War and Peace

War And Peace

"He's the helper, he brings in most of the women, he helps take them back and set them on there path of no emotion, doomed for all there life to be missing when they're there."

"Well, we sure can pick'em."

"I'm really starting to hate this whole power thing, I think I need like, a vacation," I sighed.

"They never told you?” Alex asked, shocked.

“Told us what?” I turned around and looked into his eyes.

“You can get rid of your powers.”

I nearly choked on my own spit, or lack there of my own spit when those words came out of his mouth. "We can what!"

"We can get rid of these powers?" War said slowly as if it was a dream.

"Yes, all you have to do is say five words," he said softly as he looked at both of us. "I will away Irene's," he nodded his head. "or Chaos."

"Who would it go too?" I'm not stupid, it may backfire and go to him, and he could use it against all vampires. Hell what if Lukas wasn't a blood sucking, soul stealing, virginity taking bastard?

"Who knows,” He shrugged. “I think it just disappears.”

“How can I trust you?” I mumbled.

“I don’t know,” he sighed. “I only saved your lives.”

“So you could rape us,” I explained. “I mean, you’re standing in front of us naked.”

"I can't exactly grow clothes when I transform into my human body now can I girls?" he asked sarcastically as he looked at me.

"Well," I shrugged. "I wouldn't know."

"Oh of course you wouldn't, because the vampires have been hiding you from us," he said poking his chest. "We can protect you."

"I thought that’s what the vampires were doing,” I shrugged.

“They were gonna kill you, sweetie,” He shook his head.

“Well, excuse me for not knowing,” I scoffed.

"It's alright, you're like a wishbone right now, being pulled in half by two species that you didn't know existed," he sighed with a slight chuckle afterwards.

"Wishbone? Buddy we've done been split in half, we're more like two drumsticks being banged against the wall, I have a headache," War sighed with a whine.

"I’d hug you, but…”

“Yeah,” War nodded. “I’ll pass.”

“I’m sorry for throwing this all at you so fast,” He apologized. “I shouldn’t have dropped all this on you two at once.”

"It's alright," I whispered as I slowly sat down with my back to the door, I glanced at the hay stack beside me and let the tears that were built up silently fall down my face.

"I suddenly feel like I need to cry," War whispered as she looked down at me. "Peace are you crying?"

"No," I lied as I wiped my face and hunched over playing with the dirt below me.

"Bad lair,” She said, choking back tears.

“Girls,” Alex said softly. “Don’t cry.”

“We’re sorry,” War mumbled and leaned on my side. "We have this thing that's stronger than a twin connection, when one of us is sad the other is too."

"I'm sorry," I whispered. "I just have so many things going around my head and I need to just…cry."

"Then cry," War bawled as she hugged my shoulder, I laughed threw the tears and hugged her arm.

"We're such girls," I laughed

"I’ll be right back,” Alex said as we sobbed. “I’ll get dressed. Maybe it’ll be a little less awkward.”

“Yeah,” War nodded and wiped her eyes, looking at me. “Why us?”

"Because apparently someone up there thinks we haven't had it hard enough," I laughed sarcastically. "I mean it's bad enough we never had parents, or friends, or hell a nice home. They just had to throw in some fucked up powers, vampires, and werewolves and fucking unicorns into the mix."

"So you heard about the unicorns?" Alex walked out in a hoodie and black tight pants.

"Yeah,” We nodded, still crying. Alex held out his arms.


“Yeah,” We cried and ran into his arms, he rubbed both of our backs and said nothing as we cried on his shoulders.

"Alex," a deep voice said from above, I glanced up and seen a brown, almost black haired man looking through a cut in the roof. "There gone, you can bring them out, it's safe."


"Everything is gone, we can go now."

"We have nowhere to go," War whispered

"You’ll go with us,” Alex grinned.

“Us who?”

“Me and my brother,” He explained.

"That you're brother?" I pointed up as I glanced at Alex; he nodded and walked off to the back stall again, but came out with two horses that I didn't know where in there.

"Ariel and Flounder, War you will be riding with me, Peace you are riding with Troy."

”Troy is your brother, right?”

“Yes,” He nodded reassuringly, helping War on his horse and me and Troy’s. "Troy! Come on!"

"I'm coming," the voice boomed as a body fell from the ceiling and landed on the ground kneeled over. "I was checking again."

When he stood up I almost had a heart attack, long curly brown hair, dark brown speckled eyes, tanned complexion and high cheekbones, good lord he was a Kevin Klein male model in the flesh, their was no way that they were brother's, he was Indian. "Who and who."

"War," Alex gestured to in front of him, where War sat. "Peace." At me.

"Hey,” He smiled at me and mounted the horse behind me. “You ready?”

“Yeah,” I nodded slowly.

“Hold on tight.”

"And what do you expect me to hold onto, is there an invisible armrest that I'm missing because the way this week has been going it wouldn't surprise me," I snapped as he chuckled.

"No, I meant hold on to the knob on the seat we're on," he said slowly. "Or my legs, whichever you prefer."

"Uh,” I didn’t have time to answer, for Alex and him were already heading out of the barn. As an impulse, I clutched onto his legs and screamed slightly.

"See, wasn't so bad," Troy laughed as I looked up and glared at him, wasn't so bad…wasn't so bad.

"Listen, I have been through so much shit lately, this may not be so bad to you, but I am so fucking jittery that if you said a twig was snapping I would scream and crawl into a ball, so don't even go there!"

"Sorry,” He mumbled and jumped off the horse, helping me down, minutes later.

“So what’s going on?” War asked as she was picked up by Alex.

“We’ll camp here for the night and head out in the morning,” Troy explained.
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