Status: Layout Fixed.

Night Call


"Slam me to the left
If you're havin' a good time
Shake it to the right
If you know that you feel fine
Chicas to the front
Huh huh and go round."

Spice Girls - Spice Up Your Life

Emmett and I exited my room, his large, icy hand wrapped around my tiny. He looked down either end of the hall and looked back at me, placing the index finger of his other hand over his pale, pink lips and giving me a silent 'shh',' grinning widely. I eyed him strangely as he turned away from me and slowly began to step down the hall that led to the stairs, gently tugged my arm. I followed suit, curious as to what he was doing.

I mimicked his careful steps and followed him. For some bizarre reason I felt as if I had just stepped into a James Bond movie, or, for what seemed fit the mood accurately, Ace Venture: Pet Detective. The silliness of it all and the similarity between our sneaking down the hall and Ace creeping into the shark tank nearly caused me to burst out in laughter.

Emmett seemed to be thinking the same thing as he looked back at me and shushed me again. Apparently even my silent laughter was too loud. I bit down on the inside of my cheek and nodded. We continued to tip-toe towards the stairs, looking behind us every now and again. What made the situation even more hilarious was the fact that my room was only about 7 feet from the stairs. We walked very slowly. Emmett, deciding to add more dramatic effect, signaled for me to get down and lean my back up against the wall. I did what I was told and found myself squatting behind Emmett.

He peeked his head around the corner and looked around, quickly ducking down and squatting next to me. He grinned devilishly and waved me closer. I scooted as close as I could, coming shoulder to, well, head with him. He dropped his smile and inclined his head and whispered in my ear. The coldness of his breath nipping at my partially exposed ear.

"There's Charlie everywhere." Though he looked serious his jovial tone gave him away. His stern stare slowly began to waver, his frowned lips curling up at the corner and his brows furring deeper as he attempted to hold back his laughter.

As much as I wanted to give into my laughter I desperately wanted to play whatever game Emmett's eccentric mind had concocted. I tried my best to hold in my laughs and returned his half-serious expression. With what little composure I had I got down on my knees and looked up at him.

"Do we surrender?" He gave me a cheeky grin before masking his emotions once again and shaking his head vigorously.

"Never. They'll never take us alive." I closed my eyes tightly trying my hardest not to laugh. Emmett seemed to find the statement just as absurd and smiled widely, revealing his pearly white teeth.

"I don't think that applies to you." I silently chuckled once I had calmed myself. He stuck his tongue at me and fell back into his war character.

He glared menacingly and pointed an accusing finger at me. "You giving me lip, boy, er.. girl." I smiled and shook my head.

"No, sir." He gave me a curt nod before quickly glancing at the stairs and then re-focusing his attention at the task at hand, whatever it was. "Okay, this is the plan. We'll descend the stairs slowly, two steps at a time. Once we reach the bottom I'll make sure everything is clear and then you'll have to find cover. Got it?" I nodded. "Good."

With that, Emmett did quick hand gestures that looked like something a Marine would do and slowly stepped towards the steps still in a squatting position. I followed him and soon we were both on the stairs with Emmett still in front of me and looking around, which didn't make sense since there was no wall or anything to covering us; we were completely exposed.

From the top of the stairs I could see out through the large, glass windows and see everything outside. Like every day in Forks, the sky was overcast and not a ray of sunlight pierced the clouds. Even from my place down on the top stair I saw straight out and into the 'front yard' and was able to Rosalie emerging from the woods.

I tensed at the sight of her. Emmett had yet to notice Rosalie, if he did he sure wasn't acting like it. Refusing to let my fear of confrontation with her spoil my mood I decided to try to use my panic and fear to add more to our game.

I tugged on the back of his shirt frantically. When he looked back at me confused I released his shirt and pointed at the glass window. "Captain, iceberg ahead!" Emmett looked at the direction I was pointing and tossed his head back. Still laughing, he stood and began to wave for me to run.

"Run, soldier - to the hideout!" And with that he began to run. He didn't use his vampire speed and instead kept himself at human pace which must've been torture for him seeing as he loves any form of physical exertion.

"Hey - Wait!" I laughed and ran down the steps careful to not trip; however, I did slip once I stepped of the steps and caught myself. My heart hammered as I straightened myself and continued to run, following Emmett wherever it was that he was running to. Even at a slow pace he was too fast for me. Either he didn't know how run slow or I seriously needed to get in shape.

Following him through the doorway that led to the kitchen I skidded to a halt when Emmett suddenly stopped running, nearly causing my to collide into his back. I glared at the back of head and stepped around him, freezing at what I saw.

There at the counter sat Carlisle with Edward and Jasper and either side of him, but that's not what made me freeze. Placed on the table were several items: a rotary tool, shears, a towel, a tiny vile of liquid and a syringe. Next to the items were a pack of gauze, clips and an arm-sling. What scared me the most was the rotary tool and the circular blade attached to it.

I suddenly felt nauseous.

Even without some sort of supernatural ability Carlisle was able to sense my unease and stood from the counter, a smile gracing his beautiful features.

"Perfect timing." I eyed both Jasper and Edward as Carlisle stepped around the counter and approached me. He looked at Emmett and greeted him with a nod. Emmett returned the nod and placed a large hand on my shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze. "Ready?"

I looked away from the two and stared at him with wide, worried eyes.

"Ready for what?"

He continued to smile. "To remove your cast." He said it as if it were the most obvious thing.

"Remove it?! I thought we were just going to fix it!" I placed my hand over the cast protectively. No way in hell was I going to let him saw off the cast. What if his hand slips and he slices my skin and suddenly I'm bleeding like a fountain in a house of vampires.

From my peripheral vision I could see Edward frown.

"You know no one would let anything happen to you, Evelyn." I groaned. Of course he heard that, he hasn't heard of privacy. This I didn't think aloud in my head but felt with my emotions, and like his adoptive brother, Jasper caught onto it.

Like magic, a wave of calm emotions began to invade my body from my the inside of my chest and outwards, like a virus spreading to every part of my body. It was like a high - a sense of 'it's going to be okay' thrust upon me unwillingly and overriding my own feelings.

I felt extremely calm yet beyond irritated as I shifted my glare from one Cullen to the other. Jasper simply stared back at me with his calm and collective demeanor.

Not fair. I mentally huffed. Edward quirked a smile.

Carlisle gestured towards the counter. "Please sit." Now feeling relaxed and at ease I did as he asked and sat on a stool opposite of the brothers. Carlisle grabbed his his stool and placed it to my left, Emmett grabbing another free stool and sitting at my right. I looked at them all before glancing down at the tool on the counter-top.

"Now," he spoke softly as he picked up the small towel and began to fold it. "Before we begin I'd like to remind you that I am a doctor and have removed a cast before. I know what I'm doing but cannot stress enough that it is imperative that you remain still." His topaz eyes shimmered under the florescent lights. "I'm not asking for much, only that you trust me."

The beating of my semi-panicked heart began to accelerate as he reached for my broken arm with his other hand. I flinched at the at his gentle touch. Before I could panic even further another wave of calm emotions began to fill from the inside out. This time instead of glaring at Jasper I thanked him with a sigh of relief. We wouldn't get anywhere if I had to depend on my own emotions.

Now that I was once again calm I thought over Carlisle's words. I did trust him, it was the blade that I didn't.

"I trust you." I gave him a tight smile and forced my arm to loosen. He returned my accepting gesture with a kind smile and carefully moved my arm in a position that was easier accessible to both sides. Every fiber of my being screamed at my to pull away and run but I couldn't. Even with my internal battle waging on I had told Carlisle that I trust him - tearing my arm away would not only further hurt myself, but him as well. I trusted him, and I needed to prove it.

So going against my instincts I clenched my fist and let him place the towel at the opening of the cast and gently pushing it in as far as it could go. I winced at the pressure but ignored it as we went on. He smiled as me encouragingly and gave my should a pat before reaching for the vile of liquid and syringe.

"What's that?"

He stuck the needle into the bottle. "Morphine."

Morphine? "For what?"

He filled about less then a quarter of an inch of the syringe and placed the tiny, glass bottle back onto the counter.

"Removing a cast when the bones are still broken is... uncomfortable, and sometimes painful. The morphine is to ensure that you will feel as little pain as possible." He pressed his thumb down and a tiny stream of morphine seemed from the needle. He then opened a small alcohol towlet and proceeded to wipe the crease of my elbow clean. After discarding the towel he gripped my elbow and stuck the needle into the slightly visible blue line just beneath the skin.

I pinched for a moment and the stinging went away. Instantaneously, I could feel the morphine and found that my body felt quite heavy. Carlisle nodded approvingly at my reaction and replaced the syringe with the rotary tool.

Because of the morphine I felt slightly dazed as I watched Carlisle begin to go to work with cutting through only the top layer of the cast in random places before moving onto the shears and slowly taking the cast apart. Every now and again I would feel a small amount of pressure on wherever on my arm he was working; luckily I didn't feel any pain.

I watched as he took whatever parts that were left of the cast off and my eyes nearly doubled in size when I got a first look at my broken arm. The skin was stained with purple, black and blue bruises, stitches I didn't know I had held large gashes together. The pressure intensified as as he oh-so carefully placed my arm on the counter as if it were a delicate piece of glass. I guess in a way I was.

Open the package of gauze he had Edward help him as he began to wrap it tightly around my arm from the bottom up. I hadn't realized just how big the role of gauze was until I realized I know had a few good layers wrapped around my arm. It was wrapped tightly, but enough for the skin to breath.

I cringed as I felt him tug on the gauze, hissing at the amount of pressure I was beginning to feel. He apologized and continued on, using the many clips to fasten the end of the gauze. After making sure it was nice and tight he picked up the arm-sling and helped my slip my arm through it carefully and and place it over my right shoulder.

Before I knew it we were done. The morphine had yet to fade so I was still in a daze as Carlisle began to pick up. Jasper, seeing he was no longer needed, stood from the counter. Edward did the same as he began to right the stool and put them back in their rightful places. Emmett, however, remained by my side and grinned down at me.

"See, what was so hard now, was it?" He jabbed me playfully with his elbow.

I shook my head. Both Edward and Jasper left the kitchen to go do other things as Carlisle gathered the rest of his supplies and bid us a farewell before leaving back towards the door we came, probably to go to his office.

"I knew my plan would work."

"Plan?" I looked up at him confused with both his words and what I was thinking, which was nothing at the moment. "What plan?"

"The plan to make you have fun and forget about how bad getting the cast off was gonna be."

"Is that why you were crawling around like a 'tard?"

"What?! I ain't no 'tard." He huffed in mock-offence and turned away. I smiled and poked his arm.

"You know I'm kidding. I wouldn't anything like about you, Emmett." He grinned widely at me and ruffled my hair. "Ay! You're gonna have to stop doing that!" I used my free hand to pat it all back down. I suddenly realized that I could no longer use my arm like I did when it had the cast on; until I got a new cast I was stuck with the arm-sling. "... stupid, piece of..." I glared at the blue material. "Stupid sling."

"OH!' Emmett stood, disappeared then reappeared on the other side of the kitchen looking through drawers and was suddenly back standing next to me, except now he was holding something. "I almost forgot."

I looked at his hands to see that he was holding markers. I cracked a smile remembering what Emmett said about his 'awesome writing skills' and nodded. He uncapped some markers and carefully pulled back the material of the sling so that half my arm was hanging out of it.

"Okay, you can't look."

"Can't look?" Was he serious? "Emmett, I'm attached to my frickin' arm, how am I not supposed to look?"

He sighed dramatically and gave me a 'duh' look. "Look away, hello!" I mimicked him obnoxiously but did what I was told and looked away, focusing my attention on the wall. For the next minute and a half Emmett scribbled away in his superhuman speed using every marker. I resisted the urge to peek and forced myself to keep staring at the wall.

"Annnd... done!" He announced enthusiastically and placed the cap back onto the marker. I averted my gaze on the wall that had me go cross-eyed for a moment and looked down at the writing on the tightly wrapped gauze.

I laughed heartily.

For being scribbled so recklessly everything looked surprisingly neat. A stick figure, Superman version of Emmett was drawn perfectly, next to it was what seemed to be a drawing of me. Compared to him I was extremely tiny and even had a miniature cast drawn on my arm. Beneath the drawing in colorful writing were the words that made me laugh out loud. There was no relation between the drawings of us and the words and even though it was random and made absolutely no sense it seemed to fit perfectly with him.

Beneath the drawing of us in red, blue, purple and orange were the words I would forever associate with Emmett Cullen.

Taste the Rainbow.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's short, a filler and not really that exciting but it's all I was able to come up with. Sorry it took so long for me to update, a lot of things have happened these past weeks. Hopefully one or most of your comments will give me some sort of inspiration or idea about what to write next.

I could actually picture Emmett doing this in a attempt to put someone at ease :] haha, I picked the Spice Girls song because like Emmett's writing, it has nothing to do with what's going on and is completely irrelevant.

Before I press submit I'd like to know: What would you guys like to see happen next?

Suggestions will bring you updates.

Please leave love!