War and Peace

War And Peace

I looked up at the black haired man and laughed. "War and Peace, the prophecies."

"Oh shit," he stepped back.

"They don't want to kill us Julius," I chuckled as I brushed the hair out of Peace's face. "They want to help us with the synthetic blood problem."

"What's there real names?"

"Misery Phillips and Heather Pinkos," Zack said as he pulled off his jacket and threw it to the chair.

And your sure they don’t want to kill us?”

“I’m positive,” I nodded.

“Well, their certainly pretty,” He ran his finger across War’s face.

“Who the hell are you?” Her eyes shot open and she glared at him.

“Julius Starr,” He nodded and smiled.

“Don’t touch me,” She stood up and stretched.

“Good morning,” Warren grinned at her.

“Yeah, I feel like I got hit by a truck,” She mumbled and looked down to Peace. War leaned over and shook her. “Wake up!"

Then all of a sudden War was floating in the air, she huffed dramatically and crossed her arms while she floated upside down. "I don't like being shook awake Heather," Peace grumbled.

"Don't Heather me, Misery, now put me down!" War yelled and then pop, she fell on her butt. "I didn't mean like that."

"Specify next time," Peace stretched and opened her eyes. "Well hello new person."

"Julius Starr," Julius held his hand out and kissed hers, I felt anger slowly rise from my feet and a growl rise from my throat. "Someone's been marked huh?"

"Sure?” Peace shrugged.


“Ha-ha, okay,” Julius laughed and looked up to Lukas. “She’s yours, isn’t she?”

“Quite possibly,” Lukas smirked and nodded.

“No,” I drew Julius’ attention down to me. “I’m not his.”

"You're not?" he raised both his eyebrows with a grin on his pink lips. "Then whose are you my dear?"

"Honey, I'm no ones to claim," I patted his shoulder as I stood and walked past Lukas, shoving his shoulder as I did. "Quite possibly my ass, Black."

"We'll see."

"You'll see alright."

You’ll see tonight!” War burst out, Lukas and I staring at her. “That wasn’t necessary.”

“No, it wasn’t,” I shook my head and continued walking.

“Wait!” War ran after me and up to my side.


"You don't know where you're going for one," she said as she linked her arm with mine. "And two I'm sorry," she giggled slightly. "It's funny though."

"Whatever," I grumbled pushing her playfully. "I'm a little lightheaded."

"I am too, but hey free ride."

"Sure,” I mumbled. “You think Lukas would rape me if he had the chance?”

“Oh,” War said softly. “Most definitely.”

“Well, great,” I mumbled.

“What about Warren?”

“You can’t rape the willing, honey,” I turned to her and smiled.

“Yeah, yeah, fuck you too,” She glared and me.

"Not interested," I chuckled as I walked away from her, she stopped and furrow her eyebrows, then yelled Hey!

"I'm not gay!"

"Glad to hear that," Warren stepped beside her, I cackled a little until I ran into something firm, and silky.

"Uh," I looked up at Lukas and noticed he had changed clothes to a black silk jacket and a white shirt, I glared at him and pushed, but he didn't budge. "Move asshole."

"You really need to find another pet name for me, its slightly damaging to my self esteem Mon Cherie."

"Hmm, then how about dick head?” I sneered and walked around him.

“Now don’t get mean,” He frowned and grabbed my shoulder.

“I will be mean,” I frowned and slapped his hand away.

"You shouldn't," he grinned as he pulled me closer to him, I wiggled trying to away but that caused him to only hold me closer to his chest. "Calm down and I'll let you go."

"Let me go!"

"Calm down."

"Fuck off!"

"Aw someone's angered."

"Gah you—" I stopped when he pulled me into a kiss.

"Oh my god,” War said softly, everyone staring. “This isn’t happening.”

“It is,” Warren mumbled, also in shock.

“You,” I pulled away. “Why the fuck are you so blunt?! And why didn’t you kiss me sooner!?”

"Wasn't expecting that, were you?" War asked Warren and Zack, who at the same time shook there heads. "At least I'm not alone."

"I'm blunt because I want to be and I didn't kiss you sooner because you wouldn't shut you're pretty little mouth," Lukas said as he kissed me again.

"Should we give them some time alone?" War asked

"I'm not sure," Zack mumbled.

"I don’t think so,” Warren shook his head. “We leave them alone and they’ll fuck right here.”

“True,” War and Zack nodded at the same time.

“I would not,” Lukas insisted.

“Uh,” I mumbled. “Yeah, you’d want to.”


“Yes, really,” I nodded.

"Would you be up for it?" he asked coyly, which caused me to glare and slap his arm.


"Oh why not?" he whined as he rolled his head. "You know you want too."

"Just as much as I want to jump off a cliff," I said as I walked away, a few minutes later War ran up to me and grinned as she opened a door and led us inside.

"So you really want to jump a cliff that bad?"

"Ever heard of paragliding?" I grinned.

"Whatever, you want him and you know it,” She huffed. “You can’t deny it; it’s as obvious as that big pimple on your forehead.”
♠ ♠ ♠


Image --Julius Starr