When Waves Meet the Sand

Chapter 1: Living Nightmares

The black flakes throbbed over the white canvas of the world, superimposed over the peaceful landscape like a cancer.

Screams faded in and out of hearing, ringing horribly in her ears, and the little girl breathed in sharply, coughing on smoke and the smell of burning flesh.

Ocean-blue eyes watered from the agony cascading out from her heart, and her entire body shook with it.

A figure appeared from the gloom, and she straightened, hopeful.


The smoke receded for a moment, and tears drenched her cheeks at the sight.

The woman was drenched in her own blood, stumbling over the snow with watery blue eyes.

Even her snow-white hair, longer than the girl‘s own, was a deep crimson from the liquid flowing out of her gaping neck and chest.

Bijin…” She breathed, struggling to stand. “Run.”


With a jolt, Kumiko shot up off her pillow, panting.

The heart monitor was racing, and it took a great effort for her to calm down enough for the beeping to slow.

Whimpering softly, a young Polar Bear Dog pup sat up at her bedside, nuzzling against the little girl’s chest comfortingly.

“I’m okay, Ki-chan…” Kumiko breathed, patting the canine’s head with a bandaged hand. “I’m okay…”

Both knew that she was lying.
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bijin-beautiful girl/woman