Oh Brother

Chapter 7

After Lovey went to bed, I walked downstairs to my father's office. I tapped lightly on the door and opened it. My dad sat at his desk looking at paper work. When I walked in, he looked up from the papers and stared at me. "Dad, we need to talk." I said as I closed the door. He pointed to the usual chair in front of his desk.

"What is it son?" He asked as he put away the files. I rolled my eyes at his stupidity. Why are my parents suddenly acting like idiots? Its like their brains are being sucked out of their heads with bendy straws. I'm starting to think that Rudi has more common sense than the two of them combined.

"Lovey, dad!" I yelled. "This is all about Lovey." He just sat there staring at me. "What happened to her parents?" I asked a little more calmly. He shrugged his shoulders and pursed his lips.

"I don't know." He said blankly. "I guess they were killed by werewolves." I tussle my hair with frustration. What the fuck is wrong with him?! He's the fucking Alpha and he's acting like Lovey's parents didn't matter, like they weren't murdered on a camping trip.

"You guess they were killed by werewolves?" I growled angrily. He sighed and looked me in the eye. Does he not realize thatLovey probably saw the whole thing? She probably watched her parents get torn to pieces.

"Look son," He said calmly. "I don't know what happened to Lovey's parents, but if they were murdered by werewolves there is nothing we can do now." I stood up and paced the floor of his office. He's hiding something from me and I can feel it.

"What do you know dad?" I asked still pacing. He laughed sarcastically and crossed his hands over his chest.

"What makes you think I know anything?" He asked getting slightly angered.

"Look at how your acting!" I screamed. "Your acting like you know more about Lovey than you put off!" He stood up from his desk and leaned towards me.

"I don't know anything about Lovey or her parents," He growled. "The only thing I know about them is what she told me, which is about as much as she's told you." I laughed and crossed my arms.

:Why can't I tell mom she's my mate then?" I asked. I don't understand it. I just cant see how he can make me keep this from her. Mom would be so happy! She's been wishing for this since I turned sixteen. I've found the girl I'm going to spend the rest of my life with and this dickhead is getting in the way!

"Your mother isn't well." He said through clenched teeth. "She can't handle the thought of her daughter and her son being together."I laughed aloud.

"She's a damn werewolf!" I yelled. "Or did she forget that again too? I can easily show her what she is, maybe it will jog her memory." I turned to walk out of the door. When it opened, my father's hand slammed it shut.

"You will not shift in front of your mother!" He ordered.

"Why not?" I growled angrily. "This is bullshit, dad, and you know it." He sighed and removed his hand from the door.

"When the time come's," He said blankly. "They'll know." I swear I want to spit in my fathers face right now. Something isn't right and I'm going to find out what he's doing behind my back. I'm also going to find a way to show Lovey what I am. Screw my fathers rules, I wont break them all because he is Alpha but I'm not going to follow them either. I'd rather be a rogue than deal with his bullshit.

I pushed past my father went back upstairs. As I headed towards my room, I heard something coming from her bedroom. I rushed over and quickly pushed the door open. There is a dark-haired man standing over her crying, sleeping body.

I started to taste blood in my mouth, that's just something that happens when I'm in it for the kill. My body started to shake as the rage ripped through me. I bolted into the room and grabbed the utterly surprised man by the throat. He growled and started to shift.

"If you shift, I'll kill you slower." I growled. Lovey was moving around on the bed.

"Rafe?" She said sounding extremely terrified. "What's going on?" I looked over at her.

"Go downstairs and get dad!" I ordered. She didn't move for a second, she just sat there staring at the man who I had by the throat. "Lovey NOW!" I yelled. Lovey jumped up and ran downstairs faster than I've ever seen her move.

"Who are you?" I growled at the man as I shoved his body into the wall. He didn't answer which further pissed me off. I punched him as hard as I could in the stomach. He spit up a little blood and doubled over in the floor. "How about I ask you something a little more important." I said as I kneeled down and pressed his face into the ground. "What the fuck are you doing in my sister's room?"

The asshole started laughing. "She's not your sister, she's your mate." I slammed his face into the wooden floor, breaking his nose. He cried out on impact bringing a smile to my face.

"What do you want with her?!" I screamed just as my father rushed into the room. Lovey and my mother followed suite.

"Rafe get off of him." My father ordered. My grip didn't loosen on the man. I pushed his nose further into the floor, wanting to crush his skull under my hand.

"He came here to hurt her," I growled. "I'm not going to let that happen." My father nodded his head.

"I understand," He said. "Just let him go, and I'll handle it." I looked up at my father and he looks like he is telling the truth. I let the man go and my father grabbed him by the hair and pulled him up. His nose is almost completely flat and he is missing a few teeth. He better fucking kill him.

I looked over at Lovey who is tucked into my mom's side hiding. She looks extremely scared and I can hear her heart pounding. I walked over to her as my father drug the man down the steps and out of the house. "Mom, Lovey is sleeping with me from now own." My mom looked a little baffled by my words.

"Wont that be a little strange?" She asked hesitantly. "She's your sister." I banged my hand against the wall, making a picture in the hallway fall. My mom jumped a little and fiddled with her nightgown.

"I don't care if she is my sister!" I yelled. "She's sleeping with me!" My mom nodded her head and scurried off to Rudi's room. After I yelled, I heard her start crying. When Rudi's door closed, I pulled Lovey into my arms. "Are you OK?" I asked her trying to check her body for any kind of damage. She nodded her head and started crying.

""He was going to kill me, wasn't he?" She asked with a panicked voice. I pulled her closer to me.

"I wont let anyone hurt you." I said. "If dad hadn't come when he did, I would have killed him." I'm not lying either. I was so close to snapping his neck and I could have done it with the flick of a wrist. His life dangled in my hands and my father better not let him keep it. Lovey nodded her head and buried her face in my chest.

"Thank you." She whispered wrapping her arms around me tightly. I pulled her back and looked into her teary brown eyes.

"Lovey, I promise I'll never let anything hurt you." I kissed her deeply and pulled her back into my arms. "Grab some stuff, you're coming to my room for a while." This made me feel so good inside. I may not be able to claim her as my own but at least I can hold her in my arms at night.

"I don't want to go back to sleep." she said once I closed my bedroom door. She stood nervously beside my bed. I shrugged my shoulders.

"We don't have to go to bed if you don't want." I said. "Do you want to watch a movie or something?" She smiled lightly and nodded her head. I let her choose what we watched, she picked a chick flick like I figured she would.

I'm cuddled up in bed with my beautiful mate watching 'The Vow'. It's sappy as hell but sad at the same time. I would be devastated if Lovey couldn't remember me. It also brings back memories of how mom acted when she came out of her coma. We were at the part where her husband is talking to her ex fiancé. When he punched him in the face, my door burst open, causing Lovey to shriek and move away from me.

"He fucking got away!" My dad growled with frustration. I looked over his body, he is dirty and his clothes are slightly bloodied.

"What do you mean he got away?!" I asked jumping up. "You said you would fucking take care of it!" I yelled. "What the fuck happened dad?"

"The mother fucker ran! I tried my best to catch him but he was too fucking fast." He said still not believing he had lost him.Lovey started crying again and I don't blame her. He was supposed to kill that bastard, not let him run off!

"I should have done it myself." I growled as I grabbed Lovey. My father stood there watching as I pulled her into my arms and whispered to her. "Everything is going to be, OK." I said. "He's not going to hurt you, I'm going to find him." Lovey shook her head and looked up at me.

"No!" She said. "I don't want you to get hurt." I pecked her lips and glared at my dad.

"Well obviously dad couldn't handle it," I said rudely. "So I don't have another choice." I looked back at her. "I'll be fine Lovey." I said sincerely. I will be fine, I'm not going to let someone as weak as him hurt my mate. Maybe it is time for my father to step down, he's not doing a very good job at being Alpha right now. He need's to just step down and let me fix the pack that he has destroyed.

"Get out." I growled at my father. He mumbled something under is breath but left my room. Lovey and I shouldn't see anyone again for the rest of the night. Tomorrow I'm going to call an elder and ask them how I can tell Lovey without my father finding out. The elders in the pack are extremely nice and helpful.

"Rafe?" Lovey said snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked down giving her my complete attention.

"Yes baby?" I said running my hand down her warm cheeks.

"I think I have a fever." said looking slightly pale. I put my hand on her forehead, she's extremely hot but she feels normal. Her body is still preparing for her shift. I still think the better idea for telling her we exist is to show her. Yea she'll be shocked but its more effective than words.

"Try to get some sleep." I said kissing her forehead. Her body shifted against mine nervously.

"You wont leave will you?" She asked sounding heavily worried. I kissed her lips passionately and put my forehead to hers.

"I wont leave." I said. She smiled and we climbed into bed. She wrapped her tiny body against mine and sighed.

"Why does this feel so good?" She asked curiously. I chuckled at her question.

"Why does what feel so good?" I asked glancing down at her. She looked up at me and smiled.

"Being with you." She said truthfully. I couldn't keep myself from smiling. I leaned down and kissed her nose. She just doesn't know how the little things she says make me feel. Every time she says something sweet, I feel myself get closer to her. She's the only person who knows how to make me feel good about who I am.

"Because you know I'll always love you." I replied softly. She sat up and looked at me.

"How do I know you'll love me forever?" She asked seriously. "How do I know that a few months from now you wont drop me for some one older, more mature, or prettier?" I grabbed her cheeks in my hands.

"Lovey, I don't want anyone older or more mature," I said. "Any you're the most beautiful girl I've ever laid eyes on. I don't want anyone else but you, I'll never want anyone but you."

"Whats so special about me?" She mumbled. I smiled at her remark.

"Everything," I said surely. "To me, every part of you is special." She smiled and hid her face in my shoulder. "I love you, Lovey." I said chuckling at her sudden shyness.

"I love you too Rafe." She said peeking at me. She's so gorgeous. The way the light hits her eyes, and the way she giggles, the way she smiles when I kiss her. Every action makes my heart want to melt. I'm so happy I got stuck with this beautiful girl I'm even happier that she loves me just as much as I love her.
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(Hope you guys liked this update!!! I'm going to add in more wolves in the next chapter, I'll be introducing Rafe's best friends!!! Yay!!!! And Zev is a sneaky little fucker, don't get too cozy with him. lol. Please give me your opinions on the story!!!!)