War and Peace

War And Peace

"Right," he looked away from Lukas to me. "You get to fight to win the king," he grinned. "Isn't that fun."


"Ha, I stole your man!” War grinned and hugged Lukas. “He’s my king now.”

“Not for long, bitch,” I laughed. “You can have the jester.”

“But I like being royalty,” She frowned. “And Lukas is my king.”

"Eh whatever," I grabbed Zach's arm and pulled him off. "Nice…suit by the way."

"It's kind of…" He pulled at the shirt. "Tight."

"Didn't they have a bigger size?" I asked as I looked over at him as we walked through the arena looking thing, the doors shut behind us and I could feel something was about to happen. "Zack…"

"Hopefully that's cautionary, I'd hate to have to kill my father for hurting us," he grumbled as he pulled out a sword, I stared at it for a second then shook my head.

"Where did you get that!"

"They gave me it," he said innocently. "Okay fine, I brought it."

“Well, where’s my weapon?!”

“Here,” Zack bent over and picked up a stick, handing it to me.

I stared at it for a minute, then at him, before I whacked him over the head with it. "A stick! Come on man!"

"Ow," he laughed as he whistled, soon two things were thrown over my head, a small silver shield and a silver mallet looking thing that had spikes.

"Much better," I glared at him before the crowd went wild, I stared at the crowd for a minute before I looked down to see lions coming out of the two holes in the wall. "What!"

"Oh shit," Zack whispered as he stepped forward in front of me. "Dad didn't tell me this was a vampire carnival."


"They let real lions in at vampire carnivals because we can't die."


“But you can’t die, either,” Zack nodded. “Remember?”

“Yes, but I’m still scared! Their fucking lions!”

"Just calm down," he sighed as he grabbed my arm from hitting him.

"I can't calm down, my blood! If I spill it won't everyone die or something?"

"No they have to ingest it," he shook his head as he patted my arm.

"I don't want to kill lions, they are living animals, I don't want to kill them Zach, I will kill you're father though."

"Well, that’s not very nice,” He laughed and jabbed at one of the lions.

“I’m not a nice person,” I shrugged and held up the shield, shaking slightly.

“I can tell,” He chuckled.

"But I am nicer than War," I said as I dropped to my hands and knees as a lion jumped at me, I grunted and stood back up. "Yes, defiantly killing you're dad after this."

"Why though?"

"Because he's supposed to be protecting me, not throwing me to the lions," I said then threw my arms out dramatically. "Literally!"

"You do have a great point," Zack said as he stabbed at one of the lions again, earning a growl.

"Don’t I always?” I laughed slightly, running behind him. “Save me.”

“Your useless,” He sighed and jabbed at the lions.

“Yes, I am,” I nodded and kept close. "Wait, kind of."

"Kind of? You're not even helping, at least put up a shield!" he almost shrieked like a girl as a lion ran at us, I closed my eyes and held my hands up, causing an invisible barrier to make the lion fall backwards on the ground with a pained growl.

"Ow," I mumbled as I looked around. "What are we going to do?"

"I'm thinking," he mumbled as he leaned his back against mine. "Do you have any ideas?"

"One, but it may not end very good."


"I shield a bubble around the three lions and place them back in the hole in the wall, then you shut the gate since you're strong?"

"That will work!"

"Okay,” I nodded, both of us getting in a fighting stance. “Ready?”


“Alright, here we go!” I yelled and dissolved the shield, quickly rebuilding it on the lions. I slowly floated them back into the cave where they had came as Zack jumped up and slammed the gate shut.

“We did it!” He held up his hand, which I joyfully high fived.

“I’m impressed,” Lukas clapped from his throne.

"You better be, my head hurts," I mumbled as I ran my hand over my forehead. "They were heavy."

"Are you alright?" Zack whispered as he held my other hand high as the crowd clapped.

"Not really," I whispered as I leaned against his side. "I’m lightheaded."

"Why?” Lukas jumped down and helped War off her throne.

“War’s the fighter, I’m not used to all this power being used,” I shook my head.

"Well shit you could have told us," Warren said as he leaned over the large roman wall then jumped over to where he landed beside War. "How are you feeling now?"

"Lightheaded but pretty damn proud of myself," I grinned as Zack wrapped his arm around my shoulders and slightly swung me up with his other hand under my knees. "Ow wow, now I feel like I'm high…"

"Peace," War chuckled as she walked with Zack and I, wherever the hell we were going. "Zack where are you taking us?"

"To the lodging."

Ten minutes later, I was laid on a hay made bed that had a linning of a grey blanket to lay on and a blue cloth blanket to cover with, the ground was dirt and hay and the small hut was made of logs, hay and straw, no bathrooms, showers or sinks, just two beds on opposite sides of the room.

"I'm going to kill him."

"Why?" Zack grinned. "You're wanting to kill my father a lot, are you sure you don't just want to have sex with him instead?"

I glanced up at the young/old immortal and sneered. "In his dreams."

"Excuse me for correcting," War walked up and sat at my feet while Zack sat on the ground in front of my face. "But it would be in you're dreams Mon Cher."

"Are you talking French now too?"

"It’s becoming a habit,” She nodded. “Lukas is rubbing off on me.”

“Well, great,” I sighed, Lukas and Warren walking in.

“Hey,” War half waved, Warren grinning and tackling her to the bed.

“Ahhh!” War giggled. “He’s gonna rape me!”

“You can’t rape the willing,” He mumbled into her neck.
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