‹ Prequel: You're Not Alone
Status: Complete<3 Thank you to everyone who read! (:

Put Me Back Together

Can't Deal With It

Brian's POV

The next day came along, and I was really impressed with the progress Emma was making. It was like she was already back to normal. It was almost to good to be true. I went into her room, to see if she was awake. As soon as I walked into the room, I saw her standing by her desk with a razor blade up to her wrist.

On instinct I ran over, and took the blade out of her hand.

She seemed surprised that I was here, and she started to get angry. "Who do you think you are?"

"Emma, I saved your life. I'm not going to keep letting you do this to yourself." I said while pinching the bridge of my nose, and exhaling. I should of expected she would have a relapse. I was just too over excited to realize.

Emma shook her head, with tears filling up to her eyelids. "No, you're ruining my life! I don't want you here, I don't want any of the guys here! I left for a fucking reason!" She was letting her anger get the best of her. I was trying not to let it get to me.

I clenched my jaw, "Emma, stop. I love you, the guys love you. We're here for you, we want to help."

She crossed her arms over her chest, "I don't love you!" That made my heart drop into my stomach. I tried to shake my head, "Emma-"

"I don't! I never did, now leave!" She shouted while collapsing on her bed.

My hands were now balled into fists, "I'm sorry that I ever fucking cared about you! I'm sorry I ever fell in love with you! I wish it never happened!" I shouted while, walking out of her room.

The guys rushed in, from our yelling, and asked what happened? I wouldn't answer, as I ran down the stairs. I walked out the front door making sure is slammed to get my point across.

Zack's POV

Jimmy was trying to talk to Emma, but she wouldn't say anything. Johnny and I tried saying stuff to her, but she wouldn't even look at us. We all were in the hallway trying to figure out what to do.

"They had to of had a fight or some shit like that." Johnny assumed.

I nodded my head, "Yeah, but what about, though?"

Jimmy butted in, "You guys go find Haner, and I'll stay here to try and get Emma to talk."

Johnny and I agreed and walked out the front door. I followed his tracks in the snow, up until the sidewalk. They disappeared after that. We started walking down the street, and I rubbed my hands together. "Where do you think he went?" I asked while blowing heat onto my hands.

"I'm not sure, do you think he has his fake ID on him?" Johnny asked.

I grinned and smacked his arm, "Johnny! You're a genius, dude!"

He frowned while rubbing his arm. "Okay, then stop hitting me. I think there's a Liquor Store at the end of the streets." Johnny said as we walked to the end. Sure enough, there was a medium-size building that had a sign 'Liquor Store' on the top of it.

We spotted Brian downing a Jack Daniels bottle, while sitting on the curb. We ran over to him, and Johnny pulled the bottle out of his mouth. He looked up at us. "Leave me alone."

I shook my head, "No, Brian."

He sighed and reached for the Jack. Johnny shook his head, and poured the remains from the bottle into the snow. Brian rolled his eyes, "That's fine. I'll just get another one." He said while getting to his feet. I grabbed his shoulders, and pushed him down. "Not on my watch."

Brian pulled out a pack of his cigarettes and lit one up. He exhaled the smoke. "I'm not going back there." He said, and took another hit off of the cigarette. I frowned in curiosity. "What happened?"

Jimmy's POV

"Emma, please. Talk to me." I said gently to her, while sitting on the edge of her bed.

She raised her head, and I noticed her tear-streaked face. She sniffled a couple of times. "I fucked up, big time."

I put a comforting hand on her shoulder, "Emma, don't say that. Whatever happened, I doubt you did anything wrong."

Emma wiped her eyes, "But I did. It's all my fault. I was going to cut again, and Brian caught me right in time. I was angry with him, and he kept saying he loved me, or that you guys loved me. I just couldn't take it anymore, and I knew the only way I could get him to leave was to tell him I don't love him, and I told him I never did." She said as new tears rolled down her cheeks.

I let out a sigh, realizing why Brian acted the way he had. I patted her shoulder. "Everything will be okay, Emma."

She shook her head, "No, it won't! Brian is never going to speak to me again, I messed everything up! Right when, I thought I was doing good, I just had to try and cut myself. God, I'm such a fucking idiot!" Emma slapped her forehead.

"You're not an idiot, Em. You're just in a rough place right now, Brian will understand." I said while giving her shoulder a reassuring squeeze.

Zack's POV

"She's been lying to me this whole fucking time, Zee." Brian looked up at me with torn eyes. I was still shocked to news he had just told me. I would never put out Emma to be a liar like this. I still don't believe it's true.

Brian ran his hand through his hair, gripping, and pulling at it. "I fucking loved her, and she never even felt the same way. I can't deal with this shit anymore. I need to go home, I need to get away from her." He stood to his feet, and looked at me. "Will you take me to the airport?"

I bit my lip, and looked at Johnny for a supportive answer, but he just shrugged. I didn't know what to do at the moment.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short chapter, Just really wanted to get another update out. Sorry for the some many POV changes, I just had to do it, I hope you don't get to mad. ;P

Thanks to the following people who left comments on the last chapter:
awake my soul;
You guys rock! :D

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