Between Vampires And Family

Chapter 12

"I've had enough..." Lexi muttered as she sat herself down on the soft forest floor.

Just then a man ran past being chased by a huge white horse...

"Well that's something you don't see every day!" Dean grinned.

"Help... he's gonna kill me!" The man shouted as he ran back, grabbed hold of Sam and started to shake him.

"Whoa man... calm down..." Sam said as he prised the mans fingers off his jacket.

"Seriously... you're scared of a horse?" Bonnie laughed.

The man turned round to see who made the snide comment. "That is no horse... he's the devil..." He stopped what he was saying, straightened himself out and stuck out his hand, "Oh, well helloo... I'm Flynn by the way Flynn Rider." he wiggled his eyebrows at her.

Bonnie started at him blankly, "Your friend's behind you..."


The white horse snorted and backed Flynn into a tree... Suddenly Lexi stepped in.

"Awww... who's a good horse?... saving Bonnie from the mean nasty man..." she scratched the horse under his chin.

"Hey enough with the mean and nasty..." Flynn went to move.

The horse snorted again and stared the man down.

"Aren't you a good boy...?” Lexi bent down to read the medal around the horse's neck, "Maximus"

The horse whinnied and nodded his head

"Seriously... Gabriel, get us outta here, Lexi is talking to the animals... I'd rather spend time with the big bad trying to kill us than with dumb and dumber here..." Dean said shaking his head.

"Well now... why didn't you say so in the first place?" Gabe said appearing next to Bonnie.

"We did say so!" Bonnie growled, "I am fed up with these weirdo’s dressing me up like a fairy and coming on to me."

"I think you look good as a fairy..." Dean said quietly.

Bonnie just glared at him.

"Well then... where would ya like to go...? I have a nice little spot in Miami that’s rather nice..."


"Alright, alright... little touchy aren't we?" He snapped his fingers and the group appeared back at Bobby's house which was trashed.

"Wow... looks like a twister touched down in here..." Bobby muttered.

"What on earth was it looking for?" Lexi said.

"I do not know... but I do not think it was successful..." Castiel said as he appeared behind Lexi.

Lexi jumped, "Damn Cass... you really gotta stop doing that."

“My apologies…”

“What are we going to do?” Bonnie said, “We can’t keep running forever, especially from something we don’t even know.”

“I agree with Bonnie…” Bobby said as he slumped down in a chair.

“Ideas anyone?”