Status: Active



I burst through the doors of the airport. Please don't be too late. Please don't be too late. Liam was running as fast as he could behind me. He was yelling at me to stop. To slow down. But I couldn't. I was already running out of time. I could already be too late. I stopped briefly to glance at the flight numbers. I spotted the one i needed and darted down the hallway. Please don't be too late. I skidded to a stop at the gate. I saw her. I saw her chestnut brown hair go through the door.

"Robyn! Wait!" I screamed. She came back into view. We locked eyes. My eyes were pleading for her to stay. To not turn around and get on that plane. To stay here. With me. She looked at me sadly. She shook her head slowly and turned back around.

"No! Robyn!" I lunged forward, but Liam held me back.

"No, Liam! No! Let me go," I wailed. Tears were streaming down my face. How could she just leave like that. How could she leave me?

"Niall... mate, it'll be alright," Liam said, struggling to keep me still. I shook my head, still crying. I collapsed down onto my knees, my head in my hands.

"No..." I mumbled, "No..." Liam kneeled down next to me.


" don't understand," I cried.

"There's plenty of girls out there, Niall. She's not the only one."

"I-I was so s-sure she was the o-one," I confessed, "How could she just leave me?" Liam was quiet. He helped me back to my feet. He put his arm around my shoulders and we walked back to the entrance of the airport.

I still couldn't fully grasp what just happened. I couldn't believe that tomorrow, I wouldn't be waking up to her smile. No more coffee dates after her classes. No more singing her to sleep when she couldn't. I wouldn't even be able to call her. She'd already cut off all communication with me. What did I do? Why was she leaving me.

"I thought she was the One, Liam," I said again, as we got in the car.

"Well, if she left..." Liam said slowly, "She wasn't. You'll find your princess, Niall. I'm sure of it. Don't give up hope."