Oh Brother

Chapter 3

"Lovey?" Rafe said as he ran his fingers gently through my brown locks. I've been here for a week and everything has gone smooth, besides Rafe and me sneaking around behind his parents back. We're not having sex or any shit like that, neither of us are ready, but we're completely attached at the hip. Everywhere Rafe goes, Lovey goes.

The only time we are away from each other is when we sleep and for a few hours through out the day, just to keep his parents suspicions from rising. Come to think of it, I rarely see the dog around unless Rafe isn't. I guess Rafey is trying to take me away to his doggy kingdom in the woods.

Blair is completely clueless about why we're so close. She thinks we are just developing a brother/sister bond. I don't know any siblings who bond like we do. I know that Zev knows. He hasn't said anything to me yet, but I don't know what he and Rafe talk about when they lock themselves in his office.

Rudi and I are like real sisters. She gets into my things, I yell at her, she cries, I apologize. She waits a few hours and does it again. I was right about her age, she's five. She's always talking about how sweet Rafe is and how he is an amazing big brother. She's actually right. Once you get past the cocky attitude, there's a sweet, gentle, loving person underneath.

He opens doors for me, pulls out my chair, he's a romantic to be honest. He's all about making me feel good about myself. I have never felt this good about myself. He's taking me shopping tomorrow. I don't know how we're going to act in public. Am I his sister or am I his girlfriend? That question remains unanswered. Maybe he's wondering the same thing.

"Hmm?" I groaned sleepily and peaked at him. He looked looks like he has something on his mind. His lips are wrinkled like he's trying to think. "What is it Rafe?" I asked letting my eyes drift back closed. He didn't say anything for a few minutes and I started to doze off.

"Why do you cry in your sleep?" He asked hesitantly. My boy tensed up and my eyes shot open. I looked at him a little befuddled. OK I was a lot befuddled, I could feel my eyes popping out of my head. This is not something I want to reveal. At least not yet.

"What?" I asked in utter shock. I thought I got out of that phase a long fucking time ago! My fucking past is coming back to haunt me and its going to fuck everything up!

"I hear you at night." He whispered with a concerned voice. My heart was beating ten times faster than normal and I started to pull at my ear but I stopped myself. I need to get control of this. I had control of it for many years before and now my nervousness comes back full-blown in the week I've been her. I can't lie about shit around this place!

"What do I say?" I asked not wanting to meet his eyes. I can't look at him.

"You beg." He said and his voice cracked. I glanced over at him and saw that his eyes were getting watery. Is Rafe really crying in front of his sister/lover right now? I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

"For?" I asked wanting to hear the latest thing I've said in my sleep. The kids at the center would make fun of me every morning for something I said during the night. After house number eight, I rarely got a good night sleep. I haven't slept a full eight hours since I was nine. I could seriously use it though.

"I don't know." He said sadly. "You just say 'please' and 'stop' a lot." He paused for a moment and I can feel him staring at me. Its like his are eyes burning holes into my skin. I am trying to keep my face as expressionless as possible but it's getting hard because I'm getting more and more nervous. "We can talk about it if you want." He said slowly. I opened my eyes hesitantly.

"Rafe-" I said. My voice faltered and I felt tears coming to my eyes, I closed my eyes and pulled at my ear harder than ever. I could feel the burn after only a few seconds then I felt a large burst of pain but I couldn't stop. Rafe grabbed my hand and pulled it away quickly. My fingers are stained with blood and I'm crying. My ear hurts but I still want to pull.

I started trying to fight him for my arm. "Lovey stop~" He pleaded. Through my tears I could see that his face is wet with his own. "You're hurting yourself!" He pulled me tightly into his arms and kissed my forehead.

"We don't have to talk about it today." He said soothingly. I nodded my head knowing that he wouldn't force anything out of me. I trust Rafe but I just don't feel like I should start telling secrets after only a week of being here. "Promise me though," He stopped and waited for me to show him that he had my attention.

"Yea?" I said with a crackling voice. He grabbed my face in his hands and looked at me with burning green eyes. I wanted to look away but I couldn't. Every time he looks at me like this its like he gains control of my body and I become pudding in his hands.

"Promise me that we will talk about one day." He said with concern. My body tensed at his words. "I don't care if its fifty years from now. I just want to be able to help you."

"Nobody can help me." I whimpered and closed my eyes. He kissed my lips gently sending the electric flames through my body. I sighed and relaxed against him. I don't know why I'm so attached to him. I've never been attached to anyone in my life. I've never been given the time to.

"I can help you." He whispered. I want so bad to believe him but what can he really do? My past is my past and nothing can change that. I know I'll have to tell him one day, something in me wants him to know every little thing about me, but something else in me is terrified of what he may think.

After a few minutes I calmed down enough to let him check on my ear. I flipped my hair to the right side of my head. I'm left-handed, meaning that I'm a left puller. Rafe is also a left puller but he seem to be able to control his more than I can. I hissed when his finger came in contact with the wound. "You split your ear." He stated after a moment of examining it.

I gasped and ran into my bathroom. There was blood running down my jaw and I instantly saw what he was talking about. The skin that connects my ear to my jaw is completely disconnected! "Oh god!" I screamed. Rafe hushed me and listened for either Zev or Blair to come running. "I need to have this sewn up!" I whisper yelled. He rolled his eyes at me.

"Come here." He said spinning me around. I gasped when he latched his mouth onto my wounded ear. He swirled his tongue around the wound. I would be disgusted if it didn't feel so damn good. I bit my lip and enjoyed the feeling of his warm tongue against my skin.

When he finally pulled away, the sore was still there but the skin had somehow reconnected itself in his mouth. I gasped and touched my ear gently. "What did you do?" I asked turning to him. He shrugged his shoulders.

"Spit heals." He said smirking at me. Yea I've heard that before but I've never seen it do any shit like this. Before I could say anything he kissed me and made me forget what I was even thinking. I wrapped my fingers in his thick dark hair. I felt him smile against my lips so I decided to take it as mine. I grabbed his bottom lip with my teeth and bit down.

"Mine." I growled without letting go.

Rafe groaned and lifted me up on the bathroom counter. He caressed my thigh until I couldn't hold back the moan in my throat. I had to release his lip. "Possessive aren't we?" He asked with that cocky grin. I returned the smile.

"Maybe." I said biting my lip. He let out a lustful growl at about the same time that someone knocked on my door. We quickly moved away from each other. I adjusted my clothes and he did the same. "Come in!" I yelled. The door swung open slowly and Zev walked in.

When he looked at me his eyes got big. "What happened?!" He whisper yelled trying not to draw Blair's attention from downstairs. He looked from me to Rafe and then he did it again but when his eyes landed on Rafe the second time he looked furious. "Rafe, what did you do?" He growled walking towards him.

"He didn't do anything." I said stepping between them. "We were talking and I got nervous." I admitted. "I pulled a little harder than I anticipated." He breathed a sigh of relief. Why does everyone think that Rafe will hurt me? The first day I was here, his mother warned him to be nice. I've also heard him and his father talking and Zev said something about him being careful with me.

"What makes you think that?" Rafe asked looking at his father with disgust. Zev shook his head.

"This is not the time, nor the place Rafe." Zev warned. Rafe laughed sarcastically and ran his fingers through his hair. I could feel his frustration toward his father.

"Why does everyone think I'm going to hurt her?" He asked ignoring his father's warning. "Why would I do anything to hurt her, she's my-" He hesitated for a minute. "My sister." Zev's face had turned red and he was shaking.

"You know why Rafe." Zev growled. "Now shut your mouth before you say something you will regret." Rafe growled and punched his fist through the mirror in the corner. I yelped and jumped as glass flew in various directions. Rafe looked at me apologetically and ran out of the bathroom. I heard my bedroom door slam as he went out.

"Is there something I need to know?" I asked eyeing Zev. He shook his head and shrugged his shoulders at the same time.

"Are you sure?" I asked putting on a little pressure. I saw him start to sweat a little before he composed himself.

"Rafe just doesn't know when to stop." He said. "He gets out of control sometimes." I shrugged my shoulders at him.

"He seems to be in control when we're together." I retorted. "He's never lost it in front of me until today." He spoke quickly.

"Your his-" He hesitated just like his son had. "Sister, maybe you are what keeps him calm and in control of his anger." Is there like some hidden meaning behind the word sister? The way they say it, it sound like they have something to hide. I know they have something to hide, I can feel it. We all have our secrets and they will be found out one way or another.

I nodded my head like I agreed with him. "Well, I think I'm going to hit the hay." I said faking a yawn. "Rafe is taking me to the mall." I paused for a moment. "Is there a spending limit that I should know about before I go?" He shook his head, no.

"You're a Blackwood now," He smiled. "There are no limits for Blackwood's." He walked over and kissed my forehead lightly before tuning and walking out of my room. When I knew he was gone I sighed and then remembered the glass scattered across the floor.

"Oh yea," I mumbled. "Leave the orphan to clean up the mess." I sat around waiting for Rafe for a bit. I have to admit, I'm worried. After about an hour of pacing I decided to give up. I ran downstairs and grabbed a broom. When I walked in my room my heart nearly fell out of my ass! (A/N: This is the type of stuff my grandma would say. Lol) Rafe is sitting on my bed and he has blood on his knuckles. He's wearing different clothes then he was before.

I walked slowly over to him and kneeled down in front of him. He has cried and he obviously took his aggression out on something or someone. I doubt that though, there are no people for miles. Before I could say anything, he was on the floor with me. "I'm sorry." He said with a heartbreaking voice. I felt tears coming to my eyes.

"Why are you sorry?" I asked confused. "You didn't do anything wrong." He shook his head and his face turned red with pain.

"I always manage to do something wrong!" He growled through clenched teeth. I jumped a little at his tone but I know I can't be afraid of him. He has never tried to hurt me or force me to do anything. This is the first time since I've been here that he's raised his voice at me. "I'm sorry for letting you see me like that." I was shaking my head before he finished talking.

"You have nothing to be sorry for," I objected. "Zev shouldn't have come in here assuming that you had done something to me." I paused for a minute and debated on asking him the next question. "Rafe?" I said lowly. He looked up at me with puffy red eyes. "Why does everyone think you will hurt me?" I asked. He froze up for a minute but I barely noticed.

"I have anger issues." He said looking away from me. "When I get mad, I lose control. The beast takes over and I just have to get away and if I can't get away, I tend to get a little rough." I pulled his bloody hands into mine.

"I trust you Rafael." I stated honestly. "I know you would never do anything to hurt me." I leaned in and pecked his lips. "Now what did you do to your hands?" I asked turning my attention to his bloodied knuckles.

"I had a run in with a tree." he mumbled. I chuckled playfully.

"Who won?" I asked playfully. He rolled his eyes and grinned at me.

"The tree was victorious tonight." He sighed and smiled at me. I started to laugh and he pulled me into a hug. "Thank you." He whispered kissing the top of my head.

"For what?" I asked pulling away from him. He smiled genuinely at me.

"For not judging me." He said. "Every one I meet or talk to judges me. You're the first person to ever accept me for who I am." I know exactly what he's talking about. It gets frustrating always having someone find point out a flaw or tell you that there is something wrong with you.

"I think you're perfect." I said softly. My words are met by his laughter.

"I'm far from perfect Lovey." he chuckled. Why do you think we live here?" I shrugged my shoulders.

"Because its peaceful?" I asked to only to have him laugh again. "OK," I mumbled. "Wrong answer."

"We live out in these woods because I cant handle the city life." He said. "When we were there, I was constantly getting into fights. Most of those fights ended badly and I ended up with a lot of charges against me." He fell silent for a moment. "I'm supposed to be in prison." He said.

"You couldn't have possibly been that bad." I said giving him the benefit of the doubt.

"I'm not good with many people," he said rubbing his ear for the first time today. "I like to hang out with a few people but it's not like I surround myself in people."

"Why do you hang out with me?" I asked after a moment. Since the day I got here, I have wondered what makes him even talk to me. I expected him to hate me like everyone else does. I just don't see why someone like him, is so interested in someone like me.

He looked me in my eyes with an emotionless face. "Do you want a lie or the truth?" He asked after a few seconds. I rolled my eyes at him.

"I think I've had my share of lives for one lifetime." I joked. I saw pain flash across his face then it vanished as quickly as it came.

"I love you." He said blankly still not showing any emotions. I felt a pang in my chest as my heart started racing.

"What?!" I blurted out. He shrugged his shoulders.

"You said you wanted the truth, and the truth is, I love you." My head started spinning, Rafe just said he loves me! How can he already love me? I don't know how I feel about him because I don't really know how to feel. I sat there gaping at the young man in front of me. I looked into his eyes and I know he is telling the truth.

"I love you too." I replied. I didn't realize I had said the words until they left my lips. I knew the moment that I said it, I meant it. Rafe sat there smiling brightly at me.

"You love me?" He asked still grinning. I nodded my head and smiled back at him. "She loves me." He said jumping up. He is smiling harder than I've ever seen him smile. He picked me up and swung me around in circles, both of us were laughing. When he stopped, he smashed his lips to mine while holding my body gently against his.

He pulled away from me and smiled shyly. "Lovey?" He said. I looked into his eyes.

"Yes, Rafe?" I replied. He hesitated a bit but the he looked at me with confidence and power.

"Lovey, will you be my girlfriend?" He said with a wide grin spread across his face.