War and Peace

War And Peace

"Sure you did,” Zack chuckled, all of us walking over to a long table.

“I did!” I insisted and sat down in between War and Zack.

“So what’s for dinner?”

"I don't know War," I whispered as I glanced at the table, which held berries of all kinds, meat but not sure what kind, and appetizers all around. "Looks like anything and everything."

"What kind of meat is that?" she asked pointing at the pinkish looking beef in the middle of the table, in front of Warren.

"Pig," he said smirking as she stuck her tongue out in distaste.

"Pig," she grumbled as she shook her head. "Any other byproducts?"

"Why?” Warren forked some onto his plate. “What’s wrong with pig?”

“Nothing besides the fact that it’s meat,” I began. “She’s a veggie.”

“A what?” Lukas looked to War.

“A vegetarian!” She explained. “You know, don’t eat meat?”

“How do you survive?” All the boys asked, making her and I laugh.

“It’s not that hard,” She insisted. “Just think about that pig you’re eating still being alive and chopped up.”

“Ewww,” Warren looked down to his plate and made a face.

"Don't worry, I'm not a veggie, I like my red meat," I grabbed a leg from the chicken, or turkey near my plate. "Or…white meat, whatever."

"I love a woman with a healthy appetite," Lukas said gruffly as if he had a hard time saying it.

"Uh," I looked up from my plate and nodded slowly. "Yeah…."

"I don't want to lose my appetite right now you two, please don't flirt," War said grabbing a handful of berries, then shoved them in her mouth like a baby. "Mhm, blackberries."

"Piglet," I grumbled then cackled. "Is that you're momma?"


"What? It’s a carnivore's sense of humor."

"Well I don’t think it’s funny,” She crossed her arms in front of her chest and pouted. “What did that poor pig ever do to deserve this?”

“I don't know,” I shrugged. “Maybe it was, like, a Manson pig and became a cannibal and ate all the other pigs.”

“I’m going to puke,” War put her hand over her mouth and took a deep breath.

"Or it could have bit someone and this was someone sick joke of justice?" Zack pointed his knife lazily at Peace.

"Or you know, it could be because someone is deathly pissed off at pork," Warren nodded his head frantically.

"Or someone just got hungry, it was either the fair maiden or the ugly pig," Lukas shrugged his shoulders.

"I liked them all," I nodded my head grinning. "But I think Warren hit the nail on the head."

"I have to go!” War jumped up and ran to the hut.

“Well,” I began. “At least we got rid of her.”

“Yes!” Zack grinned and shoved a hunk of pork in his mouth.

"Aw you're so nice," I grinned as I bit down on the leg of whatever meat and grinned with a mouth full. "So…"

"We have to—" Zack stopped as the table erupted in laughter, I glanced down to see a woman walking down the table middle, around the food belly dancing in see-through silk, her eyes set intensely on Lukas. "Uh…dinner and a show?"

"Apparently," I mumbled as she nearly dumped my wine in my lap, I grabbed it just in time and sat it back while she began to shake her hips in Lukas' face, he watched with a blank face as she lowered and touched his chin with a long nail, my mouth must have been dropped open from her act, she twist and turned erotically and lowered herself to the dance a couple times until she lowered a last time and grabbed something out of her ankle bracelet, no one else saw it but me, a knife.

My hands flew up and she went flying through the air hitting a tree, everyone turned to me as I jumped across the table and ran at her, I grabbed the knife while holding my hand out to keep her against the tree. "What the hell were you going to do with that?" I shouted as I threw the blade two inches above her head in the large oak bark.

"Mon Dieu," Lukas said slowly from beside me. "She was going to slit my neck wasn't she?"

"Yes she was,” I nodded. “But I saved you. Now what do you say?”

“Thank you?”

“Okay,” I smiled and nodded, looking back at the girl. “Warren, go find War.”

“Yes, ma’am!” He saluted me and ran off.

"Uh, what do I do?" I asked as I looked at the girl, who was struggling against the shield I held around her.

"Let her go, I'll take care of it."

"Are you sure about that? You almost got you're head chopped off because you were so focused on her boobs," I said harshly as I turned to stare at him.

"Is someone jealous?"

"Jealous? No I'm sorry if it seems that way, I'm just merely pointing out the obvious, which is no matter how old you are, men are all the same."

"True that,” War walked back up with Warren and looked at the girl. “What the hell happened? I leave for five minutes and people get attacked?”

“Yes,” I nodded.

“I always miss the good stuff,” War mumbled and glanced to me. “Can I kill her?”

“No!” Both the woman and I said at the same time.

“Awww, why not?”

“She’ll be useful to me,” Lukas smirked, everyone’s jaw dropping. “Not the way your thinking!”

"Are you sure?" I asked with a slight smirk, which caused Lukas to literally growl.

"I second that question," War said as Warren and Zack nodded there heads, until Lukas turned to them, and they scratched there heads whistling.

"Wimps," I mumbled at the two cowards, I turned to Lukas and glared. "Okay Mr. She'll be useful to me, what are you planning to use her for?"

"Interrogating her,” He explained.

“Naked?” War giggled and leaned on Warren.

“No!” Lukas shouted. “Just to find out who she’s working for!”

“Are you sure you won’t get… Distracted?” I pointed at her.

"What do you take me for? A hormonal teenager? I'm nearly nine hundred years old!" Lukas shouted dramatically.

"Well, I wouldn't be boasting about that," I whispered playfully. "But I'm just saying, do you need help, like War or me can come in there with you because we'll keep you from getting distracted."

"Go jump off a cliff," he mumbled

"Okay," I turned around and went running, but Lukas caught me and threw me over his shoulder. "Hey you told me too!"

"I wasn’t serious,” He sighed and began walking back to the hut.

“So,” War ran up next to us. “How long are we in hiding for?”

“Who knows,” Warren shrugged. “It could be months.”

“Months?!” War and I shouted at the same time.
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