Status: hey, this is a fanfic of Alex only. not consists of the other Monkeys.

Love is A Laserquest

Chapter One

He was staring into space as he lit the cigarette into his mouth. His long slender fingers effortlessly ran through his amazing but messy long hair. Occasionally he glanced at his watch, letting out a sigh. It had been probably an hour that he was waiting for someone. His supermodel girlfriend.

I was done clearing up table number 7. Which is not too far from where he sat, and I had a clear view of every girl in the cafe who was glancing over at him, giggling, quietly taking his pictures and so on. Who can blame them? He’s a popular guy, he belongs to the society. He will always be the center of attention wherever he goes. He’s the Alex Turner. Despite all of those attentions, he ignored it mostly, and kept pushing his hair back beautifully. It’s his habit, I always knew that.

Question one, how do I know this fact?

“Hello, Kate.”
I turned around to see that Alex was there, smiling at me.
“Hello, Alex.”
“Thanks for the coffee. I’ve got to go.”
“Aren’t you waiting for Alexa?”
He shrugged. “I reckon she’ll have to go straight to the studio. I have a session in less than an hour.”
“Oh, okay.”
“Don’t you miss it on the telly!”
I chuckled. “Like you haven’t been on it all the time!”
He gave me a brilliant smile. And with that smile he walked out of the cafe, left me with all the evil glares from his fans in here.
Question two, how do I know the Alex Turner, vocalist of the britrock band Arctic Monkeys?