War and Peace

War And Peace

“Of course there are fairies!” Alex grinned. “We have two at the house. Jamie and Jacklyn.”

"You have two fairies? Uh," I scratched my head. "Like actual fairies or gay?"

"Actual," Alex shook his head as he laughed at me; I shrugged my shoulders and leaned back more on Troy.

"Awww, are they nice?” War squeaked. “Can we meet them?”

“Of course,” Alex nodded. “They’re really sweet, kinda like you guys.”

"Are they small?" I motioned with my hands to about a foot tall. "Or our size?"

"You're size, not like in books."

"Do they have wings?” War held her arms out.

“Yeah,” Troy nodded. “Big and colorful.”

"Oh ha-ha that is awesome!" I shouted laughing, War nodded while laughing as I looked up at Troy. "Dude, do they have pixie dust?"

"No that's for pixies, but they have fairy dust."

"Can I play with it?” War asked excitedly.

“Uh, sure?” Alex shrugged and looked at me. “Is she okay?”

“We’re not sure,” I shook my head.

"You're not sure, for some reason that unsettles me," Troy sighed as he stopped the horse to a slow walk. "Let's rest."

"It unsettles me and I live with her, by the way when are we ever going to go live life happily again?" I asked

"You may never.”

“Well, fuck,” I mumbled.

"Yeah, it’s a hard knock life for us," War sighed then started humming the Annie song loudly.

"If you don't shut her up, I will," I pointed to Alex, he chuckled and placed his free hand over her mouth.


"Will, you shut her up,” I laughed slightly. “You can still hear her mumbling."

“Does she stop talking?”


"Fan-fucking-tastic," he sighed as he looked down at her with his hand over her mouth, "War shut up."

"Nu uh."

"Damn it," he sighed right as something jumped in front of the horses, Troy's arm immediately flew around my waist and pulled be back.

"Great," Alex growled at the sight of Lukas, Zack, Warren and Julius.

“Oh boy,” I sighed and looked over to War, who slapped her forehead and pouted.

“Won’t this be fun?”

“Loads,” I nodded as Alex and Troy dismounted their horses.

"War, Peace you need to get as far away as you can," Lukas said as he glanced away from Troy for a moment then back to him with glares that could kill.

"Why should we listen to you, you soul sucking vampire," War snapped as she jumped off the horse, and grabbed my arm pulling me from mine.

"What?" Lukas asked confused, "Soul sucking vampire, what the hell are you on about?"

“Don’t play fucking stupid,” I spat. “Alex told us, alright?”

“Well,” He sighed and looked at Warren. “It seems we’ve been caught.”

“It kind of bites,” Warren nodded. “I was taking a liking to War, wasn’t gonna give her to you.”

"And what sucks was I was liking you too you stupid soul stealing, blood sucking mother fucking asshole!" War yelled backing me and her up.

"Boo-hoo," Warren glared as he looked over at Lukas. "Fuck."

"And to think," I smiled slightly. "I thought I liked you, to bad it was only for you're money."

"Say what you will Peace," Lukas smiled, "You wanted me, and I almost had you."

"Maybe so,” I shrugged.

“Defiantly so,” He nodded, smirking.

“What do you guys want?” Troy sneered.

“We just want the girls,” Lukas held out his arms to War and I.

"Well, again you won't get the girls," I shouted and stomped my foot, "What the fuck is wrong with you Lukas, you're always speaking for me and War and its pissing me the fuck off!" I threw my hands up and sent them flying into a tree.

"You can't kill us," Warren laughed as he dropped from the tree.

"Maybe so, but I can sure as hell have fun trying," I stepped forward with both hands out, War beside me doing the same, she brought down the trees on top of them while I crushed them down with a shield in the form of a hand pressing.



“We can kill them.”

“How so?”

“Just bleed on them,” She smirked, pulled a dagger out of her pocket and sliced her palm open. “Your turn.”

I looked at the dagger and sighed, "What about Zack, he's done nothing wrong," I whispered as Zack screamed for help. "All he's done is follow his father."

"Which is bad enough."

"Zack," I turned around and let the shield go, "Zack come out."

"Would you please stop that," he limped out with a broken leg, which slowly slid back into place. "I don't want to kill you two, but I have too," he pulled out a rope from behind his back. "No blood."

"All blood," I gripped the dagger and shook my head. "I'm sorry Zack, you picked you're path."

"I’m sorry, too,” He sighed and kneeled in front of War.

“What are you doing?” She looked down to him.

“Well, if I’m gonna die,” He began. “It’ll be honorably.”

“Bite me.” She said simply.


“Bite me!”

"Why?" he looked up at me, I shrugged and looked off at the trees, which Troy and Alex went to search.

"Because," she stopped as he voice got low, she turned around and kicked something suddenly, I turned around just as fast as she and found Lukas smirking, before I could do anything he had a rope around my neck and pulled at the end.

"Goodbye Mon Cher, my only regret is not being different," his smirk faded. "I really fancied you."

"Fuck you and the friends you come in with," I kicked him in the chest and sent him back thirty feet, War was busy fighting off Warren, while Zack kneeled with his eyes lowered and waiting, honorable and not a cheat.

"Why the fuck can’t you be like Zack?” I whined at Lukas and looked down to War.
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