Oh Brother

Chapter 1

New school, new life, and soon to be new parents. I've had so many sets, I've given up on calling them mom and dad and just refer to them by the name they signed to the papers before they got me. I'm an orphan, always have been, probably always will be. It used to bother me but now it's just water under the bridge.

Moving has become a regular thing for me, I don't even bother unpacking. I've had about fifteen different homes since I was three. Maybe more but numbers don't matter here. Hey! Don't try to pen this on me. I was a good kid. Fabulous to be exact. I tried so hard to do right, every time a family sent me back they gave the same excuse. And I quote, 'She gives the family a bad vibe.'

Like, what in the fuck does that mean anyway? You don't want me because I make you nervous? How does a three year old make someone nervous? Any way, I've never stayed in the same place for than a year or so. I'll be sixteen in a couple of months so that is about right.

The people at the orphanage said that this time I'll have an older brother and younger sister. I've had so many brothers and sisters it's not even funny. The last house I live in, I shared a room with a bitch named Samantha. I said bitch because that's exactly what she was. She was always complaining about every little thing I did and when we were in school, she made sure her little friends irritated me. Like I said, bitch.

I'm sitting in the tiny, enclosed, waiting room waiting on my 'parents' to finish signing the paperwork. For some reason it has always smelled like chalk in here. I rolled my eyes and groaned aloud. I don't know why they're wasting their time. They're just going to send me back the second I 'give them a bad vibe.' I'm just waiting on my eighteenth birthday so I can be done with this foster care bullshit.

I've got a dream. It's a pretty shitty one but its mine. Its the only thing people can't take from me. I know it's cliché but my dream is to be a singer. I'm no Taylor Swift and country isn't my thing but I will blow her blond ass away. I'm more of a free style singer, I rap a little too. You may as well believe it because my story wont change.

"Lovey?" My social worker, Rachel Wilson, said opening the door. She's a nice, British woman, pretty too. too bad she can't handle finding me a good and stable home. Its like this is her last chance before she just has to give up. I looked up and met her blue eyes. Her blond hair is heavily curled today. She only curls her hair when she needs luck. She smiled down at me. "They're ready for you." She stated.

"Obviously nobody is ready for Lovey Wright." I rolled my eyes. "If they were, I'd be somewhere living a happy life with a prosthetic family." I said sarcastically. This time she rolled her eyes at me.

"If you go in with that attitude I'd send your ass back too." I started to roll my eyes at her again but then that would start the war. We did a poll on who rolls their eyes more. The results were inconclusive. I'm not joking either.

"No," I said pretending to think. "I believe I developed this attitude after house number six." She sighed and walked into the small room making it feel even smaller. She flopped down in the seat next to me.

"You know my job is on the line right?" She asked not looking at me. I nodded my head.

"I figured that much." I said shrugging. "These people are mine and your last hope." She nodded her head and sighed again.

"They seem much different from the other families you've been with." She said finally meeting my eye. She looked at me with positivity and hope. She is trying to stay positive for her- and well for me. She's the only thing positive in my life other than my singing. I mean I'm no good in school, I can't draw, so why not sing and dance?

"How so?" I asked turning to her. "I guarantee they'll find something wrong with me send me back." She didn't say anything for a few minutes. When you're in this business, you deal with many children and a lot of cases. I already know she's trying to remember exact things that they discussed.

"When they saw your profile on the site, they saw how many time you had been brought back." She said. "When they called me and insisted on adopting you, I objected at first. I didn't want to put you through another move." She paused for a moment. "When I met them for the first time, I knew they were perfect for you. I even showed them the video's of you at the talent shows." I shrugged not minding people seeing my talent.

"How are they perfect for me though?" I asked seriously. "I've never heard you say any shit like that." I laughed. She mumbled something about me having a dirty mouth but I couldn't hear every word.

"They act like you in many ways." She said sounding shocked.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I huffed at her. She waved her hand in the air indicating for me to shut up.

"Not like that stupid," She said jokingly. "I mean they're so mysterious and quiet and they move so lightly on their feet just like you. They also have great hearing and an amazing sense of smell." She admitted. "They seem to think that they can handle anything and that you would go nicely with the family." What am I? A side dish? I mentally slap myself for my childish thoughts. I need to get in game mode.

I tugged at my ear trying to get rid of my nervousness. That is what I would do when I was nervous as a child, I would pull on my ear until it passed, its just something I grew accustomed to. I haven't been nervous in years! The last time I was nervous, I was on house number four. "I haven't seen you do this in years." Rachel said pointing to my rapidly moving hand. I snatched my hand down quickly.

"Shut up," I said. "Remind me not to do that in front of them." I muttered. "I look retarded." She smiled weakly at me.

"You don't look retarded." She said. I looked at her with a raise brow. "OK, I'm sorry," She said. "You do look a little off." She said giving me that oops look. I smacked her arm and laughed.

"Thanks for the confidence boost Sara." I said still laughing. She smiled sheepishly at me.

"I didn't mean it like that-" She tried to explain. I cut her off though.

"Rach, you know it's really hard to offend me." I reminded her. "I've been called everything in the book. I'd rather hear you tell me that than some stranger."

"Are you ready to meet them?" She asked sounding and looking anxious. She started to sweat a little. I rolled my eyes at her.

"You're handing off a kid, not selling a car." I said with a laugh. She glared at me.

"You got nervous before I did." She said with a snooty voice.

"What ever," I retorted. "I could smell your fear the second you walked in the door." She laughed and pulled me up out of the chair. There was only about four feet of space between us. I resisted the urge to rub at my ear again and held my hands firmly beside me.

"How do I look?" I asked Rachel nervously. God what is wrong with me? I'm acting like I'm meeting famous rock stars or something! They're just another group of people who will ignore me.

"You look like you could use a hug." She said wrapping her arms around my tiny body tightly. I pushed her off me a little.

"Whoa," I gasped. "This is serious business. You haven't hugged me like that since I was nine." My mood faltered a bit and this time I couldn't resist the urge to rub. Age nine is not a time I want to remember and I am not bringing any emotions to the surface. That will only land me in therapy for the next six weeks. No time for that again.

"I'm just going to miss you." She said getting a little teary eyed. I laughed at her emotions and wrapped an arm around her waist.

"What's there to miss about me?" I asked pretending I didn't know. We headed towards the door and I smiled as she started naming off things that she will miss.

"I'm going to miss the way you interrupt every phone call I ever got while you were in my office," She said. "I'm going to miss finding your gum under my desk, not really though." She laughed. "I'm going to miss the way you sang while you waited for your appointment. I'm going to miss that voice all together." I popped the collar of my shirt dramatically.

"I'll send you a post card when I make it big." I said with a cocky voice. She rolled her eyes and laughed. I'm seriously going to miss Rachel, I'm not going to say that because every time I say it I end up sitting in her office again. This time I'm just going to shut the fuck up and let it ride.

We walked into a larger waiting room, there were only two people present and by the way they are chatting anxiously, I can tell they are my new 'family.' I have to quote everything because I've heard it so many times it has lost its meaning to me. My definition of family: A temporary group of people who will pretend to love you, then stab you in the back.

I'm not going to lie, these are like the most gorgeous people I've ever seen. The woman is tall, dark-haired and she has stunning green eyes. She has a sweet motherly face and the most angelic smile I've ever seen other than my own. The man also has dark hair, it is lighter than the woman's though, more brown than black. His eyes are a light brown color. He has that fatherly look, like he demands order. He's not a small guy, he has to weigh at least three hundred pounds, but its all muscle.

These people are in shape, god I bed their dieting freaks. I bet they only let their kids eat shit like celery and rice and they probably do yoga. They look like the type to get together and have family exercises. I swear if they really do that I'll shoot myself.

For some reason I am intimidated by the man, its like he radiates power and it makes me want to run away but he also shows protection and love. If I hadn't seen that I would have thought I were being sent to army boot camp. Shit I cant be sure yet.

"Lovey," Rachel said when we got to the couple. "This is Zev and Blair Blackwood." When they got up to walk you didn't hear it. There were no shoes scuffing the floor, and you couldn't hear the sound of clothing moving like you usually would. They walked slowly and silently to stand in front of me. I took a deep breath and prepared my usual introduction.

"Hi," I said more shyly than I intended. "I'm- uh- Lovey Wright," I stuttered out. "I p-promise I wont be any trouble." I said sincerely. They smiled broadly at me.

"It is nice to meet you Lovey," Zev said. "I'm sure you will fit in nicely."

"And sweetie," Blair said getting my attention. "We have a son, we're not worried about you causing any trouble." I smiled at her unintentionally. These people have a weird effect on me, I though as my nervousness kicked in again. I may be smiling but inside I'm like suffocating in nervousness. I feel like I need to prove myself to them and I feel like I need them to accept me.

I began to tug at my ear furiously. "No need to be nervous." Blair said touching my arm. As soon as her skin made contact with mine I was calmed. I don't know how I calmed down that quickly but I'm glad I did. My ear is almost raw.

"How did you know I was nervous?" I asked with a shaky voice. The three adults laughed before the Zev answered.

"Besides that your voice is as shaky as a stripper," He mumbled lowly. I laughed to myself seeing that at least one of them has a sense of humor. "Our son does the same thing." I looked around curiously realizing that their children hadn't tagged along.

"Oh they're waiting for us at home," Blair said solving my little investigation. "They are extremely excited." Why are they excited that their parents got another kid? If I were a normal kid I wouldn't want some stranger coming in sucking up all the attention.

"Why?" I asked shock filling my voice. They looked at me and seemed to smile bigger and brighter.

"Because you're family of course." They said together. I chuckled lightly but kept my thoughts about family to myself. Nobody wants to hear my pointless ranting anyway.

"I hate to seem like I'm rushing," Rachel said looking disappointed. "But I have a meeting I have to get to." She turned to me and frowned. "I'll see you later OK?" I nodded my head a little. She leaned over and kissed my forehead. Before I could say anything, she flew out of the closest exit indicating that she is probably late for her meeting.

I turned and looked at my new parents. They don't seem too bad, they actually seem pretty cool. Maybe Rachel is right, maybe they are different from the other families I've been with. I do feel like I fit in a little with them, even through my nervousness. I guess I just wasn't expecting to find people who remind me of myself.

"You ready?" Zev asked pulling out the keys to his Bentley and smiling sneakily. For a moment he didn't even look like an adult, he looked like a teenage boy ready to have some fun. I chuckled and nodded my head at them.

"I think so." I smiled sheepishly.

"Great!" They said in unison. Blair linked her arm through mine and we headed for the door. "Your stuff is already in the car." Blair said when I looked at her with confusion. She smiled brightly at me. "You my beautiful girl, are now a Blackwood." I smiled genuinely at her. None of the other families even offered me their names. I think I'm going to like this. I thought as we jumped into the expensive car.
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First chapter, yay! Please leave feedback and tell me if there is something wrong about the story. I love getting your comments, no matter how they sound. lol. Please help a young girl become a better writer. lol