Status: as much as my fingers can type

The Lion Hearted Coward

Polish Blue Eyes

Blue eyes, blue eyes, that stare at me with a smile smeared with potential.

Screaming, "Oh hey, I want you." Or so I think.

Days turned to weeks.

Ding ding, it's begun.

The chase to want you more, to want me more, till it's at it's peak; we don't want each other anymore.

No chase. No want. Just fear. For me at least.

I'm sorry.

Boy with the Polish blue eyes, that held me close to the highs like Sammy and the smoke that escaped his troubled lips.

Polish boy, I'm sorry.

It's "fake plastic" want.

"...and it wears me out, it wears me out. If I can be who you wanted."

And so I repeat this to myself. A cycle I can't escape.

Fear to love.
♠ ♠ ♠
This makes me angry - at myself.