Folie à Deux

West Coast Smoker

The P.A. system keeps my heart heart beating tonight.

He brought her to a nice restaurant. Mia couldn’t help but smile at Pete, seeing him dressed up. He was wearing a tie!

It was almost like old times as they talked over their glasses of wine. Just the clothes were better and Pete wasn’t as cryptic; at least to her anyway.

“I love you,” she said suddenly when they had finished eating. Pete’s eyes met hers quickly and he couldn’t help the grin that took over his face, his eyes crinkling. Mia didn’t think that she had ever seen him look so happy.

His hand reached for hers on the table and he clasped it, giving it a gentle squeeze.

“I love you, too,” he said quietly. She smiled at him. Things seemed to be getting back to normal… but better normal. No more rage, no more jealousy.

Pete slid out of his chair, falling down onto one of his knees, and as he reached into his pocket, Mia felt her heart stop.

“Will you marry me?” he questioned without preamble, holding out a little black box with a gorgeous engagement ring at its center. Mia gasped in surprise.

Oh hell yes, I’m a nervous wreck.

Pete had never been more nervous in his whole life. He had wanted to do this for a while now, and he wanted to do it tonight. The longer they sat their talking, and the longer they seemed like their old selves, he still couldn’t help but wonder if this was the right time. What if she said no?

But then she said those three simple words, “I love you.”

He knew this was the right moment. Knew they still had a shot. Knew they would make it.

And now here he was, in the middle of a restaurant wearing a suit and tie. He could feel sweat forming in uncomfortable places as he waited for her answer; waited for her to decide if he was what she wanted, if she trusted him.

“Yes, Pete,” she finally said, tears filling her eyes as time seemed to stop. He leaned up quickly, pressing his lips to hers. He pulled away to place the ring on her finger as she whispered, “I would love to marry you.”

He grinned up at her, pulling Mia from her chair to join him on the floor of the restaurant. He kissed her again, holding her to him, not caring who saw.

All he cared about was her.

Let’s just take off again instead.
♠ ♠ ♠
The End! I decided on a happy ending. ::cute:

Thank you so, so much to everyone who read, subscribed, commented, and recced! It means so much to me! ::arms:
