War and Peace

War And Peace

"Come on Peace," she whispered holding her hand out, I nodded and stood up, grabbing her hand I stared at Lukas.

"Remember, you have a lot of explaining to do," I reminded him as War tugged me out of the room, to a large red carpeted hallway that had lantern looking lights above each doorway.

"And it better be damn good is all I'm saying," War said as she pointed at Lukas. "Like if it’s the mafia you better let us damn go."

"No,” Lukas shook his head and laughed. “It’s not the mafia.”

“Is it any type of gang?” I questioned.


“Well, good,” I held my hand over my heart and let out a worried breath.

“What is it then?” War whined as Lukas lead us through a doorway and into what looked like a kitchen.

“Just sit down,” He demanded as War and I took our seats at the breakfast bar.

"Someone's grumpy," I mumbled as I laid my head on both my hands while were propped against the table. "Alright, hey where is Warren?"

"Right here!" he ran into the room wearing a logger's hat, one that is fluffy and has flaps over the ears.

"Nice hat dude!" War yelled throwing her arm up for a high five, he slapped hers then mine while I threw up for the hell of it.

"Okay, now tell us because I have many assumptions flying around my head and none seem to fit why those guys actually tore off our car door," I explained and shrugged. "Bodybuilders didn't seem to fit the bill."

"They were scrawny as fuck!" War said and started laughing as she looked at me, then to the boys, where she stopped laughing. "Right?"

"When we tell you, don't scream we hate it when people scream," Warren sneered slightly as if imagining us screaming.

"Okay," I started then pointed at him accusingly. "You're both gay and those men are jealous!"

"What?" Lukas started then shook his head. "Mon Dieu…"

"Was that a yes?"

"No," Warren laughed as he shook his head. "We're vampires, immortals, the living dead, you name it we're it, I especially like bloodsuckers but Lukas hits—"

"You idiot," Lukas hit Warren in the back of his head before he turned to War and I, as we sat calmly watching. "You're not scared?"

"You honestly think you're vampires?" War snorted and looked at me. "I tried that once and I didn't have people chasing me."

"I'm serious," Warren said as he pointed to his teeth, which slightly shifted to the sides and two large canine looking teeth moved slowly in front of his real teeth. "See?"

"That was fucking cool!" War and I shouted running up to him. "Do it again!"

"Exactly why I’d rather not bite them,” Warren mumbled. “But if it’s necessary.”

“It is,” Lukas nodded, both of them walking towards War and I.

“Oh, no!” War yelped and ran behind me. “You crazy men are gonna rape us! Take Peace instead!”

“Gee, thanks,” I sighed, and looked back up to Lukas, who was standing in front of me. “Don’t touch me.”

"You don't seem scared by me?" he said softly as he inched closer.

"I've been through worst," I said as I pointed at him. "Don't touch me."

"What is worst than being bitten by a crazy vampire man, or a crazy man trying to rape you?" he rolled his eyes. "Which I'm not."

"My whole life," I said as I stepped back a couple steps. "I'm telling you, don't touch me."

"I'll warn you, she doesn't like to be touched unless she trust you," War said as she backed her way over to me.

"You don't trust me Mon Cher?"

"I don't trust you any more than I can throw you and I doubt I could pick you up," I nodded slowly as I grabbed hold of War's hand.

"What can—" Lukas stopped and stared at the air. "What the hell?" he banged his fist in the air, hitting a shield like wall of nothing.

"War," I whispered causing her to close her eyes and focus, the thing about us was our memories didn't serve well, but we were one of the same, War and Peace, I protected while she fought, if I'm confusing you, we have powers and its not like witchcraft, we don't know exactly what it is, but it's something we've always done.

The wind outside our protective wall began to swirl around the two men like a tornado of energy, Warren started laughing as he glanced at Lukas. "Dude, there the vampire prophecies, we can't bite them, they're blood is poison to us!"

"Well I'll be damned," Lukas turned a sideways glanced to smile, I closed my eyes as I heard War take out the kitchen area, everything breaking or slamming with her invisible hands of wrath.


"Don't ca—" I stopped as I opened my eyes to see Lukas standing in the same spot he was in when I closed my eyes, brushing off broken pieces of wood.

"You do know that was expensive carved cherry wood, made in Tuscany," Lukas stopped. "I really liked that."

"I’m sorry,” War smirked and stepped back, our invisible wall fading.

“You should be,” Lukas couldn’t help but laugh as he looked at what used to be the kitchen.

“Well fuck,” Warren sighed. “I’m not cleaning that up.”

“I’ll make War do it,” Lukas smiled, War’s jaw dropping.


“It’s only fair,” Lukas shrugged. “You made the mess.”

“Damn…” War cut her eyes at him.

"I didn't do it, I protected us," I held my hands up, causing Lukas and Warren to laugh.

"So how does this, prophecy thing go?" War asked as she turned to Warren. "And don't say I'm not sure because you're the one who said it."

"I wasn't going to," he glared at her. "Since the first vampire was born there has always been a prophecy of two girls being the main killer to all vampires, they were to be the profound hunters, they held gifts stronger than anything a vampire could have, but we've never seen them, till now."

"I'm not a prophecy, I'm just a freak that can protect herself," I sat down on the floor where I was standing. "So you guys really are vamps eh?"

"Yes we are," Lukas nodded as he squatted on one knee and stared me in the eyes. "You have more power than you think, you just don’t know of it yet."

"Yeah right."

"War and Peace," Warren interrupted the silence. "I get it now, did you come up with that yourself?"

"No, our parents gave the orphanage our birth certificates, which read Misery Peace Phillips and War's was Heather War Pinkos," I said softly.

"Yep,” War nodded.

“Well, ironic,” Lukas laughed, someone walking in. We all turned our heads to see another man hanging up his jacket.

“Hey, Zach,” Warren half waved, Zach turning around.

“Yo,” he smiled, then looked to War and I. “Who do we have here?”

“The prophecies,” Lukas said plainly, which causes Zach to start flinching.

“Why the fuck are they here?!” He jumped back and put his hands on his head from stress.
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