War and Peace

War And Peace

"I'd like to throw you somewhere but not the floor, unless you want too," he grinned as he stepped over War's legs and walked out the door. "I have a nice bed, which would suffice."

As he shut the door I turned my head to War and pointed at the door. "Did he just invite me to sleep with him or was that something that even I can't get?"

"He just practically said he would throw you on the floor and do you right here but he liked his bed unless you wanted the floor," War said as a slow smile rose on her lips. “Well, seems that someone is horny.”

“That’s just strange,” I shook my head, War and I walking down the stairs and into the kitchen.

“Whoa, it’s looking better,” War looked around and then to Zack and Warren, who were sitting at the table. “Fixed it up?”

“All night,” Warren nodded and yawned.

“I’m impressed,” I shrugged and sat next to Zack, Warren pulling War onto his lap.

“Someone’s frisky?” Lukas looked to War and laughed.

"At least I'm not horny like someone," she said slowly as she rolled her head to look at Lukas. "Okay Mr. Vampire?"

"I'm not horny…" he looked at the sky and shrugged. "Well kind of but I am a man."

"Men are always horny," I whispered as I pointed to Lukas. "It's just that stupid gene they have."

"Yeah we heard you," Zack said nonchalantly

"I know," I grinned as I sat up straight. "So Zack, I never seen you at Wal-mart for Lukas' and Warren's daily trips? Why's that?"

"I just arrived from New York, I came to visit my father," he said smiling slightly.

"Oh really? How do you know," I pointed to Lukas and Warren.

"Lukas is my father," he grinned as if he was finding my obliviousness amusing, I stopped drinking the orange juice Lukas got, while he sat down as if nothing was said, I slowly swallowed what I had in my mouth and looked at War.

"Dude, how old are you?"

"Well War," Lukas smiled as if mocking her from calling her Heather. "I'm eight hundred and ninety three years old."

"That is what we call ancient my friends," I whispered as I looked over at Zack. "Please tell me your like, twenty?"

"Three hundred and sixty nine,” Zack nodded.

“Jesus,” War said, wide eyed, and looked at Warren. “And you are?”

“Nine hundred and ninety nine!” He grinned triumphantly. “One more year, and I’ll be one thousand!”

“Holy shit,” War went pale. “I’m so confused, this is just too weird.”

“I’m not too surprised,” I shrugged.

"Why do you take things so in stride?" Lukas leaned forward with a confused look on his face. "It's not normal mortal behavior."

"I'm not normal need I remind you?" I asked with a grin as he looked over at Zack.

"This is kind of strange," he mumbled sitting back. "Anyway we were going to talk to you about all we know about the prophecies."

"First," I held my hand out at Lukas. "Did you know Troy?"

"No," he nodded then shook his head. "Back to the point, you say you're both named War and Peace, its because you are Khaos and you are Irene in other words, you void each other out from being to powerful, you each are opposites to the end but so alike," he stood another breath. "The scrolls as I read as a boy said that the prophecies would end the immortal race just by letting there blood spill, but seeing as you don't act like you hate us," he gazed over us both.

"He's meaning we want you to help us get those bastards that are trying to kill us and you," Warren shot straight to it. "No beating around the bush because its not worth it Lukas," he shot him a look. "You are both north and south of a…magnet lets say, whatever one of you do, the other cannot outdo you, you are equals but never the same, its hard to explain it completely, its starting to run together isn't it?"

"Slightly," War rubbed her head.

"I'm following you," I said softly as I looked at Lukas. "How come we don't have parents?"

"You aren't human Mon Cher, you are made from the gods, you both are goddesses like in Greek Mythology, Chaos," he pointed to War. "And you are Irene," he pointed to me. "Together you could help or destroy immortals alike, the prophecy foreseen betrayal to our kind."

"We like you're kind," I said softly as I looked at War. "We just don't want to get killed."

"I'm pretty sure you can handle yourselves," he grinned as he looked at War. "You both are born goddesses, so you do not die, you both are as immortal as I," he stopped and looked back at me. "But you feel pain, bleed, do everything normal, just with special powers to uplift you."

This is fucking unreal,” War mumbled and slammed her head on the table. “This makes no fucking sense. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck…”

“Babe,” Warren laughed, putting his hand under her head. “Stop. It’s not that complicated. You’ll catch on soon.”

“I barley passed the first grade, I can’t figure out all this mythology shit,” She sneered.

“Don’t worry,” I shook my head. “She just gets confused easy.”

“Fuck you,” War began hitting her head again.

"Yeah, love you to Heather," I rolled my eyes as I turned back to Lukas who was grinning, I smiled back until I heard something whirling at my head, I held my hand up and the glass mug hit against my protective wall with a glass shattering impact, War grumbled and laid her head back down as I glanced down at the glass and orange juice littering the floor. "You're cleaning that shit up."

"Whatever," she grumbled rubbing her head; I rolled my eyes again and turned back to Lukas.

"So," I said slowly as I looked up at the ceiling. "Let me get this right, War and I are the goddesses Chaos and Irene in human form, we are to either kill or held the vamps and we are to live as long as we want?"

"Practically," he nodded his head. "Mon Cher you are special."

"And not in that ed kind of way," Zack grinned as I chuckled under my breath then leaned across the table holding my hand out.

"Give me five, that was good."

"Hell yeah," he laughed as he barely slapped my hand. "Alright so, you guys are staying here until we can distribute the cure to the vampires in the states."

"We are not!" War snapped as she stood up. "I'm tired of being told what to do, I'm not staying here, Misery come on."

"One, don't call me Misery," I grounded my teeth as I looked up at her. "Two do you want to get killed by rogue vampires set out to kill the three stooges over here," I stood up. "and three, stop whining, sit down, shut up and listen because this affects our future, so stop acting like a teenage drama queen and start acting like a mature adult."

"Very attractive when she's pissed isn't she Zack?" Lukas said loudly to his son, I turned around at the same time War did and sneered.

"Trying to talk, could you keep it in you're pants for five minutes?" I snapped.

"Just five more."

I rolled my eyes and turned around to War. "I'm sorry Peace," she whispered hugging me. "I'll try and listen."

"Good,” I smiled, War sitting back down.

“Owww, crushing me with your arms, Warren,” War mumbled, pulling at him.

“Oh well,” He shrugged and smiled, pulling her closer.
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