Status: On hold



She feels like her thoughts are trembling behind her, just like the shadow that’s tangled up in her heel as she places one foot in front of the other. They slink around, following her, sniffing in the crooks and crevasses of darkness, hidden away from the naked eye.

She talks to herself, sometimes, when her thoughts were slinking away somewhere. It is happening as she walks, her lips forming incoherent words, misunderstood by everyone but herself.

Her paper-thin skin shines with a pasty pale pallor until she ducks into the room where she spends her lunch time. There is Benji, and there is Mallory, and there is Carmen. Somehow, they can smile at each other and pretend nothing is wrong.

Silently, she bends her legs beneath her and sits on the ground, included in the group but at the same time, completely separate. Her eyes, framed in darkened bruises, run around the room and her mouth is stationary with gloom. She has retreated into her mind and stays there, hidden, crouching in the murkiest corner, dirt on her knees and hands, frozen and stiff.

She swears to herself softly that someday, someone will know her.