Don't You Cry

Lifes apart

As soon as Slash closed the door behind him, he felt free, happy. Like a criminal who just got out of jail. He got in his car and drove to Perla's house, never looked back.

'Finally! I've been waiting for you' she said as soon as she opened the door for him.

Slash smiled and leant down to kiss her.

'This time I came to stay' he whispered against her lips.

Three months passed by quickly. For Slash and Perla everything was perfect. He didn't miss Tracy, he didn't think of her, he didn't even have time with his new girlfriend all over him. They had sex all the time, when they didn't, they were at some party getting high.

In the other side of the town Tracy was shedding tears, but this time not because of her broken heart. She was at the hospital, talking to the doctor who just gave her the news: she had lung cancer. Tracy wished she had listened to her mother about all the cigarettes she had been smoking since she was 15.
Doctor his-name-doesn't-matter was talking about the treatment, he explained there wasn't much hope for her, but they could try. She didn't pay attention though.