War and Peace

War And Peace

“Oh shit! I have a pimple!?” I squealed and felt my face.

“I was kidding,” War laughed and shook her head.

“Are you sure I don’t have one?”

“Positive,” She nodded. “Why? Don’t want Lukas to see it?”

"No, I don't want to see the damn thing," I grumbled as I pushed her. "Stop being so mean."

"I can't help it, its fun."

"Fun my ass," I grumbled as I looked up at the library we walked into, the whole four to six walls were full to the top with books. "It's heaven."

"It's love."

"I call this half," I shouted running to the left while she went to the right. "This is awesome!"

"Awww, fuck!” War stomped "I got the biographies! Trade with me!”

“Never!” I shouted and hugged a bookshelf. “It’s mine! All mine!”

“Don’t be selfish!” War demanded.

"I'll let you look," I said with a giggle. "Nah come on over and pick you out a book, I'm not that evil."

"Thank God, I'd die if I was forced to read bios," War ran over while pulling her hair up in a hair-bow. "And what do we have here?"

"I'm not sure," I tilted my head and read History of Immortals

"Well, let’s find out,” She picked up Werewolves and you

“What are you reading?” I looked at the cover of War’s book and squeaked. “There’s werewolves?!”

“Obviously,” War nodded, flipping a page

"Ah man I wanna meet one!" I jumped up and down as I tried to reach a book above my head. "Damn it!"

"Here," a pale white hand reached out to grab the book that said Prophecies and such.

"Thanks, Julius was it?" I asked as he handed it to me.

"Yes, Peace was it?" he asked with a smile as he stepped back and watched War dance around the room reading a book out loud.

"Yeah, War is the dancing baboon over there," I nodded

"She certainly is energetic,” Julius nodded.

“It’s the sugar,” I explained. “Give the girl on candy bar, she’s hyper for a year.”

“I’ll remember that,” He nodded. “So you’re the good prophecy, right?”

"Good? I believe we're both good, she just has very bad anger management problems, I'm more laid back in battle as they say," I nodded slowly.

"Peace and War, or Chaos am I right?" he asked smiling as he looked from War to me.

"Yeah," I nodded. "But we don't want to hurt vampires," I admitted. "Is there anyway I could get an answer out of you, like is Werewolves really, real?"

"Yes," he smiled softly. "Vampires, werewolves, anything you can think of, is real one way or another, in imagination or in reality."

"You’re no help, then,” I mumbled. “I mean, do they really exist in person? Not just my imagination.”

“Yes, their real,” Julius nodded.

“Cool, do you know any?” I asked, wide-eyed.

“Well,” He sighed. “Werewolves and vampires don’t exactly get along.”

"Like?" I instructed him to continue, but only got a blank stare. "Oh come on man, finish!"

"Oh sorry," he grinned as he stepped back slightly. "They hate each other pretty much, werewolves are basically large dogs as you know, and dogs are man's best friend, man's best friend protects his master, therefore when we feed, we are harming there master, they hate us because of it and kill us when we feed alone."

"You can take them down if its more than one right?" I asked

"Usually, unless the vampire is weak."

"Oh, okay then,” I nodded slowly and looked back to War, who tripped over a shelf.

“I’m okay!”

“You sure?” I walked over and looked down at her.

“Positive,” She mumbled. “Now help me up.”

“Alright,” I reached out my arm and picked her back up to her feet. “You’re welcome.”

“Yeah, yeah,” She waved me away and looked over to Julius. “Who are you again?”

"Julius Starr," he explained with a bow, when he stood up he smiled sweetly. "War."

"Julius," she acknowledged him as she grabbed a book from the shelf beside him. "Wicked! Elves."

"Elves?" I glanced at Julius, who nodded. "They are real?"

"Very real."

"Well damn," I grinned as I looked over at War. "Real elves."


"Is uh…Legolas Greenleaf real by any chance?" I asked flipping my wrist dismissingly.

"Oh, he’s gorgeous!” War added, giggling, Julius staring at us like we were crazy. “Kidding.”

“Okay,” He nodded slowly. “Unicorns are real, too.”

“What?” War said slowly and dropped the book she was reading.

“Unicorns,” Julius stated. “Their real, too.”

“No way.”

“Is she okay?” Julius leaned over to me and whispered.

“Obsession,” I explained. “She’s always wanted one.”


"You can't own a unicorn, its against immortal and mortal rules but besides that they are very feral, very wild," Julius nodded slowly.

"Oh," War pouted her lip sadly. "Damn it."

"So uh," I leaned against the bookcase. "You didn't answer me, Legolas Greenleaf real?"

"Yes but he's not Orlando Bloom," he said raising both eyebrows. "Very far from it if I say so myself."

"So if you had to say, who's he look like?" I asked

"It’s a mixture between," he stopped and looked up at the ceiling in thought. "Dustin Diamond and Kevin Durand."

"Kevin Durand?" War asked

"You know that really tall guy in Yuma 3:10 that gets stabbed with the fork?" I asked motioning to stabbing in the neck while tilting my head. "That guy."
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