Status: finished! check out the sequel/prequel What The Past Never Told Us.

The Road Ahead of Us


For the entire night, Alex remained at Isabelle's side. Everyone else was off with their significant other, being all lovey and coupley, so the two took to sit at the bar, a drink in hand, and talking about just about everything. They occasionally would get up to dance together.

By the time 1 in the morning rolled around, just about everyone was drunk and ready to head back to the hotel. So as a group they walked the short distance back to the hotel, stumbling and clutching at one another as they all sang Lady Gaga songs at the top of their lungs.

"I don't want to go." Alex complained as he and Isabelle stepped up to his hotel room door. Isabelle smiled gently and shoved him against the door.

"Go." She demanded. "I'll see you in the morning." She turned and began to make her way down the hall towards her own room. Alex slid the key card into the slot, waiting for the green light so he could enter his room.

He didn't expect Carrie to stay up and wait for him, and as he saw all of the lights off, he knew that she hadn't. So he tried to be as quiet as he could as he undressed and went to slide into bed. Carrie laid with her back to him but as he settled down, she turned and looked at him in the dark.

"How was it?" She asked quietly. He smiled and shrugged, staring up at the ceiling.

"It was fun. I love hanging out with all of them." He told her.

"Did you dance with Isabelle?"

"A couple of times, but mainly we sat at the bar and drank while all the other couples danced and did their thing." He told her, making her nod.

"Well goodnight." With that she turned, her back to him once more. Alex sighed and turned away from her too, closing his eyes and falling asleep with images of Isabelle in his mind.

Meanwhile, Isabelle had just arrived into her room, finding Adam sitting on the edge of the bed, in nothing but his boxers, and his head in his hands.

"Babe?" Isabelle questioned, frowning. "What's wrong?" She slipped off her heels and tossed her bag down, followed by her jewelry, which she threw on the bathroom counter.

"What? Oh... nothing." Adam answered, standing up, smiling at her softly. "Have a good time?" She grinned and nodded.

"I wish that you would have come though." Isabelle told him, pouting. She made her way over to him, wrapping his arms around his shoulders.

"Yeah...." He said softly, looking anywhere but at her. "Me too." Isabelle frowned up at him.

"What is wrong? You are acting really odd." She told him, but he shook his head, smiling at her gently.

"Just tired." He answered, making her smile.

"Yeah? Well how about we get to bed then?" With that she pressed her lips to his and began to shove him back towards the bed but he put his hand on her sides and pulled her away from him.

"No... not now.. I just... I just want to sleep." Isabelle frowned at him, taking a few steps away from him.

"Why? Why before but not know?" Adam shook his head and sat down on the bed.

"I just don't feel like it now." He laid down, swinging his legs under the blankets. "Now come and lay down. We have another day of travel tomorrow." Isabelle ignored him and turned, stomping off to the bathroom. Adam sighed as she slammed the door shut, the water in the shower soon following.

By the time she was showered and dressed in her pajamas, Adam was asleep. Isabelle curled up in the bed beside him, staring at the ceiling. She knew that she should have been thinking of Adam, and how odd he was acting, but all that she could see in her mind was Alex. His smile, his brown hair flying wild, his tight jeans and his t-shirt. She fell asleep seeing images of Alex in her mind.


The next morning, everyone met in the lobby. Most of them were hungover and very grumpy. Adam was still acting very strange, barely even accepting Isabelle's good morning kiss. While Carrie was ignoring Alex all together. She was dressed, packed, and out of the room with her suitcase before Alex had even put one leg into his jeans.

"Who's got driving duty?" Rian asked Jack who shrugged and held the keys out.

"Whoever wants to." No one moved forward. Finally Isabelle sighed and took the keys.

"Let's just fucking go." She said, storming out of the lobby. Everyone looked at each other in confusion, before they shrugged and followed her out. They packed the van quickly and everyone was seated. Isabelle began to make her way towards the freeway. Everyone sat in silence, not sure why it felt so awkward in the van. Adam sat in the passengers seat but was leaning away from Isabelle, looking out the window. Alex sat behind Isabelle, Jack beside him. Rian, Zack and Katie sat behind them. Carrie, Kara, and Micky behind them in the back.

"So... will someone please explain what is going on?" Rian finally questioned about twenty minutes after they were driving. "What happened that has you two so awkward?" He asked Isabelle who just shrugged.

"Ask him." She said, gesturing towards Adam.

"Just not feeling well." He answered. Isabelle shook her head but said nothing. The van fell back into silence.

"What about you two?" Jack then asked Alex who shrugged.

"We are perfectly fine. Right, babe?" Alex called back to Carrie who rolled her eyes.

"Perfect." She responded. After that, no one spoke. The tension was making everyone uncomfortable. No one knew what to say or do so they just sat around, staring out the window. How had things turned to this? What had happened.

"Okay. I am sick and tired of this." Isabelle finally exclaimed. "What the fuck happened to you last night? And I demand an answer. What happened while we were at the club last night?" While she yelled this, she slammed on the brakes, pulling the van over on the shoulder.

"Nothing hap-" Adam started but Isabelle cut him off.

"No! I know something did. So just tell me. Now!" Isabelle yelled at him. Everyone's eyes were wide. Isabelle never yelled. Now she was down right pissed. "Just cut the bull shit, Adam."

"Fine. Do you really want to know?" Adam yelled back at her.

"Yes! I fucking do!" Isabelle's face was turning red and she had tears welling up in her eyes.

"Fine. I fucking slept with Carrie. You happy now?" The whole van seemed to have an intake of breath as one.

Isabelle had tears welling up in her eyes as she unbuckled her seat belt. The next second she was out of the van, running from the vehicle. Soon, she fell to her knees as sobs wracked her body...
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm not entirely happy with this chapter but it will have to do.