War and Peace

War And Peace


“Are you gonna put us to sleep again?” I whined.

"Probably, that's up to Lukas and Drake," he said with a chuckle as we both huffed in annoyance.

"Don't even," I started

"Laugh at us," War finished as we crossed our arms and cocked our hips at the bottom step.

"Now don’t stop walking!” He turned around. “We need to go now!”

“Why?” I asked, Warren crashing through the wall as someone unknown stalked behind.

“That’s why,” Julius pointed.

"Ohhh," I said slowly as I weakly pointed to the large man in the hole of the wall. "I get why you're so panicky now."

"Yeah, walk faster!" he said as he turned around, I rolled my eyes and held my hands up, placing shields around everyone but the man with a large wall, War raised her hands and laughed as she threw her hands forward, making the man fly back through three walls.

"Sorry Julius," she apologized as she let go as did I and we grabbed Warren from the ground.

"Thanks,” He straightened himself up and brushed off some rubble. “I owe ya.”

“Yeah you do,” I nodded as we continued walking, War throwing back the man again.

“So,” I began. “How exactly are we getting away from these guys?”

“We’re going to Italy.”

“And how are we getting there?”

"Plane of course," he said with a smile. "We're going incognito for a while."

"So no more poison that knocks us on our asses?" I asked with a innocent shrug. "Or no running, like cheetahs?"

"You know about that huh?"

"Again, I'm goddess of peace not fucking stupid."

"Alright, alright,” he held up his hands in defense. “Don’t get testy.”

“I will get testy!” I demanded.

"Why will you get testy?" he asked tilting his head slightly, with his hands still in defense mode.

"Because I'm testy!" I yelled as I shoved him back towards the door, I turned around and started walking. I heard Julius and Warren yelling for me to stop walking that way because we had to leave, but I wasn't leaving without a freaking drink of water first. As soon as I opened the kitchen door, I froze seeing one of those big, fluffy werewolves that was on the cover of that book in the library, I almost giggled at the irony. "Well isn't this just my luck."

"Peace!” War ran into the kitchen after me. “Oh shit.”

“You could say that again,” I mumbled as she walked up to my side.

“Uh,” War looked around and half waved. “Hi!”

“War, it wants to eat us, not make friends!”

"Are you sure?" she whispered shakily as she clamped her hand on mine, I whimpered a yes as it slowly advanced towards us.

"I can't make a shield," I whispered frantically, stupid weakness when I use to much, drains you dry.

"What?" War almost shrieked as it came closer. "We're fucked, oh so fucked."

"You can say that again."

"Where are we?" I whispered looking around the barn we were thrown in, the werewolf had grabbed us up, threw us over its shoulder, ran through Julius' front window while the guys ran after us, and then threw us in a barn a long way away. And then he disappeared into the back stall.

"I have no fucking clue but I'm ready to break some fucking sculls."

"Don’t,” A man walked out of the darkness. Tall, slightly chubby, black hair, stunning green-ish blue eyes.

“And why would we listen to someone we don’t know?” War asked.

“Well,” He sighed. “I’m Alex.”

“And we’re leaving,” I added, both War and I standing up.

“I wouldn’t do that,” Alex shook his head.

“And why is that?”

“Do you want to die?”

"Do you want me to kick you're balls into you're throat?" War asked cocking her hip, throwing out that evil bitch glare that won over the staring contest every time.

"No," he swallowed hard, his bare body all but below the belt was shinning in the light, he was dripping sweat. "But if you go out there now, you'll get killed."

"And we're supposed to believe you why?" I asked slowly as I backed myself and War to the barn doors.

"Just take a look outside,” He pointed to the door, which War opened and we both peeked outside. There was blood everywhere, and those two twins from a few weeks ago.

“Well,” War sighed as I shut the door. “I guess we’ll believe you.”

"Shouldn't we do something?" I asked as I turned around, weakly I shifted my gaze to the man. "Shouldn't you do something?"

"I'm keeping you safe here, those bloodsucking insects couldn't because they were afraid you would kill them," he smiled at us. "But here, you won't be hurt."

"Well that makes me feel safe," sarcasm, yay!

"Peace," he said softly as he stepped sideways to look at me in the eyes. "You trust to easily, you trusted a man with no heart, with no soul."

"What?” My jaw dropped.

“Lukas,” Alex began. “He’s a soul sucker. Not a vampire. A whore of sorts, he lures girls in, fucks them, then takes their souls.

"I don't believe you," I whispered as I looked at War, who was staring at me with shock across her face, written in big bold imaginary letters.

"Believe me or not, I saved you're life and soul, you'll find out soon enough. Come look," he smiled as he pointed to the large table at the end of the barn; on top was pictures and letters. "Every girl, every soul he took."

"Oh my god,” My eyes scanned across the pictures. Hundreds upon hundreds of them.

“Wow,” War said softly.

“I know,” I nodded.

“No, not that,” She shook her head. “I just realized Alex was naked.”

“Only you, War,” I sighed.

"True," she nodded her head and looked around at the pictures. "So if you would have had sex with him last night, he would have taken you're soul and you would have been what? A zombie?"

"I don't know, ask the naked guy in the last stall," I mumbled as I spread out the pictures, looking at each girl who looked sad, cold, empty…soulless.

"She’d be a zombie?” War turned to Alex and blushed.

“More like a shell,” He explained. “She’d have no emotion, feeling, thought.”

“So worse than a zombie,” I added.

"Is uh, Warren one?"
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