Oh Brother

Chapter 2

We pulled up at a cozy, two-story home in the country. I consider the country a place surrounded by woods. There are no city lights or busy high ways. It's just quiet peaceful country. It seriously looks like one of those houses in a movies. It's a solid white house with blue shutters. There is a wrap around porch and balcony. There is a chain link fence wrapped around the house. When I stepped out of the car, I saw an enormous, black dog in the corner of the yard.

I'm not talking your average sized pooch, this dog is twice the size of the biggest dog I've ever seen. I'm only 5'4 and the damn dog is bigger than me! "What kind of dog is that?" I asked curiously not taking my eyes from the scary, yet beautiful beast in the yard. They chuckled and looked down at me.

"A very special kind." Blair said. As we approached the fence the dog got up and stalked towards us. My body tensed up and I could feel myself getting nervous again. I froze and rubbed at my ear. The large dog stopped and cocked his head to the side, he looked at me curiously with large green eyes. They strangely resemble Blair.

He looked from me to the adults and back to me again. "Great." I mumbled still tugging at my ear. "Now the dog thinks I'm crazy too." Blair and Zev snickered and shook their heads at me.

"He's looking at you like that because the action is familiar to him." Zev said. The dog barked as clarification. I'm not going to lie, I've never heard a dog with a bark like his. It startled me so much I fell on my ass. The dog started making funny noises and when I looked up he appeared to be laughing. His lips are pulled back and I can see every one of those three-inch long teeth.

"What are you laughing at?" I growled at the dog. He stopped laughing instantly and just stared at me. "I pulled myself up off of the ground and dusted my pants off. I looked up at Blair and Zev. "What's the puppies name?" I asked emphasizing puppy. He growled and seemed to glare at me. Blair laughed aloud then covered her mouth.

"We named him after our son." Blair said slowly. "His name is Rafe." I turned and looked back at the dog. Something inside me liked taunting him. I feel like I need to prove myself to the damn dog too! Oh, well.

"That's a nice name," I said seriously. "For a puppy." I chuckled. That only earned me another growl from Rafe. I felt satisfied after that. "I'm just kidding Rafey." I said sticking my fingers between the metal of the fence. He ran up and licked my fingers. "Whoa!" I yelled jerking my hand back. When his tongue made contact with my skin it felt like electricity surging through me.

I saw Zev shift nervously. Why is he nervous? "What was that?" I asked looking up at them. They looked down at me with masks of confusion.

"What was what?" Zev asked looking around with confusion. They booth looked truly lost so I decided not to put myself out there. They may think I have the hots for their dog, gross.

"Never mind." I said absently. "Should I grab my things?" I asked looking over my shoulder back at the shiny, black, Bentley. I don't really have much, every time I left a house, I left everything they gave me there. They always said I could keep it, but whats the fucking point in collecting shit from people who rejected you? I've got a few bags of things that Rachel bought me, nothing special.

"No we'll get Rafe to grab them." Zev replied quickly. I laughed aloud.

"Which one?" I asked grinning from ear to ear. They rolled their eyes at me and laughed. Blair nudged me a bit and smiled. I can tell she is a playful person. I really like them a lot already which is surprising. I already feel some sort of attachment tothem- and the dog. This is completely new to me and almost scary! I don't get attached to things easily, but I've been with these people for two hours and I'm already silently praying that they don't send me back.

"Our son silly." She said. I nodded my head knowingly and they opened the fence.

As soon as I stepped in, the dog jumped on me. He put his front paws on my shoulders and pushed me to the ground. His body completely covers mine and he is hovering over me, staring at me with those miraculous eyes. His paws are still on my chest but it feels like he's making himself lighter so he doesn't hurt me. I felt the odd tingling through my shirt.

"Rafe." Zev warned. Rafe looked up and met his eye then looked back down at me. It almost looked as if he were saying something to Zev. He licked my entire face in one quick swipe and jumped off me.

"Gross!" I yelled pulling wiping my face on my shirt. "Dog slobber!" Rafe started making the laughing noise again and he rolled around on the ground belly up. I laughed and scratched his stomach. He let out a low growl of satisfaction.

"Let us show you to your room." Blair suggested after a few moments. I nodded my head and stood up. Rafe jumped up with me and walked with me to the porch. When Zev opened the door her flew past me and up the stairs.

"Where is he going?" I asked curiously. They both shrugged.

"Probably to get Rafe." Blair said. I nodded my head and stepped into the house behind them. I looked around and I am completely mesmerized by their house. We are standing in a very spacious living room, the floors are hardwood and the walls are white. there is navy blue, satin curtains hanging on the windows.

There is a giant flat screen hanging on the wall and there are hundreds of games and movies in the shelves built into the walls. There is also a large bookshelf in one of the walls, I'll have to check out their selection later. I wonder if they read anything good. By the looks of it, everything they own is awesome! "Wow." I whispered looking around the house.

There is a spiral staircase in the middle of the floor, I could see the kitchen across the hall in front of us. There are a few more doors leading to other parts of the house. It looks like an adventure, literally. "Do you like it?" Blair asked skeptically. I nodded my head and smiled at her.

"I honestly love-" I was cut off by the sound of a little girl laughing hysterically then I heard the sweetest male voice ever. I turned and looked at the stairs and waited to see what or who would walk down. A tall boy with dark hair came down the stairs holding a giggly brown-haired little girl. She looks maybe five but I can't be sure.

"Here are the kids now," Blair said excitedly. "Sweetie bring your sister over here." She said to who I assume to be Rafe. He looked up smiling, and I saw his full features. He is a few years older than me, I know. He has a little facial hair and a strong, masculine face. He has the same green eyes as Blair and the dog, Rafey. I cant go around calling them both the same thing. I have to give their pet, a pet name.

He really works out. He is wearing a tight, long-sleeved black shirt and I can see everything. I mean EVERYTHING! His body is like perfectly made, and god he has the perfect smile. I watched him as he walked over. I swear I see how those guys feel when the chick is like moving in super slow motion, or at least you think so.

"Hey!" He yelled snapping his fingers in my face. I came back to reality and realized I had stared at him the entire time. "I asked you what your name is." He said smirking at me. I felt myself getting nervous again, but I tried to resist the urge to rub my ear. I then realized I couldn't answer unless I relieved myself in some way.

My hand shot up and I rubbed my ear vigorously. "Lovey." I said looking down at the floor. I just make myself look retarded in front of my hot brother. Oh god! I think my new brother is hot! Is there something wrong with that?

He smiled and grabbed my hand lightly and quickly pulled it away from my ear. I felt the same tingling sensation I felt when his dog licked me. Maybe its just my nerves or something. I'm not really used to being touched.

"Don't be nervous." He said soothingly. His voice is so soft and sweet I had no choice but to calm down. I smiled weakly at him but I didn't look him in they eye. I don't need another drooling, deaf moment. "I'm Rafe and this is my little sister Rudi."

The little girl is utterly adorable. She has curly brown hair and cute little dimples. She has Zev's blue eyes and she looks more like him than she does Blair. She squealed and leaped expertly into my arms. She wrapped her arms around my neck and snuggled herself against me. "I've always dreamed of having a big sister." She whispered in my ear. I felt my heart leap, something I haven't felt in a long time.

This is the first time I've ever been accepted by an entire family of people. Usually one of the kids has something to say about me before they even speak to me. Is this what being loved feels like? I'm not really sure how love feels. I thought I knew at one point but after years of getting false love, I'm not even sure what it means. "It's nice to meet you." I finally said after hugging the little girl for a few moment.

"I hope you'll excuse me," He started, he gave me this look that I'm not sure what it means. It's like he squinted his eyes at me a little. Almost like he is trying to be- well sexy. "I have to grab your bags from the car." He leaned in close my ear on the opposite side of his sister and parents.

"Welcome to the family," He said. His lips brushed against my ear lightly. My body tensed up as the electrical sparks flowed down the side of my neck. "Sis." he smirked before he darted out of the house. What is up with him and that damn dog? Where in the hell is that damn dog? I don't hear any sign of playful animal in the house.

I put Rudi on the floor so I wouldn't drop her. Zev chuckled knowingly and disappeared towards the kitchen. "I'm going to make us some drinks." He announced aloud.

"Come on," Blair nodded towards the stairs. "We'll show you to your room." We headed up the stairs and entered a hallway lined with doors. "Rafe helped set your room up," She said. "I hope you like it. He worked hours trying to make it perfect."

She opened the door to a room with a sign on it. It said Lovey's Place painted in graffiti. I chuckled and stepped in behind her. The room is painted black and there are rainbow music notes painted on everywhere. The room is pretty huge honestly. My bed queen sized bed is in the corner of the room, covered by a purple blanket.

There is a computer desk on the opposite side, fully stocked with a laptop, Ipod, digital camera, and a cellphone. There is a radio next to the desk and a door leading to the bathroom beside us. "You guys didn't have to do so much." I stated absently.

"Why not?" She asked sounding a little baffled. I rolled my eyes at her but refrained from being rude.

"Nobody ever keeps me." I said lowly. "I don't expect it to change." She smiled brightly at me and pulled me into a hug. She rubbed my back gently and lovingly.

"Once we give you the Blackwood name, there is no getting rid of it." She said seriously. "We're not gong to send you back,Lovey." I looked down at the floor and avoided her eyes.

"How do you know?" I asked glancing at her.

"Because we all love you already," She said. i gasped a little and covered my mouth. "Rudi really needs an older sister. If it were just her and Rafe, she'd probably grow up to be a tom boy. She already plays tackle football with him and your father. And Rafe need someone who he can talk to, he needs someone who he can relate to."

"And that's me?" I asked with a laugh. "How can he relate to me? The Little Orphan Lovey?" She smiled weakly at me and patted me on the back.

"You'll see soon enough just how much you have in common." She said. I tried to think about what that meant but as soon as she finished talking, Rafe came walking into my room carrying all of my things. He smiled at me as he caught my eye. Every time he looks at me it feels like all the air is being sucked from my lungs.

He put the bags down in the closet, and came and stood close too me. Not too close that I am uncomfortable, just close enough for me to know that he is there. "I hear you like to sing." He said staring at the side of my face. I rubbed my ear lightly.

"Um- yea." I said trying to stay calm.

"How do you perform if your always this nervous?" He asked smirking at me a little. I turned and glared at him.

"I'm usually not this nervous." I admitted. "I didn't sleep much last night, so I'm a little jumpy." I lied. I slept like a fucking baby last night! I wasn't even nervous about meeting them until a few minutes before. He nodded his head and gave me that 'Sure you didn't' face. Blair chuckled a bit.

"I'll leave you two to get to know each other a bit," She said to me. She turned and gave Rafe a death glare. "Be nice." She mumbled to him. He chuckled and shooed her out of the room. When she made it downstairs, he closed my door and slowly turned around.

His eyes showed something I'm not too familiar with but it makes my skin tingle. He slowly took a step towards me. I don't know what is going on and I'm not sure if I should run or not. I watched the rise and fall of his muscled chest. I closed my eyes moments before he reached me.

I could feel the heat radiating from his body and it made me shiver in what i think is pleasure. I've never felt anything like this so I wouldn't know exactly what it feels like. He smells like the woods and I have to admit, its heavenly. I felt his breath against the side of my neck, and I stopped breathing.

I opened my eyes to see him staring me right in the face. His appear darker and glazed over. Something that sounded like a growl erupted from his chest and before I knew it I was pinned against the wall and his lips were wrapped around mine. He kissed me hungrily and I was so shocked I didn't know whether to kiss him back. His lips are so soft though.

He ran his warm tongue along the crease of my lip, I moaned unintentionally and he took the chance to stick his tongue in. After a few moment of restraining, I finally gave in. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he picked me up and wrapped my legs around him. He pressed his body firmly to mine and another moan escaped my lips.

When we separated we were both breathing heavily. He smiled down at me and pecked my lips. He put me back on the floor and leaned in to whisper in my ear again. "Don't tell mom." He said with a demanding voice that had me automatically shaking my head. I don't know what just happened between me and my 'brother' but I know I liked it. This may be a huge problem in the future.