War and Peace

War And Peace


"That wasn't nice," Lukas said as he looked down at me, I shrugged as War walked over glaring at me.

"That's enough," War mumbled as she hugged me. "Truce."

"Good,” I nodded. “Cause we’d probably end up killing each other.”

“Too true,” War giggled.

“You guys are strange,” Zack shook his head and stared at us.

“How many times will we tell you that we already know that!” War insisted.

"When it finally sinks in," I said with a nod of the head, I grinned slightly as I heard yelling. "What's that?"

"There starting the festival/carnival," Warren answered as he looked over at War. "Should we all change?"

"No because we're the warriors!" I flexed my arms causing Zack to chuckle. "Come on Zack, do it too!"

"Alright," he sighed and flexed. "We're the warriors!"

"You have no clue how true," Lukas chuckled as he kissed my neck, I blushed slightly and he moaned. "I can hear you're blood rising to you're cheeks."

"Translation," Warren held up to hands to quote him. "He's getting turned on."

"Oh,” I blushed even more, War bursting out in laughter.

“Doesn’t take much for Lukas to get horny, does it?” She looked over to Warren, who nodded and chuckled.

“Father,” Zack sighed. “Not in public!”

“I’m sorry,” Lukas kissed my shoulder blade. “I can’t help it that she’s beautiful.”

"Maybe I should cover up more," I suggested as I went to grab hold of Warren's jacket he took off, that was part of his jester suit, but Lukas pulled my arm back.

"No, I like looking at you like this, you're fierce and strong, a rather attractive woman that shows how strong she really is, physically and mentally," he smiled as he kissed my lips, I kissed back until Zack pulled me back.

"Not out here, for the love of Alavaster," he said in shock then he looked at Lukas. "Father, Mon Dieu man."


"The first vampire Mon Amour," Lukas said as he looked away from Zack for a second.

"Yeah, even I knew that!” War laughed.

“Shut the fuck up, War, you had no damn clue!” I shot back, making her pout.

“Take a joke,” She mumbled and stuck out her tongue at me, her stomach rumbling. “Uh, I’m hungry.”

“Obviously,” Warren laughed and took a hold of her hand. “Let’s go.”

"Yeah, I'm hungry too," I said as Lukas grabbed my hand and walked with me down the steps to the village.

"You are my queen tonight Mon Amour, you will not sleep in hay and dirt, you will stay with the king," he flashed a grin. "In my palace."

"Hold it right there Jack, I won't be staying with the king."

"Lukas," he pointed to himself as if he didn't get the joke. "And you will, because you won't like how itchy the hay is."

"We'll see."

"Yes, we will,” He smirked, making me shake my head and lean over to War.

“He thinks he actually has a chance!”

“I know I do,” He butted in.

“I wasn’t talking to you,” I frowned playfully at him.

“It’s not like I couldn’t hear you,” He shrugged as I turned back to War.

“He does have a chance,” She began. “You want him and you know it.”

“Way to be on my side, Heather,” I pouted and straighten back up. "It's really amazing how much faith you put in me."

"Oh I have faith," she said nodding her head frantically. "Faith that he'll rock your world, he has nine hundred plus years of experience, you have what? None?"

"Any faith in me?" I asked dryly as I heard chuckles from behind me.

"I have faith you'll put up a good fight, but in the end you'll give in and let him have his way, you've already shown you can't stop when he touch—"

"I'm ready to take a sword to you're gut," I grumbled as I walked away from her laughter, damn her.

"You wouldn’t be able to get through my power,” She scoffed. “And besides, your conscious wouldn’t let you.”

“Or I would kill you, one of the three,” Warren raised his hand.

“Great,” I sighed. “Now I have to be scared for my life, too.”

"No you don't," Zack marched over to me and pulled out his sword. "Warren back off, this is my warrior partner and I need her to accomplish my plan."

"And that would be?" I peaked around to see his face.

"Shh, I'll tell you later," he hissed as he looked back at Warren. "Préparez-vous au duel."

"What? I got duel out of that," I said as I turned to Lukas, he looked over not very amused.

"Prepare for duel," he said dryly.

"Wait, you and Warren are going to fight?” I pointed to Warren, then Zack. They both nodded. “Well, this should be interesting.”

“Just don’t kill each other,” War added.

“We can’t die, remember?” Warren turned around to her.

“Oh, yeah.”

After a few minutes of French words being thrown out and swords clanging together, Lukas got testy. "Can we please go feast you two children?"

"Oh come on father," Zack laughed as he ducked from Warren's sword. "Stop being such a Ebenezer Scrooge."

"Hey you watched that too!" War yelled happily

"No, I met him," Zack said slowly. "Nasty old man I must say, I wonder why they made a cartoon movie after him."

"Good question," I sighed and looked around. "Are we ever going to eat?"

"Eventually..." Warren took a stab at Zack's stomach.

"But I'm hungry!" I whined

"But I'm not," Warren grinned as he flipped in the air and landed behind Zack, who turned and swiped at Warren's stomach.

"But we're human you moron, we get hungry way faster than you!"

"Don't call me a moron, idiot."

"I will call you a moron, don't call me idiot, asshole."

"Enough," Lukas stopped Warren with a glare. "Let's go eat, now."

"Yes father," Zack flipped off Warren and ran to my side. "Malady can I escort you to a seat?"

"Yes you may, uh…myman?"

"Sir works just as good," he whispered with a nod, causing me to laugh and grab his arm.

"Right, I knew that."
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