War and Peace

War And Peace

“So? We can read your minds, too,” Lukas shrugged. “And right now you're think about how hot Warren would be if he took off his shirt.”

“Well fuck…” War mumbled and blushed.

I snickered and leaned against the wall. "That was a good one you have to admit," I giggled as I leaned back up.

"You think that father would look good without his on too," Zack grinned.

"He does, he has abs," I pointed to Lukas. "I won't shy away from that, there isn't any harm watching."

"How about feeling?" Lukas strolled up to me and stood not two inches away and placed his hands on either side of my head on the wall.

"What about feeling? I've felt abs before, bunches of them."

How does he like them cookies!

"A bunch huh?" he asked with a grin as he grabbed one of my hands and ran it over his chest.

"Well, I'll admit those are in the top fiv—whoa stop that!" I pulled my hand away and shoved him backwards. "I will not be seduced by a cocky, sarcastic, jackass vampire!"

"Apparently War is," Zack pointed lazily to the opposite wall where War was pushed against the wall kissing Warren.

"Good lord," I mumbled shaking my head. "I'm going to bed."

"Night,” Lukas smiled and waved as I walked into the bedroom and threw myself on the bed.

“Wake up,” War mumbled, hitting me with a pillow.

“No,” I groaned, pulling the blanket over my head.

"Wake up."

"No," I swatted her hand away.

"Alright," she sighed and got off the bed. "You try."

I almost raised my head up but thought better of it, she could be talking to a ghost or something, but again with my luck. "Mon Cher wake up."

"I figured," I grumbled as I turned around on my back and stared at him. "Why? I'm sleepy."

"Because we have gotten the cure shipped with Tony to the colonial head of the vampire world, we have to go into hiding while its being tested."

"Oh great," I grumbled and closed my eyes. "You hide, I'll find you later."

"No, you’re coming with us;” Lukas picked me up out of bed bridal style and carried me down the stairs, War close behind.

“Why?” I rubbed my eyes and yawned.

“Because we can’t leave you alone!” He laughed.

“Fine,” I pouted as he sat me on the counter top.

"Hello sleepy head," Zack walked over and handed me a cup of coffee. "Drink up, did you rest well Ma Mère?"

"Pourquoi dans le nom de dieux appelez-vous sa mere?" Lukas stopped Zack with his hand on his chest, I sat back on the counter and watched.

"Puisque bientôt elle sera vous êtes épouse, engendrez," Zack said calmly as he turned to me and smiled. "Do not worry, he's asking about the blood transfer."

"Oh," I nodded although I could tell it was nothing but lies, I know épouse means wife.

They are talking about me...

"Smart lady," he whispered as he walked away.

"Very,” I nodded, War sitting at the table besides me and dropping her head on it.

“So… Tired…” She mumbled and Warren sat next to her and kissed the top of her head.

“So, are you two, like, a couple now?” I pointed to Warren and War, who began blushing like crazy.

“You made Warren, blush,” Lukas said. “Impressive.”

"I didn't know you could make a vampire blush," I mumbled as I poked Warren's cheek, he slapped my hand away and darkened. "Apparently you can."

"Yes you can, everything humans can do we can, we just have more talents and we have to drink blood," Lukas said as he held up a dark glass. "Not very morning conversational but…"

"Yes," I nodded with my eyes closed. "No more talking about you're morning meal Lukas."

"Sorry Cherie."

"Whatever,” I sighed and leaned back. “So where exactly are we hiding?”

“Somewhere safe,” Lukas nodded.

“And that would be?”

“We’re not telling,” Zack shook his head.


“Because,” Warren shrugged.

"You have got to be kidding me!" I shouted staring at the place in front of me, Warren started laughing, Lukas grinned, Zack coughed and War shrieked like a kid. "You took us, to a role-playing carnival!"

"No one will know who we are for one," Lukas grinned. "Everyone is either warrior, princess or prince, we'll be good for awhile, they have sheltering for us to use, huts called Seeks that are from the renaissance era."

"I'm going to kill you."

"Go get changed sweetheart, you get to pick, princess, warrior or maid?"

I grumbled as I pulled War with me, who else would have picked a role playing carnival, I didn't even know they exist, but he found them and no we're part of the play. "I want to be a princess," War smiled.

"I'm going to be a warrior."

We both quickly put on our costumes and walked back out to the guys, all of the laughing. “Don’t laugh,” I mumbled, blushing.

“Why?” Lukas smiled. “You look amazing!”


"Really," he smiled and tilted his head. "What about me?"

I just realized he was wearing old King type clothes, wearing a red body suit, tight red pants, red jacket with gold buttons, his hair all spiked into a mohawk and knee high black boots. "Well, can't say that these make you look bad, because they look better than tight pants."

"Thanks," he grinned as he looked down at me. "That skirt and that, I can't say shirt…bra perhaps."

"Don't even," I shook my head laughing.

"And what about you’re royal highness?” War curtsied and began giggled.

“Beautiful as ever,” Warren smiled and pulled her close to him.

“Okay, so what are we gonna do here?” I looked around at all the different attractions here.

"You get to fight," Lukas said pointing at me. "War gets to sit at her thrown, I get to sit at my thrown, Zack gets to fight at you're side and Warren gets to amuse me."

"Wait what?"

"I'm the jackal," Warren grinned as he jumped up and down. "Or jester was it?"

♠ ♠ ♠


Image <-- is Zack
