Status: Layout Fixed.

Night Call


"Your stare was holdin',
Ripped jeans, skin was showin'
Hot night, wind was blowin'
Where you think you're going, baby?"

Carly Rae Jepsen - Call Me Maybe

I decided to put my plan into action.

The entire night was spent thinking over Edward's words and the warning behind them. What did he mean by 'not yet'? Was there more in this world that Stephanie Meyer never touched on or was Edward referring to himself and the wolves? As much as I wanted to decode the words I didn't want to waste anymore time on him and his issues with the wolves. What was happening to me didn't concern him.

I spent the entire morning preparing for for the day and what lie ahead of me. It was going to be one hell of a journey if I wanted everything to play out smoothly and according to plan.

Last night before going to bed I decided that I was going to go out and head to Forks and make my way to La Push. It was a long shot and I was no doubt going to be caught and reeled back into the house, but it was something that had to be done. I know that Carlisle would disprove of me sneaking around trying to gather information but I needed to, or else we'd go no where. So, with warm clothes on, my arm up in its sling and money I miraculously found in a pair of pants I wore in the accident I left my room and made my way towards Carlisle's study.

I didn't want to do it this way. It felt wrong to try to go around him this way after all he's done, but what other option do I have?

Upon reaching the end of the hall where Carlisle's study was located I knocked on the door and waited for it to be opened, fiddling with a loose thread from the sling. Moments later the door was opened to reveal that one and only Dr. Carlisle Cullen. He wore a cotton, long sleeve shirt that was tucked into black slacks and semi-casual dress shoes that looked polished and new. Like always, he greeted me with a smile and opened the door wider. Even though I now had a different view from him then when I did reading he still made me blush and feel giddy inside.

"Evelyn? Well this is a surprise." His smile then fell into a concerned frown. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah," I nodded my head. "Everything's cool. I was just wondering if I could ask you a favor." My toes began to tap nervously inside my shoes. It was hard but I managed to hold eye contact with him as I spoke.

"Sure. What do you need?" Okay, here we go Evelyn. You can do this.

"Well, I was just wondering if I could get a ride."

He raised an elegant eyebrow in surprise. "A ride?" His hypnotic topaz eyes glittered with curiosity. "To where?" I released a sigh or relief. At least he didn't give me a flat out no. I let go of the thread and scratched the back of my head.

"... into town?" This was it - the moment of truth. I held my breath and waited for him to tell me no and give me a scolding and lecture on why it's too early for me to venture into Forks.


"What?" What?

"Sure, let me just put some stuff away and I'll meet you downstairs, okay?" He gave me another heart stopping smile and turned away from the open door. I stared at his back in disbelief. Did that seriously just happen? Did he just agree to take me into Forks with no argument at all?

"... okay." Still confused, I turned away and walked towards the end of the hall that led to the staircase. That was surprisingly painless.

As promised, Carlisle made his way down the stairs only moments after me with a light winter coat on and a scarf hanging loosely around his neck. "Ready?" I nodded my head and followed as we made our way around the house and out the door that led to the garage. Inside were the cars from the first time I arrived, Carlisle's Mercedes parked perfectly in the center between the other, looking as sleek as ever.

He unlocked the doors with the remote and we both climbed in. I strapped on my seat belt as the large door began to ease open, a very dim light seeping into the opening. The sky, like always, was overcast and held the dreary feel that Forks and the Olympic Peninsula was famous for.

"What is it that you need to get from town?"

"Nothing really. I just felt like getting out of the house and being near uh... normal people." He smiled and nodded his head. "Do you know id there's a library around here?"

"Forks Memorial Library."

"Is it open today?" I asked hopefully. I wasn't pretending, I really wanted to see the library. An addiction I had as a bookworm.

"What's today. Wednesday?" I nodded. "Yeah, should be open. It rarely closes. Is that where you want me to drop you off?"


"Library it is."

He dropped me off at the library and wished me a happy reading, not before handing me a twenty telling me it was for just in case I got hungry. I tried to return it but he wasn't having it. I thanked him again and shut the door, waving goodbye as he drove off and back to the house.

I turned around and looked at the entrance of the library. I beckoned me. The many books it had stalked on shelves called to me, whispering titles into my ears. It was tempting to go in, but I had to remember that I wasn't here for the library, I was here to find my way to La Push.

So without a second thought I walked towards the sidewalk along the road and began to wave my right arm in the air signaling for a car to stop.

Not a single one did. They just drove by. I waved a shouted and tossed a rock or two, but not one car stopped. With every minute ticking by I was beginning to get restless and soon was practically screaming at cars to stop.

"Hey!" I waved at a green bug that stopped at the corner, but it simply passed by as I waved. "Oh, come on!"

I tried again.

"Hey!" I waved at another car that passed by. It only honked as it drove by, the sound fading as he drew farther away."HEY!" I screamed after it. None of the cars pulled over or gave any sign that they had seen me aside from the occasional honk. I waved my hand in the air as an old, Toyota Cambry drove down the road. I continued to holler, trying to catch their attentions and hopefully their interest.

They turned their blinker on and merged onto the lane closest to me, slowing down as they neared the Library sidewalk. The car gave a cry as it came to a stop, a sign that they desperately needed to get their brakes checked. The window rolled down to reveal a Native American man who seemed to be in his late 40's. The sound of 80's Rock N' Roll flowing from his speakers.

He eyed my sling and turned down his radio. "You in trouble?" His voice was gruff and harsh, another sign that he not only neglected his cars' needs but was a smoker.

I spoke with an airy voice, tired from shouting at all the cars that drove by. "Not really, just trying to get a ride."

"Where ya' heading?"

"La Push."

"That's where I'm heading. Need a lift?" He reached over the passenger seat and unlocked the doors. I shivered as the cold nipped at my skin causing my teeth to audibly shatter. "Well, come on in. Don't need to dying from a cold!" I smiled at his friendly gesture and opened the door, dropping myself lightly onto the seat and rolling up the window. "What you heading to La Push for any how?"

"... to see a friend."

"Ohh," he raised an eyebrow. "A friend?"

"Not that kind."

He bellowed with a hearty laugh and shifted into drive. The car gave another painful cry and we were off. We had more small-talk during the drive. I told him very little about myself and what I did was a mixture of truth and lies. In turn, he told me A LOT about himself. I found out that his name was Bernard, or Bernie, and he was half Quileute, half Italian - which was a mix I had never heard of before. I also found out that he knew Billy Black and was a friend of his from long ago.

So we neared a section of the road that I remember as being the treaty line where Edward had followed Bella and I when we went to see Jacob the first time. My heart pounded in my chest when we crossed it. I had done it. I got to Forks and made my way into La Push, there was only one problem.

"Bernie?" I spoke over the blaring music.

"Uh-huh." He nodded his head in acknowledgement and kept his eyes on the road.

"Um... you wouldn't happen to know where Jacob Black lives, do you?"

"Jacob? Billy's kid?" I nodded. "Ohh, so he's the one you have the hots for, huh?" He winked and laughed loudly. I blushed a deep scarlet. I didn't necessarily have the hots for him, I just thought he was handsome. But hey, if it's what got me there.

"Kinda." He grinned and gave me a pat on the back that was harder then necessary.

"You're in luck. The Black's live about seven houses down from me!"

"Really? Aw man, Bernie, if you could tell me how to get there I'd really appreciate it."

"Nonsense, I'll drop you off." He waved off my request with a grin and continued to drive. The roads we took when were similar to the ones that led to Emily's house, except instead of turning off the road we went straight. Before I knew it we were parked in front of Jacob's house.

"Here we are."

"Thank you so much." I unbuckled my seat belt. "Here, let me give you gas money." I reached into my pocket to grab the twenty Carlisle gave me but was stopped by his hand.

"Ah, I don't mind. I didn't have anything else to do, anyways." I thanked him again and climbed out of the car. "Oh, and if you need a ride back just go to the seventh house to your left when you leave, okay? It's the one that's gonna have this piece of junk in the driveway." He gave me a large toothy grin and winked. "Have fun."

"Alright," I laughed, "Thanks again Bernie."

Like Carlisle, I waved as he did a U-turn and drove down the road. I then turned around and faced the home of Jacob Black. It looked like any other home that could be found in Anywhere, USA. For some reason I was reluctant to walk towards it. I felt even more nervous then when I did in the car. What if he wasn't the one to open it? What if it ends up bring his dad who opens the door? How do I explain myself then?

Oh God, what if he's not even home?

"Man, I really should've thought this through." I shook my head with a whine. I always did this - why did I always have to do this?

There was no turning back now. With all my might and courage I sucked up my fear and marched right up to his front door, trying in vain to push aside all negative thoughts I had. Approaching the door, I quickly knocked before I could have a change of heart and run away screaming back down to Bernie's house. For some reason I felt like he'd just drive me back here.

I waited for what felt like milli-seconds before the door was wretched open to reveal a very shocked and very shirtless Jacob Black. My eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets at the sight of him; I couldn't help but scan over his well-defined torso with my eyes. For some reason I felt more surprised to see him there even though I was the one who knocked.


I was snapped out of my thoughts and Looked up at his face, staring into his confused eyes. I sheepishly waved with my good arm. "Hey."

"What the hell are you doing here? Is Bella with you?" He looked over me and scanned the yard for any sign of his beloved Bella.

"No, I came alone." He deflated and let out a disappointed 'oh' and furrowed his eyebrows. He seemed to realize what I said and his head snapped towards me, eyes alarmed.

"Did you run away?!"

"What?! No!" I shook my head, "No, I didn't run away. That doesn't even make any sense, why would I run away?"

He shrugged. "I dunno. You're pretty reckless." I gave him a fierce glare causing him to scoff and wave my obvious annoyance away. "I'm just saying. You do things without thinking." I wanted to argue, but he was right. I was pretty reckless and I did things without really thinking them through. "What are you doing here?"

"... I came to see you."

"Yeah, I can see that. Why?"

I shrugged. "I wanted to see how you were... after, you know." I lifted my left arm carefully. His expression immediately softened at the sight of my arm, but his brows furrowed when he saw the cast was gone and my arm was now in a sling.

"What happened to the cast?"

"Uhm, it broke." I looked away. I felt bad for telling him. I didn't want to make him feel even worse over the whole situation. "It's kinda why I came by. I wanted to see how you were holding up."

"I'm fine. You?"

"I'm good. Just... sore."

"Look, Evelyn, I'm sorry about what happened. I didn't mean for it to happen, but please don't keep trying to remind me about, okay?"

"What? No! You got it all wrong, Jacob. I'm not here to rub it in or make you feel bad. I just wanted to talk."


I nodded. "Yeah. I wanted to know how, or, why you can even do what you do in the first place."

He peeked over his shoulder then back at me. "Look, I can't talk about it. You're gonna have to come back another time."

"Are you serious?" I nearly shouted. "What I saw was not normal, nor was what I experienced. I at least deserve some sort of explanation for what happened."

He ran a hand through his hair in frustration and sighed.

"Fine, there's gonna be a bonfire tonight at First Beach. If you have any questions I'm sure you'll be able to get answers there." A bonfire? As in the bonfire that's mentioned in the books were Billy Black tells of the legends that Bella heard in Twilight? Inside I was having a major fan-girl moment and was squealing away to my heart content, but on the outside I remained calm.

I had to remember that I'm not supposed to know about the legends and what goes on at those bonfires.


"Yeah, bonfire. We have them sometimes. Look, I'm not going to explain to you what a bonfire is - "

"I know what a bonfire is." I replied hotly.

"- but if you have questions. That's the place to go, okay? I can't say anymore. Just let me know if you wanna go or not because I don't have all day to wait for an answer."

Jeez, talk about being pushy.

I sighed gave him a careless nod. "Yeah, sure."


"Hey, Jake, who's that at the door?" The sound of rubber wheels rolling against tile filled the hall and from behind Jacob I could see his father, Billy Black, nearing us in his infamous wheel-chair. "Who's this?" He asked with a friendly smile.

I looked at Jacob unsure of what to do and of what I was allowed to do. I didn't know if he'd be okay with me conversing with his dad when I lived with the Cullens. Bella dated a Cullen and he seemed to have no problem with her talking to him. But then again, he was in love with her, so that did give her some leeway.

Billy Black was exactly as I thought he would be. His skin was a deep copper color from his Native American heritage, he was slightly over-weight and had dark, black hair that was pulled back. His face, as expected was adorned with age lines, most likely from worrying about his son. He wore jeans, brown boots, and a red button down shirt that was tucked into a leather belt around his waist.

I stared at Jacob with wide eyes. He sighed and looked down at his dad.

"Dad, this is Evelyn. Evelyn, this is my dad, Billy Black."

"Hi." I gave him a shy wave.

"Nice to meet you." He inclined his head. He seemed to notice me shivering in the cold and glared up at his son, smacking his arm. "Can't you see she's freezing?" He scolded him the looked up to me. "Why don't you come in." And with that he rolled away allowing me to walk pass Jacob and into the house.

Jacob sighed and closed the door.

"Great." He began to grumble to himself as he followed us.


I had spent an hour and a half at Jacobs talking to him and his dad, which was longer then I anticipated. Billy Black was a kind man, and by the looks he was giving Jacob and me, was eager to help his son get over Bella. I just hope the twinkle in his eye didn't have anything to do with me randomly showing up at their doorstep. I wonder if Jacob even told his dad about what happened, unless it was deemed strictly 'pack business.'

After that hour and a half I decided it would be best if I left once I saw how uncomfortable Jacob was getting. So as kindly as I could I said I was expected home soon, which was followed by Billy offering Jacob to take me home - along with a firm pat on his shoulder.

I thanked him for the gesture but told him I already had a ride and bid farewell to them both. Billy told Jacob to walk me to the door and wheeled away to some other part of the house after telling me goodbye.

Saying goodbye was more awkward then I expected. We both stood outside of the front door unsure of what to say, me rubbing my broken arm and Jacob swinging his arms, clapping a fist into an open palm.

"So... "

"Your dad's nice." He laughed.


"Uhm... I guess I'll so you later?"


I nodded and began to walk away, but after a few feet I forgot to remind Jacob he had to pick me up at the treaty line and whirled around.

"Hey, remember that you're gonna have to pick me up at the line!" I called back to him as I walked back farther. "Okay!"

"Sure, sure." He waved me a way with a humorous smile, watching me as I walked farther away from the house. I returned his smile and turned around, continuing my walk to the seventh house to the left.

At exactly the seventh house I found Bernie sitting on his front porch with a cigar in his hand that looked like he had rolled it himself.

"Hey, there you are! How was it?"

I laughed. "Good. Talked to both him and his dad."

"Good, good. You ready to head back?" I nodded and he put out the cigar, placing it inside of a small time box he had inside of his jean pocket. "Alright, let's go."

The ride back to the library was a quick one that was filled with more small talk about Bernie and myself. Before I knew it we were pulling up to the entrance of the library.

"Thanks again for this, Bernie."

"No problem." He waved me away with a smile. "If you're ever back in La Push you come give me a visit, you hear?" I smiled and promised him I'd do exactly that. I waved goodbye as he drove off, the car crying out for a break check as it traveled down the road.

Just as I was about to turn and head into the library a silver Mercedes pulled up in front of me, the window rolling down to reveal Carlisle. Without saying a word I opened the door and climbed in, staring at the dashboard as we drove. I was caught.

I broke my shameful silence.

"How'd you know?"

"Edward." Of course. "I confronted him about the argument you guys had last night and he told me what you wanted to do. When you came to me this afternoon I knew it was to come here."

"Does Edward know?"

"No - not yet." I looked back up at him with large, fearful eyes. "Alice had a vision of you coming back from La Push. That's how I knew to come. Edward's bound to catch a glimpse of it sometime. Secrets don't stay secrets for long when there's a mind reader in the house."

"He's gonna flip out."

"You don't know that."

"I do know that. Just at the thought of coming here he was on my case about it and told me that I couldn't come. If he finds out that I went against his word and did the exact opposite he'd gonna freak out on me again." I sigh deeply. "Why is he even freaking out in the first place?" I looked back to Carlisle hoping he had an answer for me.

He shook his head as he turned the wheel. "It's not my place to say. You should talk to him about it, maybe then you'll able to understand why he acted the way he did. Granted, he could have handled it differently instead of shouting." He gave me a reassuring smile. "You just have to understand his reasons."

We drove on in silence.



"Why aren't you upset that I decided to come here? I thought you'd get mad after what happened with Jacob." He shifted the gear in Park and looked over at me, turning the ignition off. With a sigh he removed the key, his honey eyes staring into my brown ones.

"You wanted answers - answers I didn't have to questions we still need to solve. As much as I'd like to tell you that sitting back and waiting for things to unfold was going to tell us everything that's not always the case. Sometimes you have to seek out those answers. No matter what kind of a part we play, this is your life and you're the only one that can control it. I'm not going to berate you for trying to find a way back home or taking things into your own hands. But I do ask that you be careful and ask for help when you need it.

Can you promise me that?"

"... yes."

"Good." He smiled and turned away to step out of the car.


He turned his head back. "Yes?"

"Jacob invited me to a bonfire tonight. He said if I had questions then I could ask them there. I was wondering. Do you think you could drop me off at the treaty line so he could take me?"


It was set. Tonight I was going to go to the bonfire.
♠ ♠ ♠
Another update :) I know you guys expected an explanation for Edward's behavior but you're gonna have to wait for that.

Hey, hey, what's Billiy doing? ;) a little bit of fatherly influence? A bonfire! You know what that means? She's gonna meet the pack!

WolfGirl96: If you remember in the beginning Evelyn was in 'Twilight Forks' in a accident as well, that's how she ended up i the hospital in the first place. Because Forks is small and the accident was so big everyone knows about it. She's staying with the Cullens because another family is in her home. The universe has changed, the geography remains the same. The only difference between 'real Forks' and 'Twilight Forks' is whose residing in it.

As for your other questions regarding her story you're just going to have to wait. Also, the motive behind Edward's actions will soon be revealed as well. :)

Please leave love if you want another update!