War and Peace

War And Peace

“Yes!” She cheered. “I’m finally free of the bindings of Wal-mart!”

“Well, aren’t you happy?”

“Yes, very,” She nodded. “I quit my hellish job and met a gorgeous man.”

“Oh, someone has the hots for Lukas,” I giggled.

“Not Lukas,” She said quietly. “Warren.”

"He is pretty cute," I nodded my head in agreement. "To bad we won't see them now since someone," I shot her a look. "Made us quit."

"Damn it!" she hit the steering wheel. "I so didn't think about that, do you think they'll realize we left if we go back?"

"Yes," I nodded slowly. "It's called security cameras."

"Damn it," she mumbled as she looked to the left. "I'm upset, you know where we're going now."

"To Lamar's park," I punched the air lazily as I leaned back in the seat. "Wake me when you stop."

"Don't go to sleep, I wanna talk!" she whined, I grinned and closed my eyes. "Misery don't go to sleep."

"Bite me."

"I just might now because you're pissing me off," she laughed as she slammed on the breaks. "Holy shit!"

I opened my eyes and stared at the two men standing in the middle of the street, not five feet in front of the car's hood, the two men were twins no doubt about it, they both looked at each other, nodded there heads sending there long blond hair flying at the rapid head movement and then they walked to War and my doors, she locked the doors, causing the man at her door to smile. "I have a very bad feeling War," I whispered holding my hand out; she grabbed it and closed her eyes.

Before we could do anything the doors of the car were ripped from the locks and hinges, I glanced down at the once fixed door and groaned. "I paid good money for that put it back on right this instance."

Screw the fact this scrawny man just ripped the car door off as if it was a ritz cracker, he messed up the detail, damn him!

"We're fucked," War muttered before the men grabbed us by the neck and lifted us from the car, I gasped for air as I clawed at his hand, I could hear War gasping as she kicked.

"Where are the men," the man hissed in my face. "Lukas Black and Warren Bell, where are they?"

"Fuck you,” War whispered and spat in the man’s face.

“War, just cooperate,” I said between gasps for air.

“Just tell us where Warren and Lukas are,” The man holding me growled lowly.

“We don’t know,” I pulled at his hand to loosen it slightly. "Why do you want to know anyway?"

"They need to be killed," the man hissed with a thick French accent, he tightened his grip again. "I can smell him on you."

"You can smell—dude are you stoned?" I whispered as I let go of my hand and punched him in the face, he shook his head and glared until his eyes turned black. "Ohh shit."

"Oh shit what?" War almost yelled.

I didn't say anything because I was struggling against the crushing that the man was doing to my windpipe, I gasped for air just as he was literally ripped from the ground and thrown up in the air, I closed my eyes and fell to the ground gasping and coughing. "Are you okay?" a french accent said, it clearly sounded like are zue okay but I took it as are you okay.

"You have," I stopped and coughed. "Some serious explaining to do Lukas Black," I rubbed my throat as I stood up wobbily.

"I know,” He sighed and nodded. “Are you alright?”

“Yeah,” I nodded, glancing over to War. She pulled against the man’s hand until Warren swept in and punched War’s captor in the stomach. She dropped to the ground and lay on her back, panting heavily as Lukas and I helped her up.

“I need you two girls to go,” Warren turned to us and said frantically.

“What? Why?” War looked at Warren, then to Lukas.

“Just go!”

“Alright,” I nodded and grabbed War’s arm, pulling her quickly away.

"What the," War stopped and threw her arms down from them being at her sides. "Fuck was that about!"

"I'm no sure but I think it has to do with Lukas and Warren being in trouble by some French guys who have really good muscles," I confused myself and scratched my head as we walked down the alleyway a block from our car and the fight. "Okay maybe it was—"

"Don't strain your brain Peace," War chuckled as she rubbed her throat. "I feel weird."

"So do I," I nodded as I closed my eyes then opened them to see everything blurring and turning upside down, I grabbed War's arm and whined. "What the hell."

"Oh God," War mumbled as she ran into the wall and held on for dear life, holding my arm with her other as she closed her eyes. "Make everything stop moving."

"I can't," I clenched my eyes closed as I began to tingle at my toes and it began to slowly rise up. "My legs are tingling Heather."

"Mine too," War swallowed loudly. "What's going on?"

"I don't know," I leaned my head against her shoulder as we slid down the wall. "I feel like I've been drugged."

"Oh mon dieu, ils ont été empoisonnés," I heard from not to far away, followed by two pairs of footsteps racing towards us.

"Oh God make it stop," I whispered as I felt someone's fingertips gaze my cheek.

"Don't worry Mon Cher, everything will be okay soon," Lukas' voice was the last thing I heard before everything stopped and I felt like I was spiraling falling, into a memory.

~-~Two young girls laughed and giggled as they held hands and spun in circles, the world spinning around and around but nothing mattered except the fun feeling that enriched there beings, the fear of falling was evident but they trusted one another to never let go, to never let the other fall without them right behind the other, both girls polar opposites yet so alike; mind, body and soul, forced together by the bonds of nature, the bonds of life. They were sisters, they were twins, they were best friends. Though there blood was never the same, never the one that flowed through the other's vein, they still remained as close as siblings, maybe even closer, they knew each other more than anyone, and trusted souly on the other to never let them down, they weren't only best friends, but they were combined souls, one of the same, if one died, the other soon after. Both girls had no past, but always a future. ~-~

Rubbing my head, I sat up and yawned at the memory of War and My childhood, the thoughts of the day we left the orphanage and our happiness to be together was a good memory, but the memory itself was the oldest I could remember. "Oh man, what hit me?"

"An eighteen wheeler, like me," War groaned from beside me. “I feel like shit.”

“You’re not the only one,” I shook my head.

“So,” Lukas poked his head into the unfamiliar room. “You ladies awake?”

“Awake, not conscious,” War corrected and yawned.

“Well, wake up,” He laughed slightly.

“We’re trying!” I insisted, stretching out my arms above my head.

"What the hell happened Lukas," War mumbled as she stood up, I glanced down and noticed the black satin sheets of the large cherry wood four post bed we laid on and raised an eyebrow.

"Come with me and I'll explain everything," he said as he opened the door wider, I glanced up and seen War staring at me, wondering what I should do.
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