War and Peace

War And Peace

“We didn’t know,” Warren explained.

“Their going to fucking kill us!”

"Whoa! Dude chill out, take a pill or something," I said holding my hands out like coaxing a man from jumping off a building. "We're not going to kill you, we just found out ourselves."

"Oh," he said slowly as he walked a little closer. "Are you sure?"

"Yes we like vampires," War smiled as she looked at me. "We were vampires for Halloween when we were little munchkins."

"Little more than needed info Heather," I scolded as I turned to her then back to the man, his light brown hair spiked slightly in the front, his pale skin glowed the color of Ivory and his blue eyes were almost clear. "Wow you're cute."

"Well thanks," he smiled and ran a hand through his hair, then stopped and turned to Lukas. "Sorry."

"Sorry what?" I asked

"Do, do, do, do," War said waving her hands around. "Their speaking in there minds!"

"Oh," I said slowly as I turned to Lukas who was staring at Zack in the eyes.

"I can sense some jealousy,” War giggled. “Are we having a moment where everyone speaks their mind?”

“Quite possibly,” I shrugged.

“Well then,” War took a deep breath. “I think vampires are awesome! You three are awesome! Warren is-“She stopped. “I’m done.”

“No, do continue,” I smirked, War blushing madly.

“I don’t think so,” She shook her head, Warren grinning.

“It’s about me,” He sang softly. “Ha.”

"No one ever said it was good, Warren," Zack laughed.

"Oh fuck!"

"Don't worry," I grinned as I walked over and patted his back. "It's never a bad thing when its guys, trust me."


"Don't call me Misery!" I shouted looking over at her. "Peace," I instructed with my hand. "Say it with me, Peace!"

"Peace," she mumbled crossing her arms.

"There we go," I smiled and turned to the men. "Now what? We're prophecies yada, yada, yada," I threw my hands up. "Why did those guys try to kill us?"

"Because they wanted us," Lukas said simply as he leaned over to grab a piece of paper that was trapped under broken wood. "Because we found the cure."


"To drinking humans blood, we have to have it tested and they found out, the Cirrus' of Italy, they want to continue the fashion of drinking humans as we have for thousands of years, but we have found a cure to where we can drink fake blood, chemical induced blood we can thrive off."

“My head hurts,” War sighed and held her head in her hands.

“Wait, I’m still kind of confused,” I raised my hand.

“Don’t worry, Mon Cher, you’ll learn soon enough,” Lukas smiled at me.

“That is, if we stay that long,” War spat. “We don’t know you guys, why would we stay here?”

“Because you're being hunted and know nothing about it,” Warren nodded.

“Oh, he told you,” I giggled and pointed to War, whose face was turning red from anger.

"You moth—" I grabbed her mouth and smiled at Warren.

"She has really bad anger problems," I whispered as I slowly let go of her mouth. "War calm down."

"I don't want to stay here, and I sure as hell don't want to be chased by demon fucking vampires!" War yelled as she poked my shoulder. "Would you?"

"Would I what?" I asked calmly as I crossed my arms. "Would I rather leave and die a very painful death from torturous vampires who want to spill my blood because it's poisonous to there kind? Or stay here and find out just what is going on and how to stop it so I can leave and not get gutted like a fish?" I stopped and tapped my chin. "Hard decision," I turned to her and glared. "Are you out of you're Ipod loving mind? Of course I'm going to stay here, they can't kill us for Pete's sake that blondie was afraid to come near me!"

"Blondie has a name," Zack raised his hand.

"Not talking to you right now sweetie and I'm sure you do have one," I said sweetly as I turned away from him to War. "Get you're head on straight and stop acting like everything is death and hell because you need to take a breather and see they just might be able to help us."

"Why do you always come up with really good reasons when I can't?" she asked softly.

"Because I think it through, you'd rather destroy it or cuss it to death."

"Too true,” She nodded. “But it’s in my nature, I can’t help it.”

“No,” I sighed and looked back to the boys. “So, now what?”

“You two are just gonna have to lay low for a while,” Zack explained. “Lukas and I are going out, Warren will watch you.”

“Yes, I’ll w-Wait a minute! Why am I watching them?” Warren pouted.

“Because you’re the only one left!” Zack laughed as him and Lukas ran out of the door.

“I can’t believe they left me with you two,” Warren glared at War and I.

“Hey, we’re not bad people!” I defended, Warren still staring. “Okay, maybe War is, but I’m not!”

“I’m not a bad person! I can be nice!” War raised her hand.

“When’s the last time you’ve done something nice?” I turned from Warren to War.

“Uh…” She mumbled and looked away.

“That’s what I thought.”

"So," she said stubbornly. "When was the last time you done something mean or wrong?"

"Never have," I whispered shaking my head. "Never will."

"Good to have this little moment girls, but I'd like to get some sleep, I'll show you to you're room," Warren said as he pointed to the door. "Through the mutilated door."

"Sorry," War said jumping over a piece of wood, I stayed behind with Warren.

"So," I said slowly as I turned to him. "Am I really poisonous?"

"To my kind, yes," he nodded his head as he turned with a smile towards me. "You like Lukas don't you?"

"Where did that come from?"

"I can hear you thinking about how cute he was when he was mad," he grinned as he looked at War and whispered. "She is thinking how much she would like to see me without my shirt on."

"Don't let her know you're reading her mind, she'll flip the fuck out," I chuckled as I turned back to him. "Why are you reading my mind?"

"You don't have a guard up, its easy to hear what you think, I'm not even trying," he shrugged his shoulders. "You just have to concentrate on calming you're mind."

I closed my eyes and smiled. "Like this?"

"How the hell did you do that so fast?" he asked in shock as he stared at my face, concentrating hard.
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