War and Peace

War And Peace

"Yes I did," I nodded as I crossed my legs and smiled at him. "Did you have fun listening in on other's conversations?"

"It was pretty interesting," he nodded his head as he turned to War. "She's pretty cool you know."

"No I don't," I rolled my eyes as I looked back at him. "Don't come up here talking to me thinking I don't know that the other two bozos aren't listening in."

"You're a smart lady," he grinned as his eyes lit up.

"Yes I know, I'm not completely stupid," I grinned as I leaned down. "Did you also know that I know, you're up here because you decided you like War?"


"Well I do," I grinned.

"Damn you, freaking gypsy."

“Not gypsy, prophecy!” I giggled. “And you like War! Tehe!”

“Yeah, shut the fuck up,” He glared at me. “Or I’ll start singing.”

“You wouldn’t.”

“Watch me,” He smirked and cleared his throat. “Peace loves-“ I slapped my hand over his mouth.

“Shut up!”

"You shut up," he pulled my hand away and glared.

"You shut up!"

"First you!"

"No you!"

"Shut up!"

"Fuck off!"

"I would but you're in the room!"

"You're disgusting!" I yelled kicking him off the bed which he sat on while we had our argument; he hit the floor with a loud thump and groaned.

"Damn woman."

“What the hell is going on?” War sat up and asked groggily. She took one looked at Warren and I, shook her head, and laid back down.

“Look, you woke her up!” Warren pointed to War.


“Guys,” War said softly. “Shut the fuck up.”

“Sorry,” Warren and I apologized at the same time.

"You started it," I whispered pointing at her. "Jackass."

"Don't call me jackass, you…" he stopped and growled before he stood up. "I'd call you a bitch but Lukas would have my head."

"Call me a bitch, I take it as a compliment, means I'm doing well at pissing you off," I grinned as he glared even more then stomped off out of the room.

"Why do you piss every man off Peace?" War whined as she turned to stare at me with her head on the pillow.

"Because its fun," I said innocently.

"And this is why you don’t get boyfriends,” War sighed.

“Maybe so,” I shrugged. “But I’ll find one eventually.”

“Not with your attitude, you won’t.”

“Don’t doubt me so much,” I complained. “Have at least a little faith.”

“I have none.”

"Well aren't we chipper," I rolled my eyes as I leaned back on the bed. "No one has faith in me with men, not even Marky."

"Marky is an idiot, I really don't see how you dated that peabrain," she mumbled as she stared at the ceiling. "Well, he was covered in tattoos and very cute in the face, but damn was he an idiot."

"Yes well, that would explain why I'm not with him anymore wouldn't it?" I asked slowly as I rolled my eyes, Mark Walters my ex boyfriend and also the only person to ever say You'll find love Mis, I promise you that. anyone else just tells me You're never going to get a man if you keep acting like they repulse you! those people really annoy me.

"He had a nice ass," she grumbled as she closed her eyes. "And he looked good in eyeliner."

"Yes he did," I nodded at the faint memory of Mark wearing thick eyeliner that brought out his pretty blue eyes, his long shoulder length black hair unkempt and falling around his face and the black clothes he wore fitting like a second skin, that boy was the role model for emo men everywhere, but the spokesman for druggies alike. "But remember he was also our best friend."

"Good point," she mumbled then sighed. "Where did he go by the way?"

"I think Las Vegas, I guess he's either happy or dead because of the drugs," I took a deep breath and closed my eyes again. "Night War."

"Nighty night, Peace,” War yawned and fell back to sleep.

“Wake up,” Lukas stood over the bed War and I were laying on.

“No,” I mumbled and hid my head under a pillow and War sat up and glared at him.

“It’s nine in the morning.”

“So?” Lukas shrugged.

“I never get up this early,” War shook her head. “Never.”

“We’ll, get used to it,” He smirked and laughed slightly, making me come out from the pillow.

“Why are you up already?” I asked. “Aren’t vampires afraid of the sun?”

"No," he chuckled as he sat down beside me. "That is a myth, vampires are no longer scared of the sun as they are a cat."

"Well," I shrugged. "I didn't know."

"Apparently," he grinned as he shook War's leg by reaching over me. "Heather wake up."

"Uh," I stopped his arm. "I wouldn't call her Hea—"

"Don't call me Heather!" War screamed throwing the pillow she lay at his head, rather hard too.

"Oof," he fell back and landed on his butt. "Thanks for the warning."

"I tried,” I shrugged and giggled as he stood back up.

“Well, you didn’t try hard enough,” Lukas mumbled, War sitting up.

“Sorry about that,” War frowned. “Threw that a little too hard.”

“You threw it like a brick!”

“She’s stronger than you think,” I pointed out. “And I’m smarter.”

“I’ll keep that in mind,” Lukas nodded.

"You probably should," I nodded my head as I looked over at War. "Get up smartass."

"Nah, I'm sleeping in."

"Are you?" Lukas smirked as he walked to the end of the bed, I watched with furrowed eyebrows as he threw the bottom of the comforter up slightly, grabbed hold of War's ankles and pulled her as hard as he could on the ground.

"Ow you son of a bitch!"

"Oh," I mumbled as I stood up holding my hands in front of me. "I'm up and walking no need to throw me."
♠ ♠ ♠

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