Status: finished! check out the sequel/prequel What The Past Never Told Us.

The Road Ahead of Us

Twenty - Four;

"Let's go out tonight!" Jack yelled as soon as he walked through the door of his best friends house. He walked into the living room to find Alex lounged out on the couch and took a seat beside him. "Where's Iz?" He questioned, noticing that the brunette was no where to be seen.

"Out with Kara and Lisa. Though Lisa obviously against her will. Kara insisted on a girls afternoon." Alex told him as he flipped through the channels on the TV. "She should be back soon though. She text me like half an hour ago saying they were leaving the mall and she was going to drop the two of them off at the apartment and then come here."

"Well she probably bought some kind of dress, because that is what Isabelle does, so I say we go out tonight as a huge ass group and party our asses off. I want to get fucked up." Jack said to his best friend who laughed and nodded.

"Alright. I'll text Iz and let her know." Alex informed him, reaching for his cell phone that was on the couch beside him.

To: Izzybelle

Did you happen to get a dress at the mall? Jack is claiming tonight as a 'get fucked up' night.

It took not even a minute for her reply to come.

From: Izzybelle

I sure did! I informed Kara of this. She's coming of course. Which means unfortunately that Lisa will be coming too. Kara has just informed me that us girls will be getting ready here. So I won't be home soon then.

Alex sighed at the knowledge that Lisa would be joining them tonight. He quickly pushed the thought from his head though and vowed to simply keep Isabelle at his side every second. He wasn't going to worry about Lisa being there.

"Iz says that Kara and Lisa are coming tonight. They will be getting ready at the apartment so Izzy isn't coming here." Alex told Jack who nodded.

"I figured we'd call a cab for the night so no one has to DD. Tell them we'll pick them up to go to Hannah's at 7, we'll get dinner first and then go to Reggy's right next door after." Jack planned making Alex nod.

To: Izzybelle

Jack and I are taking a cab. We'll pick you up and then dinner at Hannah's at 7, Reggy's after. Sound good?

From: Izzybelle

Perfect. See you then. I plan for there to be a lot of drinking and a lot of you and me dancing. If you are lucky, maybe more. ;)

To: Izzybelle

Oh, babe. You know I always get lucky.

From: Izzybelle

You wish. See you at 7.

Alex laughed and put his phone down.

"They will be there at 7. What time is it now?" Alex looked back at his phone to see that it was already 5:48.

"Almost 6. I'm gonna go head over to Zack's and let him know our plans and then head home to get sexy and shit. Let Rian know the plans, yeah?" Jack said to Alex as he stood up from the couch. "I'll be back around 7 with a cab to pick you up."

"See ya, bro." Jack nodded and walked out of the house, leaving Alex to make his way upstairs to his messy bedroom. He sent Rian a quick text about the nights plans before plugging in his phone to charge a little while he got ready.

He then rooted through his closet, finding that it was quickly being taken over by his girlfriends clothes, as he looked for what to wear that night. He was actually very okay with the idea of all of her stuff in his closet and his house. He loved the last few days of her being here. It was amazing to wake up beside her every morning and know that he was going to fall asleep beside her later that night. It was how it should be.

After Alex located a pair of black skinny jeans and a grey button down shirt, he ventured into his bathroom and took a quick shower. When that was finished he dried his hair, styling it to the way he wanted it and then got dressed. It took him almost ten minutes to locate both of his grey high top Nike's. He found one behind the door and the other under the bed.

After putting them on he looked around the messy room. His clothes, as well as some of Isabelle's, littered the floor. The bed was messy with the blankets tangled in the center and the pillows strewn about. He looked at the clock and saw that he had another fifteen minutes before Jack got there so he gathered up the dirty clothes into the hamper and made the bed. He knew Isabelle would be shocked that he actually straightened up but he would feel bad if she did it and he knew she eventually would.

"Yo, dickface!" Came Jack's yell a few minutes later right as Alex finished cleaning the room. He gave himself one last once over in the full length mirror on his closet door before grabbing his phone and rushing from the room. "You ready to fuck shit up?!" Jack yelled at his best friend when he got down the stairs.

"Fuck yes!" Alex yelled right back. The friends laughed and made their way out of the house to where there was a waiting cab. It was one of the van ones with three rows of seats, perfect for their large group.

"Rian is at Zack's house, they will be meeting us there." Jack told Alex as they drove off towards Isabelle and Kara's apartment. When they pulled up, the girls were just stepping out of the front door. Alex couldn't keep his eyes off of Isabelle. She had changed her hair in the few hours since Alex had last seen her. Her usual red locks were now bleach blonde.

"Holy shit, Iz!" Jack yelled as the two men stepped out to greet the ladies. Isabelle giggled and ran a hand through the blonde locks.

"Is it bad?" She asked, squishing her face up in uncertainty.

"You look absolutely beautiful, baby girl." Alex informed her. He swept her up in his arms, making her giggle. "I love it."

"Thank you. I just wanted to try something new." She told him, shrugging. He smiled and kissed her lips.

"I love this dress, too!" He looked down and spun her around, looking at her blue ruffled dress. She laughed and nodded.

"Yes, I quite like it too. Now, let's go get our night started!" She yelled making the others yell in agreement and file into the cab. The cab ride was filled with chatter about the club they were going to for the night.

After an uneventful dinner with Zack and Rian joining them, they went next door and easily got into the club that was there. As it was only around 9 at night, it wasn't too busy yet. They easily got to the bar and each ordered their drinks. The four guys watched on with amusement as the girls danced together on the dance floor. As the night progressed, Alex could easily see the alcohol effecting Isabelle. She was no longer cold towards Lisa, the two of them were even dancing together after Kara found herself a man to dance with.

"Alex! Get over here!" Isabelle yelled, gesturing her boyfriend over. Alex looked over at Lisa who looked uncomfortable for a second before she disappeared into the mass of people. Her leaving made Alex gladly make his way over to his girlfriend. "You haven't danced with me yet." She told him, pouting. He laughed and pecked her pouting lips which made them turn up in a smile.

"Well I'm here to dance with you now." He told her. She grinned and nodded before leading him into a dance that quickly turned more into them simply sexually grinding against one another which really wasn't any different to what the entire club was doing. Alex's arms were wrapped around her waist tightly as she danced in front of him, her back against his chest. He trailed sloppy and slightly drunk kisses over her exposed shoulders and neck.

As more and more drinks were consumed by the entire group, the dancing became more heated. No one really had any recollection of their actions. Isabelle didn't really care who she danced with, as long as she was dancing.

For all the friends it soon became one large heated, drunken, mess of dancing, laughter, and alcohol. Always more alcohol.


Alex Gaskarth groaned as he awoke. The sunlight was pouring down on him making him grown even more. He rubbed at his face before he opened his eyes, coming face to face with a nightstand that was not his bedrooms night stand. His entire body, which he then noted was not clothed, tensed before he quickly realized that it was Isabelle's. The picture of the two of them together on top gave that away. He gave a sigh of relief and ran a hand through his hair.

He noted the warm presence at his back, making him smile before he turned over. His entire body went rigid again as he turned to see, not his girlfriends newly bleached blonde hair but long wavy brown locks that he used to know all too well.

He had slept with another girl. He cheated on Isabelle. In her own bed.

He cheated on Isabelle with Lisa.
♠ ♠ ♠

uh ohhhhhh. Trouble in paradise.
What's Alex going to do? Where's Isabelle? What went down? What's gonna happen now? Only I know! But if you comment, you will know soon!