War and Peace

War And Peace


“You guys are strange,” I shook my head and looked up to Lukas, who was now standing next to me. "Uh…hello?"

"Hello," he smiled as he bent down to eye level with me. "You did very good, didn't even harm the lions."

"I didn't want to."

"Very good," he smiled as he kissed my forehead. "When you rest, there will be a carnival tonight, feast for the great warriors."

"Oh how nice," I mumbled as I looked at the ceiling. "Will it all be blood?"

"Its food actually, I told you we can eat, we just prefer blood."

"Good,” I flipped over and looked to War, who was grinning widely at Warren. “At least someone’s having fun.”

“You’re not having fun?” Lukas frowned and looked down to me.

“Well, let’s see, I’ve been kidnapped by vampires, found out I’m a prophecy, been confused more in a week then my entire life, and had to fight off lions. Does it sound like I’m having fun?”


“Oh god,” I slapped my forehead and sighed.

"Not God, Lukas Black," he grinned as he leaned his arm across my stomach so that he was leaned up against the bed. "I think you enjoy it because its adventure."

"Its okay, but I'm not having fun as I would like."

"I can make it fun," he smirked as I turned to cock my head at him. "What?"

"You're very perverted to be so old."

"I'm not old," he mumbled narrowing his eyes. "I'm twenty six years old, my mind is over nine hundred."

"I'm eighteen," I said as I tilted my head to the other side. "And my mind is the age of thirty so…you're still older."

"Beat you,” He smirked, making me huff.

“Lighten up, Peace,” War looked over to me. “Don’t be so pissy.”

“I will be pissy,” I growled as she shook her head.

“Why do I bother…”

"I'm not sure anymore," I mumbled as I leaned up on my elbow, apparently Lukas thought I was making an advancement because he kissed me hard on the lips, it took me a minute to realize he was kissing me.

But I couldn't pull away, I just…couldn't.

"Well for someone who bitches about him flirting with her, she sure hasn't pushed him away," War grinned. “Don’t you think, boys?”

“Yeah,” Zack and Warren both nodded. After a few minutes, War was becoming impatient.

“Peace!” She huffed. “It’s been at least ten minutes! You whore!”

I pulled away slowly and stared into Lukas' blue eyes, my stomach doing flips and my mind screaming at how idiotic I was to letting in, but damn he could kiss. "Shit."

"Hm," Lukas looked over at War. "Would you excuse us for a moment," he turned back to me and grabbed the back of my head and brought me back to his lips.

"Good lord!" War said as she turned to Warren. "We aren't doing that so you can forget it, and Zack what is with you're dad?"

"He likes her," Zack licked his lips with a laugh. "And when he likes something, he has to have it."

I can see,” She nodded. “Selfish much?”

“I guess you can say that,” Zack shrugged and stood up, walking out of the tent.

“Pick me up and get me out!” War demanded, Warren agreeing and carrying her out of the tent as well.

After a few seconds, my brain started to work again, firing up the motors and getting them wheels a spinning, but I still couldn't step away from Lukas, he was like a drug, his lips fit perfectly to mine, his taste so unique and amazing, his smell, heaven forbid they ever make a cologne that smells like him, men will be mauled in the streets. "Lukas?" I managed.

"Yes, Mon Amour?" he asked kissing my cheek, down to my neck.

"We just met, we shouldn't do this," I gulped as he went closer to my collarbone.

"Yes, but," he stopped and brought his lips back up to mine as he stared into my eyes. "Do you really want to stop?"

I thought about it for a second, yes I needed too, but it felt so good, I haven't known him that long, just his face which I have seen nearly a year in time, he's deadly, but not to me, a vampire that I also could kill. "No."


“You think she’d come out soon, right?” I looked to Warren, who was sitting on the picnic table next to me.

“I would suppose,” He nodded.

“What do you think their doing?” Zack stared at the hut.

“Could be anything,” I said softly, shuddering. “Ewww.”

"Think they could be…" Zack cleared his throat as he sat his sword from the fight on the table. "You get my drift."

"I got it," I twitched as I watched the door open and Lukas walk out holding Peace's hand. "They don't look like it."

"Did you guys screw?" Warren asked bluntly as he leaned against the table while staring intently on Lukas.

"No we didn't Warren," Lukas rolled his eyes as he helped Peace sit down. "You saw what we did."



"Well, you sure kissed for a long time,” I looked away and laughed, Peace blushing.

“Maybe so,” She nodded.

“Defiantly so,” I giggled.

“Whatever,” Peace mumbled and sat down on my other side.

"Someone's blushing," I poked her cheeks, she glared at me before punching my arm.

"Shut up Heather."

"Make me Misery."

"I will," she said and suddenly a invisible hand it felt like covered my mouth, I glared at her and mumbled she was a bitch.

"How'd you do that?" Warren asked tapping against the shield over my lips. "That's so coo—" and she did it to him also.

"Now, now Cherie, they need to speak even though its rubbish," Lukas patted Peace's hand, she mumbled a fine, but it was fun before letting go of the shield.

“Thank you, Lukas,” I smiled at him before turning back to Peace. I smirked before using a bit of force to push her off the table. “Payback is a bitch!”

"So am I," she mumbled as I went flying backwards, tumbling over and over but never touching the ground.

"Ow! Peace let me go!" I shouted and fell to the ground on my stomach. "You're right, you are a bitch."

"Thank you," she laughed as Warren ran up and helped me up.
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