Oh Brother

Chapter 6

(Rafe's P.O.V.)

Lovey is mad at me for spending so much money on her at the mall. I spent over three grand on clothes, shoes, jewelry, and shit for school. I remember her growling at me and telling me that I shouldn't have wasted so much money on her. No amount of money is too much if its being spent on my mate. Yes, Lovey is my mate. Neither She nor my mother know but my father is well aware.

He knew as soon as he brought her here, the second she touched my wolf and jumped back. When our bodies made contact our mating bond started instantly. If I had been mated to a human, it would have taken me much longer to get to this point in our relationship. She is a werewolf and she doesn't even know it.

If she had been raised in a pack like she should have been, she would know everything she needs to know about being one of us. Hell, she would know that we're real and that we aren't just something an author wrote in a book. My parents adopted Loveysolely because she is one of us. I didn't know she was my mate, my dad and I found out at the same damn time.

When she taunted me, my wolf went crazy. He wanted to show her who the dominant one was in our relationship so when she walked in the fence, I pounced on her. Hurting her wont show dominance, it only shows how weak you are. Wolves have to pin their mates to show them who has the most control. I couldn't resist tasting her sweet skin so I licked her.

My father was upset. I have gotten myself into a lot of trouble and I have done a lot of terrible things to people. I used to find joy in causing others pain. When I told her I was supposed to be in prison, I wasn't lying. I did some things I'm not proud of and my father was able to get me off. I don't know how but he did it.

I want to tell Lovey everything but my dad wont let me. He thinks we should wait until she shifts to explain everything to her. She will shift at midnight on her sixteenth birthday, just like every other werewolf. Shifting isn't as easy as it looks, well not the first time anyway. The first time will hurt like a bitch. Every bone in your body basically shatters and reforms into the skeletal frame of a wolf.

I'm afraid she'll hate me after I tell her. I mean I know things about her that she herself wont know for another month! She know's we're hiding something. She caught me sneaking in after running my patrol. I hated having to lie to her, I could see that it hurt her and that is the last thing I want to do.

There was a knock at my bedroom door. I've laid here thinking about Lovey since she slammed her door in my face. I smell my mothers scent outside the door. "Come in." I mumbled. She pushed the door open smiling.

"What wrong sweetie?" She asked coming to sit next to me. I sat up on the bed and tried to change my sad face. I smiled lightly at her and shook my head.

"I'm fine mom," I said. "Just a little tired." I hate lying to my mom, I don't know why dad doesn't want her to know. Why is he trying to hide it from her? Every time I ask him, he gets mad. I don't understand a lot of things that my father does and he doesn't try to make you either.

"Well grab your sister and come down for dinner." She said standing up to leave. She paused and looked at me for a moment. "Why do you look different?" She asked cocking her head to the side. She's noticing the mating change.

I'll start getting bigger and more muscular. Dad said it happens so you will be able protect yourself, your mate, or your pups. I've gained two pounds in muscle since Lovey touched me for the first time. I kept my voice as casual and smooth as possible.

"You know I've run a lot more," I said. "And I'll be seventeen the day before Lovey turns sixteen. I'm supposed to grow mom." She stood there staring at me not blinking, for a moment. Then she shrugged a little.

"You just look more grown up than you did two weeks ago." She said. I laughed lightly.

"I've got a sister to take care of now." I said smiling. "She need someone to protect her until she learns." I said the last part seriously because it is true. Right now she doesn't know how to defend herself against rogues, or any other threat she may meet.

After she gets comfortable in her true skin, I'm going to train her and teach her how to fight. If we were to be attacked today, I would have to work harder to protect her. If she just knew a few defense mechanisms, things would be easier.

My mom nodded her head in agreement left. I sighed and stood up, I hope Lovey isn't mad at me anymore. I can't stand it when she doesn't talk to me, its like torture. I walked to her bedroom door and tapped lightly. She didn't answer so I close my eyes to listen. I hear her breathing, and it sounds like she is asleep.

I push the door open and saw her laying there on her bed. her hair is a mess and tangled but she looks beautiful. I walked in the room and closed the door quietly. When the doors she stirred a bit but didn't wake. I went and sat next to her on the bed, she must know I'm here because she is reaching for me. I slid in the bed next to her and pulled her into my arms, she rested her head on my chest and smiled.

"Lovey," I whispered gently nudging her body. I don't want to wake her but I know mom will come looking for us if we are at dinner. "Baby, wake up." I kissed her face until her eyes started to flutter open. She smiled lightly up at me, making my heart skip beats.

"Hey." She whispered sleepily. I grinned at her.

"Hey." I whispered back. We sat there looking at each other for a few minutes.

"I'm sorry for how I acted earlier," She said sincerely. "I'm just not used to having people care so much about me." She frowned up at me. I grabbed her face and kissed her passionately.

"I will always care about you." I said. "We all will." She flashed those gorgeous white teeth at me and sat up. She stretched and I heard a few bones pop. It almost sounds like shifting but with less popping and breaking. I shuttered a bit as I thought about how painful and scary shifting will be for Lovey since she doesn't know its going to happen.

"That felt good." She groaned after she finished. I laughed and pulled her into my arms.

"Are you hungry?" I asked her. "Mom told me to grab you for dinner." When I said dinner, her stomach growled loudly. She smiled shyly at me.

"I'm starving." She admitted. "I've been so hungry lately." She's been hungry because her body is preparing for her shift. She's going to put on a little weight that she may not like at first but after her change, it will turn into pure muscle. She wont be some big, butch, looking werewolf, she'll be sexy and in shape. Her body is perfect as is, but when she finally changes, my attraction to her will double.

"Come on." I said grabbing her hand and kissing it. She jumped up and glanced at herself in the mirror. Her eyes widened as she looked at the bird's nest of hair on top of her head. She touched it like she was in pure shock. I laughed and she looked over at me and rolled her eyes.

I grabbed her brush off the dresser, she stuck her hand out to take it from me. "Let me." I offered. She pecked my lips and sat down in the computer chair at her desk. I brushed through her hair and it started to straighten out. I worked slowly and gently, not wanting to damage her hair or pull too hard.

When I finished, I pulled her hair back into a pony tail. "Where did you learn to do hair?" She asked curiously. I smirked at her.

"When you look like me," I said pointing at myself. "You'll learn things to make sure you always look this good." She rolled her eyes at me. I sighed. "OK," I said. "I've done Rudi's hair since she was one. Mom really suck at giving little girls, little girl hairstyles. At one point, she had the hair of a sixty year old grandmother." She laugh then covered her mouth.

"That's awful." She said trying to hide her amusement. I rolled my eyes at her and we headed downstairs. She let go of my hand when we reached the bottom. I sighed sadly at the feeling of loss. Dad is fucking everything up! When a werewolf finds his mate, he is supposed to be able to show her off. I have to keep her a secret from everyone.

We can't even openly be together at school because when she is enrolled, they will have her down as my sister. The only people I can tell are my few friends. I already smell a fight. Some asshole will try to touch her or talk to her, and shit will not bepretty for him. I don't care if I can't call her mine in public, nobody will ever touch her but me.

Lovey and I always sits next to each other at dinner. I want her as close to me as possible without mom thinking anything of it. We grabbed our usual chairs and sat down. "Did you and Rafe have fun at the mall?" Mom asked Lovey as she spooned some green beans on her plate. Lovey smiled at me and nodded.

"It was amazing." She stated happily. Dad brought a tray of fried chicken from the kitchen.

"Did you find everything you need?" He asked placing the tray on the table. She nodded her head.

"Rafe made sure I wont need anything new for a while." She looked at me shyly. My mom just nodded her head and proceeded to eat. My mother used to be a smart woman, she used to be able to read people easily. The way Lovey and I look at each other, it should be obvious that she's my mate. Mom was supposed to call me out the first time she left us alone together. She acts like Lovey is JUST my sister.

A few months ago, she was in an accident with my father. He said they were coming back from dinner when the car got hit by an eighteen wheeler. She hit her head pretty hard and went into a coma for two weeks, dad wouldn't let me and Rudi come to the hospital. He said it wouldn't be good for us to see her hooked up to the tubes.

He had acted strangely towards mom right before the accident. He started being mean to her, some nights he would sleep in another room. Mom spent many days alone and crying. After the accident, she couldn't remember much of anything. For a while, she didn't even remember that we were werewolves. When I shifted in front of her, she nearly had a heart attack. Now I'm not allowed to shift in front of mom, dad's orders.

We at our food quietly. I couldn't stop looking at Lovey and she couldn't stop blushing. My dad kicked me under the table. My eyes snapped to him and he mouthed 'Stop'. I rolled my eyes and continued to admire my mate's beautiful, chocolate-colored hair and her hazel colored eyes.

"Lovey?" Rudi said shyly. Lovey turned and looked at her lovingly. She really does love Rudi. We all spend a lot of time together. Hell even Rudi knows she and I are mates! She figured it out with her five-year old brain and my mom is oblivious with her, almost, forty-year old one.

"Yes, Sissy?" She said. She has gotten into the habit of calling her that. I know she really loves having a family. Well not just any family, this family. If they tried to send her back I wouldn't stand for it. I know mom wont, she's too sweet and gentle, I don't think dad would either but he's made some questionable decisions in the past.

Rudi sat there playing with her chicken with her fork. She didn't speak for a few moments but you can tell there is a question on her tongue. "You can ask her, Rudi." I said. "She's not going to be mad or anything." Lovey nodded in agreement.

"What happened to your parents?" She asked softly. I heard Lovey's heart speed up. I looked into her eyes and I could see that the question made her feel bad.

"Rudi!" My mother snapped. "That is not a question you should be asking your sister, now tell her your-" Lovey cut mom off.

"No," She said apologetically. "Its fine. I've been waiting for that question since I got here." She paused for a few moments.

"You don't have to talk about anything you don't want to." I said reassuringly. I don't want her to feel like anyone is making her tell us how she ended up in the orphanage. That isn't something people like her want to talk about and I don't blame her. She smiled weakly at me.

"I don't mind," She said. "She looked down at her plate. "When I was brought in," She hesitated. "I was covered in blood. It wasn't my blood though. My hair was thick with it and my clothes were heavier. They said it looked like I had gone swimming in blood." My mother covered her mouth and my father sat there staring at her. Rudi's face is scrunched up with sadness.

"They said that my parents and I had gone camping and they were attacked by some type of animal. They said that their wounds looked like those of a coyote or another dog related animal of some sort but they looked too big to be a regular animal." My whole body tensed up. If she's saying, Lovey's parents were killed by werewolves.

I shot a look at my father indicating that we need to talk. I saw my mother wiping silent tears from her face. I looked over at my mate and her face is like stone, its pale and completely expressionless. She opened her mouth to continue. "I was found laying on my dead parents bodies inside our tent. They had been completely mutilated by the animals."

I put my hand on her shoulder and she looked up at me. Her eyes were sad and she looked weak, like answering that question took so much out of her. "Mom," I said breaking away from her eyes. "Can I take Lovey back to her room?" She wiped a few more tears but nodded. We stood up and mom grabbed her into a tight hug.

"I'm sorry Lovey," She said. "I promise you, you will never have to go through anything like that again." She nodded her head and hugged mom back. We walked quickly up the stairs, she didn't speak to me, she just watched her feet. When we got to the room, she went and flopped down on her bed.

"Are you OK?" I asked sitting down beside her. She nodded her head and looked up at me.

"I'm OK," She said. "Its just hard to talk about it sometimes. Sometimes I wish the animals would have gotten me instead of them." I shook my head rapidly.

"Your parents would have done anything to protect you." I said seriously. "They loved you Lovey, don't take what happened to them in vain. Aren't you happy with me?" I asked her.

"I'm happier than I've ever been." She admitted. "I never knew I could be this happy with any family but my own." I leaned over and kissed her lips gently. I grabbed her cheeks in my hands and looked into her eyes.

"This is your family, Lovey." I whispered before kissing her again. She will always be a part of this family. She is my mate, the woman of my dreams. If I had met her before I knew what she meant to me, I would have wished for her as my mate every night. She's absolutely amazing and I cant help but love everything about her.