2 years and I have to say that we’re pretty okay. He asked me to move in with him and I said yes…and we’re really really happy. We fight here and there like any other couple would- but it’s much more fun to make up with Harry than to fight with him. I can’t imagine my life without Harry. I wouldn’t have it any other way.
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For ParkSlopePrincess <3