Oh Brother

Chapter 4

Rafe just asked me to be his girlfriend Too bad my mouth isn't functioning enough to tell him my answer! He's standing here staring at me, waiting. Waiting for me to either accept him or deny him, I can't do either because it seems that my mouth and my brain have gone on hiatus.

His smile disappeared from his face and his happiness is replaced with worry. "Lovey, I need you to answer me." He said sternly. I tried to speak but my words only came out as soft, inaudible, whimpers. "What?" He asked scrunching his face up with confusion.

I still couldn't get my mouth to work so I did the only thing I found fit to give him an answer. I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and crushed my lips to his. He reacted by placing his hand on the small of my back and pulled me closer to him. "Is that a yes?" He asked between kisses. I nodded my head and smiled against his lips.

He squeezed me into a hug. "Thank you." He whispered softly against my hair.

"For what?" I asked. I felt him smiling, his body radiating happiness as he gripped me tighter.

"Loving me back." He said. This time I smiled. We stood there holding each other for what seemed like hours. "So this is forever, right?" He asked finally breaking the silence. I pulled away and looked at him.

"Can you see us together forever?" I asked him. I really want to know the answer to this question. I can see myself being with him forever but I still don't understand why he wants me. I'm an orphan who has never had anything worth anything. I'm not good at anything but singing and dancing. It's not like I'll ever be smart enough to get into college. Rafe is the smart one, Rudi too. I'm just Lovey.

Rafe smiled at me and his eyes were glistening with love. He pulled me down onto my bed and hovered over me. "I know I'll love you forever." He whispered planting a kiss on my lips. "I'll love you until the day that my heart stops beating." He said running his lips down my jaw. "I want to marry you Lovey." I felt that fluttering in my heart again, this is what real love feels like.

"You do?" I whispered sounding a bit shocked. He traced my collar-bone with his lips, I feel electrical shock flowing through me. Its like the longer I'm around him, the stronger my attraction gets.

"Yes." He said looking up at me loving eyes. "Lovey, I've never loved anything or anyone like I love you." He paused for a moment. "It's hard for me to love things." He stated. "When I do find something I love, I can't let it go."

"Am I the only girl you've ever loved?" I asked him hesitantly. His brow furrowed and he wrinkled his lip. He didn't say anything. I touched his face gently, he closed his eyes and sighed like my touch gives him pleasure. "Please." I whispered softly. I don't know why I feel the need to know this. I just feel like its something I should know. He opened his eyes and stared at me.

"No, and yes." He said. When he said yes, I felt a pain through my heart, like that simple answer cut me deeply. I closed my eyes and tried to hold off the tears threatening to escape my lids. "I need you to hear me out, Lovey." He pleaded. I only nodded my head and tried to control my emotions.

"I thought I loved another girl." He said quietly. "She used me for everything that she could get and she left me for my best friend." I opened my eyes and looked at him. He didn't seem sad or upset about it.

"When?" I asked not taking my eyes from him.

"My sixteenth birthday." He said shrugging it off.

"You don't care?" I asked sitting up on my elbows. He chuckled a bit and shook his head.

"Why not?" I gasped. He flashed one of those heart melting at me.

"Because I have you." He said grinning. "As long as I have you, I'll be fine."

"What would happen if you lost me?" I asked without thinking. He tensed up then rolled to sit next to me on the bed. I sat up and looked at him. He looked over at me and sighed.

"If I lost you, things would not be good at all." He said seriously. "It wouldn't be good for me at least." I grabbed his hands and held them. "Lovey, I'll die without you." He whispered.

He looks so serious, like if things didn't work between us, he would literally die. I put his hand to my chest where my heart is. It is beating rapidly and it only happens when we're together. My heart has never beat like this before and it beats like this because it beats for him.

Rafe closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "It beats so hard and fast." He stated opening his eyes to look at me.

"It beats for you." I said seriously. "You're the only person who can make my body react in these ways." He gave me a confused look.

"These ways?" He asked he asked with a raised brow. I closed my eyes and nodded my head. I made sure to take a deep breath before I started to talk. I can't let my mouth fail on me for the second time tonight.

"Every time my skin touches yours, it feels like tiny volts of feels like my blood is fire and my skin is electricity." I said. I didn't tell him that it happens when I touch the dog too. That would be an awkward conversation. "When you kiss me, my whole bodytingles. Your voice makes me quiver with feelings I've never felt before."

I opened my eyes to see him smiling just a little, but then it grew and his cheeks rose higher on his face and slowly revealed his perfect teeth. The smile finally reached his eyes and he started to laugh. I sat there looking at him for a moment. "Why are you laughing after I just told you all of this?" I asked with hurt in my voice my eyes started to tear up.

He stopped laughing and pulled me into his arms. "I'm not laughing at you, Lovey." He said tenderly. "I'm laughing because I feel it too." He said. "Being with you is the best pleasure I've ever experienced. I love you, Lovey and I would never say or do anything to hurt you. I love you too much to hurt you." I hear the truth in his voice and I believe every word.

"I love you Rafe." I said quietly and tucked my head under his chin. He pulled me into his lap and leaned against the headboard. I fit perfectly in his lap. It's like my body was built to fit with his like a puzzle piece.

"I love you, Lovey, with every fiber of my body and soul." He said kissing my forehead. I smiled and looked up Into his glowing green eyes. I leaned up and kissed him passionately.

"That was sweet." I said grinning. "Have you used that line before?" I joked. He chuckled lightly and pecked my lips.

"Pick up lines are for perverts and nerds." He said grinning. I laughed at him and smacked his arm but then I started to yawn.It's almost four in the morning and we are getting up at nine to go to the mall. I hate yawning, When I yawn or show signs of tiredness, Rafe always 'goes to bed'.

I know he's not really going to bed because sometimes I see him see him leaving when I peek out my window. I don't know where he goes, but sometimes he stays gone for hours. I don't know where he is, who he's with, or what he's doing. One day earlier in the week he stayed out all night. How do I know?


I woke up from the worst nightmare I've had since I got to the Blackwood house. My body is covered in sweat and every time I blink I see that monsters face. I looked over at the clock and rolled my eyes, seven a.m. I tried to swallow and couldn't. My mouth feels like fucking sandpaper! I pulled myself out of bed and walked out of my door. When I got to the hallway, I looked at Rafe's door just a few steps away from mine.

I wonder if he's up yet? I thought to myself. I walked silently over to his bedroom door and pushed it open. I cursed under my breath when the hinges creaked. I slowly peeked around the door, expecting to see Rafe doing something in his room. All I see is his untouched bed and the rest of his belongings. I walked into the room and I couldn't smell his woodsy scent as much as usual. He hasn't been here in a while.

I sighed sadly and walked down the spiral staircase. "He's probably with his girlfriend he's not telling me about." I mumbled so low that only I could hear. When I reached the bottom I saw a half-naked, Rafe trying to close the front door as quietly as possible. It didn't make a sound as he shut it. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

When he turned around he nearly jumped out of his skin. He quickly composed himself and put his eyes back in his head. "Baby!" He said sounding slightly spooked. He looked at me like I didn't just catch him sneaking in. I rolled my eyes again and tapped my foot.

"Hello dear." I said giving him the 'wife eye'. "Where you been?" I asked staying calm. He shifted a little on his feet. He's either A: nervous or B: he really has to pee. The answer is obviously A because he just pulled at his ear and didn't realize it.

"I couldn't sleep so I took a walk." He said after just a second. I squinted and eye at him, indicating that I know he's up to something. He shifted a little again and started to sweat. I looked him in the eye and I knew he was about to crack.

"OK!" He yelled throwing his hands in the air. I saw the muscles in his arms flex and it made my mouth water. "I was out looking for Rafe," He said sadly before pausing. "He's missing." I gasped and covered my mouth. My favorite dog in the world is missing?! What if something bad happened to my Rafey?

When I looked at his shirtless frame, I remembered what had my suspicions so high. "If you were out looking for Rafey," I asked calmly. "Then where's your shirt?" He looked down at his shirtless torso and I saw all the color vanish from his face. He looked back at me with a 'Oh shit' face.

"I lost it?" He said slowly. His answer sounded more like a question and I felt anger flowing through me. I growled and turned away from him. I stomped my way to the kitchen, Rafe followed behind me, talking his shirtless, sexy, ass off. "Lovey, it's not what it looks like!" He whisper yelled grabbing my arm. I pulled away from him and looked at him with disgust and hurt.

"What the fuck its this shit then!" I whisper yelled back gesturing to his body. "It looks to me like you went and had a little fun last night." I fought so hard to hold back my tears. I will not let him break me, nobody else will break me. "Don't worry," I spit. I understand, after all, I'm just your sister."

I slammed the refrigerator door and walked up the stairs, my cup of juice in hand. He followed me to my room and I tried to close the door in his face bit he blocked it with the tip of his shoe. I pushed against the door as hard as I could. "Lovey stop." He begged. My body froze up at his pleading tone. He pushed the door open so that he could see me. "I wasn't with anyone last night, OK?" He said. I could hear the honesty in his voice.

"Where were you?" I asked my voice cracking a little. I am yet to drink my fucking juice! He ran his fingers through his hair roughly with frustration.

"I needed some time away from everything," He said looking into my eyes. "I stayed at the cabin last night." The Blackwood have a cabin tucked away off in the woods. The only way to get to it is by foot or four-wheeler. Knowing Rafe, he walked all the way there. I believe him so bad but I can't fully trust what he says yet. It may sound truthful but the truth can be false. I nodded my head slightly.

He pulled me into his arms and kissed me lightly. "I'm sorry, OK?" He said. I only nodded again and looked at the floor.

*End Flashback*

"You should get some sleep," Rafe said kissing my forehead. "We've got a long day tomorrow." He tried to lay me on the bed but I wouldn't let him go. If this man thinks he's leaving me, he's out of his fucking mind. He's going to have to fight me before I let him leave this house tonight.

"Stay with me." I begged. OK, that wasn't my original plan but if begging works then I'm not going to complain. I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck.

"What if mom-" I cut him off by crashing my lips into his. He groaned and held me close, the fireworks and flames danced through our bodies and I felt completely different. He pulled away from me and stripped off his clothes until he was in nothing but boxers.

He is grinning as he lays down behind me. He kisses the back of my neck and sends the sparks flying. "I love you." He whispered before he tucked his head into my back and fell asleep. I lay there listening to his breathing for a few minutes before my body followed his.