War and Peace

War And Peace

"Girls," Julius walked in the room. "I'd like my house to stay intact with no cracks or pieces missing please, if you don't mind."

"I'm guessing Lukas and Warren told you about our other accident?" War asked nonchalantly.

"Yes,” He nodded simply.

“We can’t really make any promises,” War shook her head. “We constantly clash our egos.”

“It has to do with me being Peace and her being my opposite, War,” I added.

“I figured that,” Julius nodded as a knocking came from the door.

“I’ll get it,” Lukas walked over to the door and swung it open.

As soon as I seen the man walking in, I cocked a hip and turned to War. "You know, we should have gotten to know Vampire a long time ago, and I mean long!"

"Dear lord almighty," she gasped as she looked over at me. "It's like heaven, with a bunch of books."

"And men, very sexy men."

"That too," she nodded her head as she turned back to the men, who were now staring at us like we just told them we were tranny's.

"You must be James," I smiled slightly excited, he nodded slowly as he turned to Warren.

"Who are they?"

"War and Peace, the prophecies."

"Oh,” He nodded, shaking hand with me then turning to War. She was just standing there, staring.

“War,” I nudged her shoulder.

“Huh?” She snorted and looked up to James. “Oh, hi.”

“Hello,” He smiled at her and looked over to Warren.

“Oh my god,” War turned to me and gasped. “He may be the most beautiful man I’ve ever met.”

“I can hear you,” He turned around and grinned.


"You still haven't gotten that through you're head have you?" I chuckled as she whined and hugged me like a little kid.

"No," she whined as she dug her face into my shoulder. "I am now really, really embarrassed."

"Yeah, I can tell," I whispered as she had which caused a giggle to excape past my lips. "But its okay, we fuck ourselves over everywhere we go, it shouldn't be new to us you know."

"But he's really hot."

"Still can hear you."

"Stop fucking listening!" she shouted in my ear, I grunted slightly and raised my hand and cover my ear.

"Now that I have permanent eardrum damage," I started and stopped as I seen James staring at me with interest. "Can uh, Julius can you show us to our room?"

"Sure,” He nodded and led us up a spiral staircase to as small room.

“Uh, Julius,” I raised my hand. “There’s only one bed.”

“And it’s mine!” War screamed and jumped on it, turning back to me. “You can sleep with Lukas.”

I could feel my top lip twitch and I could just envision the smirk on Lukas' face when I walk downstairs to ask for his bed to share. "I will so get you back."

"I don't doubt it," she shrugged her shoulders as she spread out on the bed. "But for today, I get my own damn bed."

"Expect the unexpected," I sneered as I stomped out of the room muttering unintelligible words under my breath. "Fuck, shit, damn, hell."

"What a vocabulary," Julius chuckled as we walked down the stairs side by side.

"You know it,” I nodded and hopped off the last step, looking at Lukas.


“I…” I mumbled. “I need to share a bed with you.”

“Well,” He smirked evilly. “If you insist.”

"You heard me," I said with a heavy, overly dramatic sigh.

"Always do Mon Cher," he smiled as he looked up the stairs. "I must send my thank you's to Miss War tomorrow at once."

"I'll kill you if you touch me," I pointed at him, while the other male vamp's surrounded us. "So don't even try."

"You didn't kill me earlier," he said innocently as he moved closer, I stepped back.

"Earlier, I was missing a brain cell or two," I excused myself as I grabbed the banister. "So don't try to touch me Black."

"Oh Misery," he whispered as he stepped up the first step, which coincidently I was still on, so he stepped in between my legs with his right knee and brought his chest to mine. "You'll be begging for my touch soon enough."

"I guess time has changed you," I smiled softly. "Because now it's called kicking you're ass out of the bed, so if you touch me you'll sleep on the couch, have I made myself clear?"

"So you say now,” He sighed. “Well, it is getting late. Let’s go to bed.”

“Fine,” I sighed as he picked me up bridal style and carried me into the room. He laid me softly on the bed before removing his shirt and laying down next to me. “Good night,” I mumbled and flipped over, away from him.

“Night,” He said softly into my ear and placed his hand on my hip.

I groaned and pushed his hand away, but only to have it placed on my waist again, I pushed it off and again it landed higher, I pushed it off and growled. "It goes any higher and I will rip parts off of you're body that you treasure deeply."

"Are you always this grumpy before bed?"

"When someone won't leave me alone," I growled and punched my pillow higher and added with a mumble. "You're just like Marky."

"I'm nothing like him," he almost growled. "I wouldn't leave you for something as moronic as drugs."

"I would believe you, because you won't leave me now even if I poured my blood over you're freaking face!"

"We all suffer for love."

"You don't love me."

"I will one day, one day soon if you keep acting like you are, it’s a real big turn on," he pulled me closer, and I gasped at the feel of his nice, firm body shaped to my back. "See, already leaving you breathless."

"No,” I shook my head and scooted forward slightly. “You just scared me.”

“Sure,” He sighed and pushed me down on my back, straddling my hips.

“What the fuck are you doing?!”

"Trying to actually get some answers from you're stubborn ass," he snapped as he pulled my arms above my head and pinned them to the pillow.

"This feels slightly scary so if you wouldn't mind letting me go—"

"No, see you have been ignoring the feeling you have towards me, I know you have it because I can see it in you're eyes. It’s the same feeling I have for you and that my dear is attraction, you want me and that is a fact," he said sternly as he stared down into my eyes.

Stubbornly I sneered at him. "Is that a matter of fact? No Lukas it's not attraction, its you being—you're so damn stubborn and blunt and—god why do you do that! I really don't want to like you but every time you test my boundaries it backfires on me and I want you more, there I said it," I huffed and looked to the left. "Damn it."
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Image - James
