War and Peace

War And Peace

"I'm fine," I grinned as I turned around to get a better look at the man, he wasn't tan he was actually rather pale, chocolate brown eyes, dip in his chin, a pretty smile. "I'm Peace."

"Tony DeRamero meet Misery Phillips, Misery meet my friend Tony, he's here for the synthetic blood."

"Do not call me Misery."

"Sorry,” Lukas apologized.

“Does he speak English?” I whispered to Lukas, who shook his head.

“No, Spanish.”

“I speak that!” War raised her hand and smiled proudly, turning to Tony. “Hola!”

“Hola,” Tony half waved.

“¿Así, qué está arriba?”

"Estoy de ayudar aquí mismo Warren, Zack, y Lukas con la sangre."

“¡Ah, bien soy la Guerra!”

"Agradable encontrar you,War."

“¡Usted, también!”

I turned slowly to Lukas and whispered. "What in the fuck are they saying?"

"I'm not sure, I tuned them out the second hola," he grinned as he rubbed my side, I rolled my eyes and slapped his hand off my side.

"He doesn't look Spanish, he looks Italian."

"He is," he laughed at my confusion. "He was born in Spain though, his parents raised him in Spain, he was turned there, he never left there."

"He's here now."

"You know what I mean," he rolled his eyes. "He lives there yet visits when he pleases."

"Oh," I said nodding as I glanced back at him. "Tell him I like his black necklace."

"Alright Mon Cherie," he said as he cleared his throat. " Tony mi amigo, amors de la paz usted es collar."

Tony glanced at me then smiled. "Thank you War."

"Ho!" I said pointing at him. "He does to speak English!" I slapped Lukas' arm. "You moron."

"I didn't know," he mumbled as he tilted his head. "When did you learn English my friend?"

"Last decade mi amigo," he grinned as he looked at War. "War I enjoyed our small conversation."

"Oh yay thanks for speaking English now, I'm slightly rusty with my Spanish," she shrugged her shoulders.

“Sorry, thought I’d keep you entertained for a little,” He laughed slightly, then turned to Lukas. “So can we get to work?”

“Yeah,” Lukas nodded as he and Tony walked into another room.

“Well,” I sighed. “That was strange.”

“Babe, this entire week has been strange,” War shook her head as Warren walked up behind her.

“Can I wrap my arms around your waist?”

“Hmm,” War looked to me for an answer.

"Doesn't matter to me," I answered unsaid questions as I stepped back and walked into the kitchen were Zack so happened to be. "You're father and Tony something is talking about synthetic blood."

"Tony's here?" he looked up and smiled. "Thank you Misery."

For some reason I liked how he said Misery, and I left it slip. "You're welcome, go ahead and go catch up with them."

"Okay,” He nodded and ran off as I turned back to War, who was being held by Warren.

“You don’t seem too happy,” I frowned playfully at War.

“I’m being raped with clothes on,” She mumbled.

“Oh well,” I shrugged and smirked as she stuck out her tongue at me.

“And you lucky I don’t do any more than that!”

"Like what? Start a tornado in the kitchen?" I asked then grinned. "Again?"

"Oh fuck off."

"No, fuck you," I grinned as I flipped her off and sat down at the kitchen table. "Or you go fuck Warren."

"Better yet," she rolled her eyes and smiled. "Go fuck Lukas."

"I'm sure he'd appreciate that," Warren laughed as I grinned slightly.

"I'm sure he would too."

"And really, why the hell is that man so blunt?” War looked up to Warren, who shrugged.

“I dunno, always has been.”

“Well, great,” I sighed. “He’s gonna come rape me in my sleep.”

“Nah, he’s not that kind of guy,” Warren shook his head and smirked down at War. “Not saying I’m not.”

War looked at me and mouthed Help me! before she started wiggling, I held my hand out and pushed Warren away with a shield, which made War smile. "Tank you Peace."

"You're welcome," I smiled as she linked her arm with mine and started skipping out of the kitchen, which made me skip or she would have taken my arm off.

"So," War smiled poking my cheek. "You like Lukas being so blunt, I can tell, those little wheels are spinning in your head."

"Yes," I whispered as I nudged her. "And you like Warren being so frisky."

"Maybe so,” She smirked sheepishly. “I can’t help it, the man is hot.”

“And so is Lukas,” I nodded. “Love struck by vampires when were supposed to kill them. What are we gonna do, girl?”

“I don’t know!” War shouted as we both began laughing hysterically.

"One thing I won't do is kill them though, they can't kill us so why kill them, there sweethearts and there trying to better there race," I whispered as I poked her side.

She nodded and leaned her head on my shoulder. "I miss Auntie Jannette."

"Jannette was the sweetest lady ever, and then she dies from a heart attack, aren't we the luckiest bitches?" I asked sarcastically.

"Yeah, and then we get abducted by vampires,” War sighed. “We have the worst of luck.”

“But their hot vampires!” I added.


"I've always had a secret fetish for vampire stories," I whispered causing her to start giggling. "I think there sexy because they bite you."

"And we will never get bit," she sighed and snapped her fingers dramatically. "Damn!"

"Were nuts."

"We're fucked up more like it."

"Yes, you two defiantly are,” Lukas laughed from behind us. We turned around to see Zack, Warren, Tony, and Lukas standing there laughing.

“You bastards!” War pointed. “You listened in on a private conversation!”
♠ ♠ ♠
Bitch! Ha!
