Headfirst Into the Deep

Chapter Two

By lunch I saw Ryan again but he was sitting around a group of extremely attractive boys. Though he seemed to stand out. His gaze found me at the table I was sitting alone at. I tried to avoid his eyes and it was really hard.

“Hey cous!” My cousin Will slid next to me followed by all of his friends piling into the circular table. Will was extremely tall and broad. He was the captain of the wrestling team. My friends at my old school found him to be devilishly handsome. But he’s too much like my older brother.

“Hey,” I said munching on a carrot.

“Guys, this is my cousin Jacky. Jacky you know Peter,” Will nodded toward his friend Peter who I’ve met countless times. Peter had no personality. He was just there for decoration. Then Will went on to introduce me to three other guys named Cal, Mike, and Harry. All of who were on the wrestling team too. People in the cafeteria seemed to stare at my table and the table Ryan was sitting at.

The guys started to eat but I continued to stare at Ryan’s table. They were all attractive, like model handsome. They didn’t belong in a public school. My cousin’s friends were the cliché high school jock types. But these boys didn’t look anything close to cliché.

“Staring at Malone’s crew?” Cal snapped me out of my daze. He raised a blonde eyebrow at me and his blue eyes stared intently at mine as if he was waiting for an answer.

“I’m just glancing around at everybody in the cafeteria,” I told him shoving a carrot in my mouth.

“They’re not good guys. I wouldn’t think about it,” He said.

My cousin will intervened, “What are you guys talking about?”

“Just warning her about Malone’s crew,” He shrugged biting his apple and leaning back in his chair chewing hungrily.

“Don’t even try it, Jacqueline,” He said using my full name.

“What is so bad about these guys that I ‘m not even trying anything with?”

“They’re just bad news, Don’t get mixed in with them,” He commanded and I just rolled my eyes.

“Don’t worry about me,” I laughed trying to lighten the mood.

“I heard Ryan and Scarlett just broke up,” Mike said as he put his phone in his pocket. Mike was extremely skinny.

“Sucks,” Harry muttered as he intently chewed on his sandwich.

“He’s such a moody little bitch. His brother’s are always coming to his defense,” Will scoffed just as the bell rang.

“Yo bro, there is a party at Mel’s house tonight. You down?” Mike said to Will.
Will then looked at me.

“You wanna go?” He asked.

“Sure!” I said trying to act cool but I’m sure it made me sound like a complete dork. They just laughed. That was the only highlight of my first day.


When I got home I realized I would only know five people at this party tonight and I was actually looking forward to spending my Friday night in bed with a book. Will was coming to get me around seven. My mom was excited that I was actually going out on a weekend. As I was picking out an outfit I realized I agreed to let my cousin babysit me the whole night because I knew no one. So now would be the best time to feign an illness. But my mom wouldn’t let me pass up this opportunity to be a social butterfly in my new school environment. Even if their was going to be alcohol there.
Around 6:30 I was standing in front of the mirror not liking my outfit. I changed about three times now and I’ve come to the conclusion that my closet held nothing that I wanted to wear. I felt like tugging my hair out and crying. I took a deep breath.
You look fine.
No I didn’t. I looked ridiculous.
By seven I was sitting in my living room in jeans and a tank top with a cardigan. My hair was being too ridiculous to I pulled it into a braid.
“You look very pretty,” My dad said.

“Thanks,” I muttered not believing it for a second.

My parents insisted on waiting with me until Will came. It was their nephew for Christ’s sake. It’s not like it was a date or anything.

Will arrived at 7:04. We left the house by 7:06. We got to the party by 7:32.

“You okay?” He asked me..

“I’m fine. Just not used to everything,” I laughed.
“You’ll be fine. You got your big cousin to protect you!” He smiled. I couldn’t help but smile back.

In the party Will went to go get himself a drink and abandoning me by the stairs. He hasn’t come back for at least fifteen minutes. I kept looking at my phone though no one ever texted me. It just made me look cool in scenarios like this one when I looked like a complete loser. The party was packed and people were dancing in the living room. Smoke wafted above everyone’s heads.
“Hey,” a voice said. I looked up and it was Peter, Will’s awkward best friend.

“Hello,” I smiled politely.

“You look awfully lonely,” He said trying to be smooth. “Would you like to dance?” He asked as the song changed to some song with fast bass beat. I wasn’t sure I knew how to dance to this and I was definitely sure Peter didn’t know how to either.

“Um,” I said not sure of what to say. He took this as a yes and grabbed my hand. He started dancing around me oddly. Was this a joke? I just bit my lip and swayed back and forth awkwardly. He smiled at me, clearly enjoying himself. I endured dancing with him until the song ended while I’m sure people laughed at us.
“I have to pee,” I said as I ran upstairs to the bathroom. The door was unlocked so I opened it to find Ryan Malone sitting on the tub smoking a cigarette.

“I’m sorry,” I said turning around.

“No. You can use it. Just had to escape the craziness down there. Plus smoking near a window is more polite then in the living room,” He smiled at me. The only time I ever felt dazzled was A.) When I read Twilight for the first time and Edward Cullen was introduced and B.) When he smiled down at me.
“Dammit you stole my plan,” I joked.

“You’re welcome to join,” He said gesturing to the tubs ledge. I remembered Will’s warning earlier and I wanted to disobey it.

“I should go find my cousin,” I squirmed uncomfortably.

“Will McIntyre?” He asked raising his eyebrow.

“Yea,” I nodded.

“You don’t strike me as being related to him,” He said as he leaned against the sink taking a drag of his cigarette. “You’re too nice.”

“Will is really nice,” I defended standing in the doorway. I felt my voice become louder.

“I’m sure he’s a sweetheart,” He said sarcastically.

“I’m sure you’re just an asshole,” I said immediately wishing I could take that back. He got really close to my face after I said this and just smiled. The cigarette stench was overbearing now.

“We all can’t be charming,” He said as he looked behind me and I turned my head to see my cousin Will standing there angry.

“Is he bothering you?” Will asked.

“No. Let’s go.” I was now trying to avoid a fight.

“Of course you’re already putting the moves on my cousin and she’s only been here a day! How ridiculous Malone!” Will started shouting.

“Nothing happened, Will. Come on,” I said grabbing him by his forearm.

“Watch yourself, Malone,” He said as we walked away and Ryan just took another drag of his cigarette.
♠ ♠ ♠
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Hope you enjoyed!

Meeting the Malone's next chapter!

- M