War and Peace

War And Peace

"Oh of course," I groaned as I grabbed War's arm and pulled her down on the ground beside me, she sighed in distress and laid her head in my lap. "Go to sleep War."

"I am."

"Night," I whispered braiding her hair, calming her down. She soon began snoring loudly, Alex and Troy staring. “Do you have a bed for her?”

They both shook their heads.


"We can make a bed of leaves," Alex suggested, I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"Spiders, hell no she would kill me."

"I guess you're stuck like that then," Alex shrugged his shoulders.

"Hey here's a bright idea," I put my finger to my chin. "Turn into a werewolf and let her lay on you're furry ass."

"I think not,” Alex shook his head. “She’s your friend. You keep her.”

“But I don’t want her!”

"Well you're kind," Alex rolled his eyes as he pointed to me. "Lay with her there."

"Fuck off and jump a cliff," I snapped as I closed my eyes and leaned against the hill. "I wake up and have a spider on me and I'll kill both of you."

"We’ll guard you of spiders, don’t worry,” Troy laughed as I lie down and fell asleep.

“Wake up,” Alex kicked my side softly.

"Why the fuck are you kicking me," I snapped as I opened my eyes, to early for someone to be kicking me awake, kissing me awake by a cute guy would have been better.

"Sorry, I didn't think I should be close to you when you wake up, I feared you'd kick me in the head."

"Smart man," I respected his honesty.

"I’m not an idiot,” He said simply. “Now get up. Both of you, we have to go now.”

“Fine,” I mumbled and shook War awake.

"What?" she groaned as she rolled off my leg and met the ground with her face. "Ew."

"You've been sleeping on my legs all night, I can't feel them," I groaned as I rubbed one of them, asleep and dead. "I can't stand up," whining wouldn't help me.

"Oh,” She stood up and picked me up with her. “Better?”

“Much,” I nodded and climbed on Troy’s horse as War climbed on Alex’s.

"So, where are we heading?" War inquired as she leaned back and looked at Alex.

"And if you say I can't tell you, I will shove a stick your ass and call you a popsicle," I glared at him.

"Just to my house," Troy laughed from behind me.

"And that would be?”

“Somewhere,” He said sarcastically.

I ground my teeth as I gripped his legs with my fingernails. "I hate sarcasm when it's used by men."

"You're digging into my skin you know."

"That would be the reason I'm touching you dipshit."

"Well,” He began. “It’s kinda kinky.”

“Why the fuck are all magical beings so perverted?!”

"It's something to do with the magical thing," he mused with a laugh. "But seriously, if you don't stop the grip you're going to be feeling my response soon."

"You are so disgusting, War what the hell is wrong with all this, are we dreaming!"

"I don’t know,” She shook her head. “Maybe we’ll wake up back in Wal-mart…”

“That would be a miracle.”

"If only life was that easy," she sighed heavily as I leaned back against Troy.

"So, did you almost get you're soul taken too?" Troy whispered in my ear. "I heard you did, and the only way that can happen—"

"Fuck off in your own time man."

"I’m just asking,” He defended.

“I got close, okay?” I grumbled. “Like, movements away.”

“Oh!” Troy said slowly.

"Yeah, luckily we had many distractions, or else I would have been fucked and screwed all at the same time," I sighed as I shook my head. "I just wanted my first time to be with someone I could trust, and it almost backfired."

"Backfired you right to having no soul,” Troy shook his head.” But don’t worry, you’ll find that someone.”

“I can only hope…” I mumbled.

"You will, someone who will know how to handle you and know when you need more or less, when you need a kiss instead of a comment, when you find love a lot of things change for you," Troy mused.

I smiled at the thought. "I thought I was in love once, but it was only indigestion," I joked which earned a laugh from Troy and Alex.

"I think I loved someone, once,” War added. “But then it turns out he helped suck souls out of poor, unsuspecting women, so…”

“That was a no-no,” Alex shook his head.

"Yes, that was a big no-no," War nodded her head; I sighed and looked at the woods ahead of us.

"I liked Lukas because he seemed like a real nice guy, looks can be deceiving I guess," I shrugged my shoulders. "I just wish one man would show me that lying, cheating and choosing drugs first isn't what they all do."

"Well,” Troy smirked. “Just keep looking. The right man could be right under your nose.”

“Or sitting behind you,” War coughed.

"Fuck off pipsqueak," I glared at her, which only reply she sent back was a grin and a giggle, the damage was done she had already said her peace.

"Well," she giggled as she shrugged. "Just maybe you'll get lucky," she coughed raising her hand to her mouth. "Tonight."

"Don’t think so,” I shook my head.

“Well, I do.”

“And I do, too,” Troy looked down to me and smirked.

"Fucking pervert," I punched his leg, he grunted then laughed as War snickered.

"You know just as well as I that you like him," War pointed to Troy.

"I'm not a whore, no thank you."

"Just because you like him doesn’t mean you’re a whore,” She insisted.

"I'd feel like one so no thank you, again."

"Oh Peace chill ou—"

"Back off, not wanting to talk about it."

"Fine,” War sighed. “We can talk about Lukas.”

“You’re not helping,” I shook my head and grimaced.

"Sunshine and rainbows then?" she looked around causing everyone plus me to chuckle some. "Or unicorns and werewolves since we're near one of the two mythical creatures."

"Is there a Pegasus?" I asked randomly

"There was one,” Troy explained. “But no one knows what happened to it.”

“Great,” War frowned. “What about fairies?”
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