Between Vampires And Family

Chapter 8

"It's hopeless..." Bonnie muttered as she face planted the book that was on the table. "It feels like we have looked through every damn book there is."

"We can't give up..." Sam said as he reached up and pulled another book off the shelf.

"I need a break..." Bonnie said as she pushed herself up from the chair she was sitting in and headed towards the door.

"Bonnie... Don't go far..." Dean said, "Wait, I’ll come with you."

"No Dean, baby you’re more use here... I just need to clear my head, that’s all... I won't be long." And with that Bonnie walked out the house closing the door softly behind her.

"Let her go boy..." Bobby muttered from behind him.

"What I wouldn't give for a normal life right about now." Dean said to himself, he got up out of his chair and wandered over to the fridge to get a beer.


"What on earth is taking them so long, I can't keep flying around giving this thing the slip for the rest of my life..." Lexi said to herself, she pulled her jacket around her shielding herself from the cold wind that whistled around her. "Christ, I'm bloody freezing..." suddenly she felt something being wrapped around her. Lexi looked around and found that Cas had found her and wrapped his trench coat around her, she smiled slightly, "Thank you..."

"I will stay with you..."

At this Lexi shifted and rested her head on his chest, "How are things going?"


"Guess we're gonna be here for some time then..." Lexi looked up at the angel and grinned.

Back at Bobby's

Bonnie was wandering around the scrap yard, "Gabe... get down here!"


"Gabe... could really do with some help right about now." Bonnie said.

"Nothing has changed there then..." The arc angel grinned.

"Now is not the time for any of your stupid jokes!"

"Whoa... less with the aggro..." Gabriel said holding his hands up in defence.

"Sorry Gabe, you know i don't mean it, have you got any idea what the hell this is?" Bonnie asked handing him a scrap of paper which she scribbled the symbol Lexi had shown her.

"Well hell is totally the right word of choice..." Gabriel trailed off.


"Bonnie, this isn't a good sign."

"When is it ever, Gabe just tell me what it means."