War and Peace

War And Peace

"Fine,” He shrugged. “But I’m not moving.”


“You heard me,” He smirked. “I’m not going anywhere. I happen to like it right here. Now if only we were naked…”

“Your dead,” I stared at him. “I’m gonna kill you when you get off. Dead, I say. Dead!”

"Then I would die a happy man," he stopped smiling and sneered. "Vampire, whatever."

"You're really testing my nerves Lukas."

"I know, and I find it quite enjoyable," he smiled as he leaned down and kissed my neck. "Forbidden blood, makes it just the more tempting."

"Go ahead and bite me," I teased him. "I won't scream."

"Sure," he licked my neck slowly, which caused me to shiver. "Mhm, you even taste good."

"Oh my god,” I said softly. “Stop it.”

“Why?” He stared straight into my eyes. “Does it bother you?”

“No, it-“ I began.

“Turns you on.” Lukas smirked.

“I never said that,” I looked away.

“You were thinking it.”

"Stop reading my thoughts!" I shouted, which made him grin rather creepily. "What are you doing?"

"What do you want me to do?" he asked as he lowered himself to where he was basically laying on me, my eyes flickered to his lips to his eyes. "Oh, a kiss only?"

"I'm not freaky and I'm not a whore so yeah, just a kiss."

"Well,” He huffed. “That’s no fun.”

“It wasn’t meant to be,” I shook my head.

“Are you sure?” He frowned slightly. “I’ve waited so long to get you alone and all I get is a simple kiss?”

“Yep,” I nodded.

"Well, for now," he smiled and kissed my lips before I could comment back to his little wish. I gasped slightly as his ice cold hand slid under my shirt on my back, he chuckled into the kiss and decided to let up on straddling me, so he lifted me up and sat me on lap.

"Wait," I pulled away, I looked away for a moment then back to his eyes. "I—"

"You can trust me," he whispered staring me in the eyes, they were a completely different color now, black.

"Are you sure?” I asked shakily. “Can I?”

“I promise,” He nodded and kissed my forehead.

“Alright,” I nodded and took a deep breath, I glanced up to his eyes again and smiled before I gently pressed my lips to his.

"Hey—" the door opened and Julius stopped in his mid step. "Not a good time, I'll be back later."

"Fuck," Lukas sighed as he glanced away from the door back to me. "Alright," he whispered and kissed my lips again, pulling me closer.

"Hey, Peace, can I ask you-“ War barged in, her eyes widening. “Uh, I’ll be back later.”

“That’d be smart,” I nodded as she ran quickly out of the room.

“Could we get interrupted anymore?” Lukas growled.

"Yes," I nodded as Zack and Warren stuck there heads in the door, stepped back and fived one another and shut the door. "Bitches."

"Yeah," he sighed as he laid his head against my collarbone. "Let me go lock the door."

Sure,” I nodded as he stood up, but James came rushing in.

“Lukas!” He said excitedly. “We’ve made a break through!”

“Really?” Lukas asked as he followed James down into the lab.

“What the fuck!?”

War's head peaked in and she bit her lip. "You got ditched didn't you?"

I threw my arms up from the middle of the bed where I lay and screamed. "You think?"

"Well, he won't be getting any for awhile I'll bet," she snickered as she walked in fully and sat on the end of the bed. "Is he a good kisser?"

"Not answering because I know he's listening."

"True,” War nodded. “So, you were gonna fuck him, huh?”

“Yes,” I said softly. “I was.”

“Good for you,” She smiled warmly at me. “Now if only he’d stay in the room.”

"It would help a great deal," I sighed as I leaned back on the bedpost. "But I understand."


"He has his duty to help all vampire or immortals alike, or whatever with the blood thing," I sighed as I looked up at the ceiling. "I can't believe I was just going to have sex with him!"

"Ah you're getting you're common sense back huh?"

"Yes!” I nodded. “What the hell?! What came over me?!”

“Love, babe,” War said simply.

“No,” I shook my head. “I don’t love Lukas.”

“Then lust, either way, you were about to give him your virginity.”

"Idiot! Idiot! Idiot!" I popped my forehead each time I said idiot and then fell sideways on a pillow. "How can I sleep in here now?"

"I'll share my bed, but the first time you kick me off I'll kick you're ass," she sighed.

"Deal," I whispered as I stood up and walked with her to her bed.

“Wake up,” Julius said plainly and ripped the covers off of us.

“No,” I mumbled into the pillow.

“Wha?” War sat up from the ground. “Why the hell am I on the ground?”

"Oops," I grinned slightly into the pillow as Julius shook my legs.

"Get up, we must leave for Italy."

"Why?" I whined

“I can’t tell you.”

“Fuck the secrets!” I sat up and screamed. “Tell me or die!”

"You're very hostile today," he sighed as he stood back and glanced at both War and I, who were pretty much killing him slowly with our glares. "All I can say is its about the synthetic blood."

"You're distributing it to a multiplier who will produce it am I right?" I asked with knowing eyes.


"I'm a goddess of peace, not stupid as fuck."

"Oh,” He mumbled and walked out of the room, both of us soon following him.

“So we’re going now?” War asked.
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