War and Peace

War And Peace

“Are you sure?” I asked. “You seem tired.”

“I am, but I’m going to help, and nothing you say is going to stop me.”

“I won’t argue, you’ll kill me,” I laughed as her and I walked back into the kitchen.

“Well, look whose back,” Warren smirked.

“If you touch her, she might break your arm in half,” I said plainly, Warren shriveling back.

"Thanks for the warning," he mumbled as War sat down on the counter, I walked up beside her and leaned against the counter with my back to it.

"We're going to look through that library I seen while I was walking after War, if you need us we're there," I said as I grabbed an apple from behind War and walked out the door.

"Later dude," War said as she ran after me, I grinned as she started doing splits in the air, thanks to her ballet training.

"Honestly how did you get so bendy?" I asked as I opened the other door to the library, it was full of books but no one was in it.

"The sixteen years of ballet and gymnastics helped,” She nodded and grinned.

“Oh yeah,” I grumbled as War slinked over to the librarian, pulling me along with her. “Hi.”

“Hello, can I help you ladies?” The old lady behind the desk said softly.

“Um, yes, we’re looking for some books on Greek mythology,” I explained. The old woman mumbled something before leading us over to one small book shelf, jam packed with thick leather cover books.

“This is what we have,” She said before hobbling back to her desk.

“Well,” I sighed, pulling out a few books. “Let’s get reading.”

"I hate reading," she sighed as she sat down.

"Why do they have a librarian in there house?" I asked slowly as it just hit me. "I mean its like a real…Oh my god there house is attached to the city Library!"

"Wow," War looked back to the doors that said Private and giggled. "I didn't notice that."

"Well, at least we know what we can do when we get bored," I mumbled as I picked up the nearest book, after flipping through a few pages I seen the name Eirene or Irene at the top of the page. "Got something."


"Read it," I shoved it at her, it gave no information of my powers, but she might as well read it.

EIRE′NE (Eirênê). The goddess of peace. After the victory of Timotheus over the Lacedaemonians, altars were erected to her at Athens at the public expense. (Corn. Nep. Timoth. 2; Plut. Cim. 13.) Her statue at Athens stood by the side of that of Amphiaraus, carrying in its arms Plutus, the god of wealth (Paus. i. 8. § 3), and another stood near that of Hestia in the Prytaneion. (i. 18, § 3.) . At Rome too, where peace (Pax) was worshipped, she had a magnificent temple, which was built by the emperor Vespasian. (Suet. Vespas. 9 ; Paus. vi. 9. § 1.) The figure of Eirene or Pax occurs only on coins, and she is there represented as a youthful female, holding in her left arm a cornucopia and in her right hand an olive branch or the staff of Hermes. Sometimes also she appears in the act of burning a pile of arms, or carrying corn-ears in her hand or upon her head.

"Huh," she said in surprise. "Well that helped none."

"I barley understood it,” I shook my head and flipped to C. “Aha, here’s something for you.”

“Okay,” War ripped the book from me and scanned it.

She is the gaping shapeless void who gave birth to the universe. GAIA and EROS came from CHAOS, as did NYX.

Nobody knows much about her…

“Well, don’t I feel loved,” She mumbled and slammed her head to the table.

“Wait, here’s more,” I pointed back down to the page.

In Greek mythology, Chaos or Khaos is the primeval state of existence from which the first gods appeared. In other words, the dark void of space. It is made from a mixture of what the Ancient Greeks considered the four elements: earth, air, water and fire. For example, when a log is burned, the flames were attributed to the fire in it, the smoke the air in it, the water and grease that come from it were supposed to be the water, and the ashes left over were the earth.

Ovid, in his Metamorphoses, described Chaos as "rather a crude and indigested mass, a lifeless lump, unfashioned and unframed, of jarring seeds and justly Chaos named". From that, its meaning evolved into the modern familiar "complete disorder".
Chaos features three main characteristics:

• it is a bottomless gulf where anything falls endlessly. This radically contrasts with the Earth that emerges from it to offer a stable ground.

• it is a place without any possible orientation, where anything falls in every direction;

• it is a space that separates, that divides: after the Earth and the Sky parted, Chaos remains between both of them.

According to Hesiod's Theogonia (The origin of the Gods), Chaos was the nothingness out of which the first objects of existence appeared. These first beings, described as children of Chaos alone, were Gaia (the Earth), Tartarus (the Underworld), Nyx (the darkness of the night), Erebus (the darkness of the Underworld), and Eros (sexual love). From these beings and the first generation of beings created by them, Hesiod establishes the deities related to each element known to early Greeks, beginning with the primordial elements: the Earth, the starry Sky (Ouranos), and the Sea (Pontus).

Theogonia presents two ways to come to life: division (Gaia, Nyx) and mating. After Gaia, almost all deities brought to life by division are negative concepts (Death, Distress, Sarcasm, Deception, and so on) and for the most part are produced by the goddess Nyx. From this point on is set the model for reproduction, from the action of two entities, male and female, as it appears in the divine world in response to human society. So the first answer by the myth to the question "What is the cause of this?" becomes "This is the father and this is the mother".

“So I’m a giant, gaping hole that gave birth to the universe?” War tilted her head slightly as I nodded. “That makes me feel hideous and worthless. I’m a gaping hole for Christ’s sake!”

"Uh," I said slowly as I bit my lip, I looked around then grinned. "You're a pretty giant, gaping hole that gave birth to the universe."

"That doesn't help," she grumbled as she glared at the books. "Fucking…damn."

"Hey now, mine sucked, so yours at least told you something," I said as I pointed to the book, I added. "That something might have been slightly scary but at least it’s a starting point."

"You are seriously," she shook her head. "I don't like this."

"Me either, but listen everything will be okay," I smiled as I pushed her side. "I'm peace bitch, I'll make everything okay."

"And I'm chaos, I'll make everything war," she laughed as she pushed me back. "Let's go, I don't want to read anymore about how evil and how big a black hole I am."

"You seriously have issues my friend," I patted her back as we walked through the door to Lukas' house, Zack came out of no where and smiled. "Whoa!"

"Sorry," he grinned as he looked over at War. "Are you alright War?"

"I just found out I'm a giant, gaping black hole that gave birth to the earth and universe, no I'm not alright," she glared and then smiled.

"Whoa," I said then laughed slightly. "Bipolar much?"

"Just a little,” She growled and stomped inside the house, Zack and I soon following.

“Something wrong?” Warren jumped in front of War and smiled.


“Well,” Warren hugged her. “Don’t be sad.”

“Warren, I wouldn’t,” I shook my head, he simply shrugged.

“Let go please,” War mumbled.

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