Status: finished! check out the sequel/prequel What The Past Never Told Us.

The Road Ahead of Us

Twenty - Two;

"I have told you this numerous times, Adam, and this is the last time." Rian spoke to the man standing in his doorway. "Isabelle does not live here. She lives with Kara. She has never lived here." Adam sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

"Well where is their place then?" Adam questioned but Rian shook his head.

"I am not telling you. If Iz wanted you to know, she would have told you. Alex is on his way home and I highly suggest you not be here when he arrives." Rian warned. This had been a constant for the last two weeks that they had been back from Los Angeles. Adam would show up at Alex and Rian's house looking for Isabelle who refused to talk to him. She had gotten a new phone and number and stayed away from the record store he had told her he worked at. Alex had gotten fed up with it the last time Adam had come by and had threatened him and Rian knew Alex well enough to know that he would not hesitate in throwing a punch at his girlfriends ex boyfriend.

"I just want to speak to her, Rian. Please." Adam begged. Rian sighed and still just shook his head. He then looked behind Adam to see Alex's black Audi pull up into the driveway and he knew shit was about to start. Rian groaned through when he saw that driving it instead was Isabelle. Though really it was good that it was Iz instead of Alex, in a way.

"Well here's your chance." Rian mumbled. Adam hadn't heard the car pull up but now he turned when he heard the car door closed. When his eyes landed on Isabelle's skinny frame he broke into a grin. She looked so gorgeous, dressed in black jeans, a black v-neck long sleeved top. She added color to her outfit with bright pink Doc Marten boots, a pink slouch beanie on her head, a pink bag, and pink jewelry. Adam's heart quickened at the sight of her. He smiled as he saw her walking towards him, though his smile quickly fell when he saw that she was glaring at him.

"What are you doing here?" She questioned as she came to stop at the edge of the steps, looking up at the two men.

"I was looking for you." Adam told her making her sigh.

"Adam, I can't be friends with you anymore. It's just too weird. You do not fit in my life anymore. I'm sorry but that's just the way it is. Alex is my life, he has been my entire life, you know that." Isabelle explained to him, making him frown and nod.

"I know that. I'm not here to try and win you back. I just want to be friends with you. Have I once put moves on you any of the times I've seen you since we broke up? No. I haven't so stop acting like I've tried raping you or something. I just want to be friends, I don't know why that's so much to ask." Adam retorted, making Isabelle sigh again.

"Adam, it's just best if you leave. Alex is on his way here and it's best if you aren't here."

"Why were you driving his car, anyway? Where is he?" Rian questioned from the doorway.

"He said he has some surprise for me. I don't know how he's getting here but he told me not to worry about it. We still on for dinner, right?" Isabelle explained. Rian nodded at her question and smiled.

"Of course. Jack and Zack and the girls are on their way too." Isabelle nodded and turned back to her ex boyfriend.

"Adam, leave." She told her ex boyfriend. "Alex will be pissed if he sees you here."

"I'm not doing anything wrong so little Mr. Perfect Alex can calm the fuck down!" Adam yelled. Isabelle and Rian had no time to respond as a car pulled up behind the Audi in the driveway. It was a black Ford Mustang. No one recognized it and the windows were too dark to see who was driving it.

"Who is that?" Isabelle spoke to no one in particular. No one answered as they watched the door opened, waiting for whoever it was to step out. "Alex?" Alex stepped out of the car, grinning, having not yet noticed Isabelle's ex on the porch.

"You know, Iz, I think you get more and more gorgeous by the second. I forgot how good you look today." Alex told her, making her roll her eyes but giggle none the less.

"Shut up. What's with the car?" She questioned, walking towards him. He grinned even wider and held his arms open before he tossed the keys to Isabelle who caught them, a questioning look on her face.

"It's yours." Alex informed her, making her burst into laughter.

"Yeah, I wish." She told him. "Seriously. Who's is it?" She stepped up beside him, leaning down to look into the inside of the car, expecting to see someone else but the inside was empty.

"It's yours, seriously." Alex insisted. "It's my families 'Welcome back to Baltimore' gift to you." Her jaw dropped open.

"Your family got me and car?" She questioned, making him laugh and nod.

"Before you start on your 'I hate it when people spend a lot of money on me' speech, they didn't really pay full price for this. It was a family friends and he gave it to my dad as a retirement gift because this dude's like some rich asshole or something. My dad straight up told him that he didn't want it so the guy told him to give it to me. So my dad did but of course.. I don't need a car." Alex explained, gesturing towards his gorgeous Audi in front of the Mustang. "So I talked to the guy and he remembered me talking about you in high school so he said to give it to you, since you have no car. So... really it's not a gift from the Gaskarth's, it's a re-gift from the Gaskarth's, but it's still a freaking Mustang so you better enjoy it." Isabelle was stunned by the end of this. Some random stranger basically just gave her a car. A Mustang.

"Alex... I don't think I can accept this. I mean... it's a ... Mustang. I've never even met this guy." Isabelle told him but he shook his head.

"The guy is totally okay with you having it. I told you, he's super rich, he's got a ton of cars, a Mustang is nothing. The price of this is like pocket change to him. Besides, we tried giving it back to him, he won't. You have no car, so why not? It's a free Mustang, take it!" Isabelle laughed and jumped up, throwing her arms around her boyfriends shoulders.

"This is perfect. Oh my god! Thank you so much, Alex!" She yelled, making him laugh and hug her back tightly.

"So you like it?" She pulled back to grin at him and nod. "Good." He pressed a soft kiss to her lips. That's when Alex looked over her shoulder, finally seeing Adam standing on his porch. "What is that fucker doing here?" He growled, his good mood instantly evaporating. Isabelle sighed.

"He was here when I got here. He wants to be friends, apparently." She told Alex, looking down at the ground, not wanting to see Alex's angry glare that he was surely giving Adam.

"Get off my property, now." He yelled at him, moving around Isabelle to take a few steps towards Adam. Isabelle rushed forward to grab Alex's arm, pulling him to a stop.

"I'm not doing anything wrong, Alex. I just want to talk to, Isabelle. That is not a crime." Adam insisted, holding his hands up defensively.

"You are on my property, that's trespassing." Alex told him.

"Adam, will you just leave? Please?" Isabelle begged him, still holding onto Alex's arm.

"Why is it so bad that I want to talk to you?"

"She is my girlfriend, I know that you want her back, everyone knows that." Alex yelled at him. Isabelle looked up at her boyfriend. She had rarely seen him this angry. It was a little frightening. "When will you get it through that thick skull of yours that she does not want you? She loves me, she wants me, she's with me. Not you. She doesn't want you around. So leave" Alex was yelling at the top of his lungs at the tall man standing on the porch. Isabelle looked over at the house beside Alex's to see his neighbors coming out to stand on their porch, coming to see what the yelling was about.

"If she wanted you so much then why did she leave you and come to me all those years ago? She's spent the last four years with me. Even your other girlfriend cheated on you with me. You remember that? Carrie? Yeah, so really I've taken TWO of your girlfriends. How does that feel?" Adam yelled right back, his face turning red with anger. Alex tried to charge at Adam but Isabelle grabbed his arm and dug her heels into the ground, holding him back.

"Alex, please! Stop." She pleaded with him. "Adam, shut the fuck up unless you want your ass beat."

"I can take him. I've fought him once before. He hits like a bitch." With that Alex pulled out of Isabelle's grasp and charged at the man. Isabelle yelled at Alex to stop and Rian tried to grab Adam but he was too late, they were both running at each other. As soon as they were close enough, Alex threw a punch straight into Adam's jaw.

"Alex, please, stop it!" Isabelle screamed. She knew it was a matter of time before one of the neighbors called the cops and she didn't want either of them arrested because of her. Rian finally managed to pull the two of them apart. Alex got in one more kick to Adam's leg before Isabelle pulled him away. He had a cut above his eyebrow and he had a bruise forming on his cheek. "Alex, you idiot." She told him. "Why does it always come to fighting with you two?" She yelled at them both.

"It always comes to fighting because that dick doesn't know how to shut his fucking mouth." Alex retorted, glaring at Adam who glared straight back.

"Rian, take Adam to his car and make sure he leaves. I'll get Alex inside." Isabelle told Rian who nodded and started to drag Adam to his car that was parked across the street. "Come on, dumbass." She told Alex, taking his hand and pulling him up the stairs of the porch. She had to pull him forcefully as he and Adam continued to glare at each other and yell derogatory things back and forth. Finally Alex stopped when Isabelle slammed the door shut. "You could have been arrested, Alex. The cops still may show up. You two made quite a scene." She told him, stalking off towards the kitchen, Alex following after her, wiping at the blood that was running down the side of his face.

"Maybe now he'll learn to keep his mouth shut." Alex said, shrugging. Isabelle turned and glared at him, shaking her head.

"Boys are so immature." She muttered as she grabbed some paper towels and wet them. "Sit down." She instructed Alex. He nodded and sat down at one of the bar stools. She came to stand in front of him and cleaned up the shallow cut on his face. "Your pretty little face is a little messed up. You deserve it though." Alex couldn't help but grin.

"I'm sorry, Iz. Really. I know I should have thought more before I acted, he just makes me so angry. He doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut." Alex said. Isabelle stayed silent, as Alex did have a point.

"It doesn't always have to come to fighting though." She told him after she threw away the bloodied towels. Alex shrugged and reached forward, grabbing her around the waist and pulling her into his body and stand between his legs.

"I'm sorry. It will never happen again." He promised, making her smile and roll her eyes.

"Good. If it does, I'll let your dumb ass be arrested." He grinned and nodded.

"I'll keep that in mind." With that he quieted any retort she had with his lips against hers. Any thought she had quickly left her mind at the feel of his perfect lips.
♠ ♠ ♠
The end is neeeeaaarrrrr.
