
I don't know about you, but when I'm bored, I find myself at my computer wanting to write. However, I don't want to commit to writing an entire story (If you're like me, you probably have plenty).

Sometimes I just have that urge to write.

I don't care what, I just need to write.

Whether the prompt comes from a picture, a written prompt, or even your wild imagination, prompts help fuel you to make an interesting literary piece.

So this is what this is. A collection of short stories, flash fictions, and writing prompt fueled pieces of literature that have been spawned from the key word "prompt".

Send me a message if you're interested in contributing. Otherwise hope you enjoy the random prompt written pieces that have been written by me.
  1. Flowers for Ann
    (20 minute writing prompt)
  2. Fear
    (short story: random prompt idea: government+monsters+wrong location= ?)