Status: Complete

Those Nights Kept Me Alive

"Are We Going To Your Place?"

"Nah man, we all know she wants to fuck Monte. And we all know Monte wants to fuck her," Ronnie said, smirking. "WHAT?!?" Monte and myself screamed in unsion.

The rest of the guys laughed at mine and Monte`s outburst. I swear my friends are insane.

I looked over at Monte from the corner of my eye to see him looking at the ground with a faint pink tinting his cheeks. Though his blush was probably nothing compaired to mine. I could only imagine how bright red my face was.

The guys have always picked on Monte and myself because we`re always hanging out and we`re the closest out of our group of friends. Plus Monte is very protective of me. Don`t get me wrong, all the guys are protective of me. But Monte`s just a bit more protective than the others. He`s been like that since we met. That`s just the way he is, though. Sweet and over protective.

"Just shut up, you guys," Monte grumbled as he opened the passanger side door of his car and motioned for me to get in. The guys snickered as i got in the car and shut the door.

Monte walked around the car and opened the driverside door, slipping in and shutting the door. After he started the car the rest of the bus started making kissy faces and laughing.

I groaned and flipped them off as Monte pealed out of the school parking lot. "Are we going to your place?" He nodded, "Yeah. I figured you wouldn`t want to go home with the fight your parents had last night." I nodded. My parents had a huge fight last night, i`m almost positive the whole apartment complex and the neighborhood could hear it. My parents are almost always fighting and most of the time its over the most stupid things.

My parents have always been fighting, hell i think my first memory is of them fighting. Iv`e never been able to make them stop ether, its very frustrating. But there is nothing i can really do about it but ignore it. And i have been since we moved here, with the help of my friends of course.


"Yeah?" He asked while he drove.

"Can we just drive around for a while? Till it gets dark anyway?"

"Sure. Just text my mom for me and tell her we won`t be at the house till late."

I nodded and pulled out my cell phone. I found his mom`s number and quickly sent her a text. I hit send and put my phone back into my school bag.

"Is there a reason you want to drive around?" Monte asked as he stopped at a stoplight and looked over at me. "I just don`t want be be near home," I murmured and reached over to play with the radio. He simply nodded and kept driving.

Monte and myself live in the same neighborhood. He lives two houses away from my apartment complex. So i`m constantly sneaking out in the middle of the night and running to his house. Thankfully neither of our parents mind. Well, they did at first anyway. I got grounded for two weeks and Monte got grounded for one, his parents weren`t as made as mine.

But now if i`m not in the apartment at night my parents know all they have to do is call Monte`s parents and they`ll tell them where i am, and if i`m at the house, what i`m doing.

"What do you think about going to the beach?" Monte asked, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"I guess. I mean i don`t have a bathing suit with me."

"Neither do i, hun," He said, grinning at me. I couldn`t help but giggle and shake my head. He was such a dork sometimes. But i adored him for it.
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I`m sorry this took so long to update. I had lots of different idea`s for this chapter and it took a while to figure out exactly what i wanted. The next chapter might take a while to post as well because my dad has got it in his head that i`m on the computer too much. So he limited my time on the computer to three hours except for Friday and Saturday.

Thank you to iMusic-Freak for commenting. Its nice to know someone actually likes this story.