Disallowed Love

First Day Disaster

I felt like there was an earthquake happening, shaking me and trembling, I had to run away.
“Sara!” I turned, Vladimir was at least fifteen feet away, right under a collapsing bridge, his yellow eyes wide in terror.
“Vladimir, no!!!” I shouted running towards him.
“Sara? Sara…Sara!!!” I woke up sweating and I could tell that the color of my eyes weren’t their usual calm gray. Vladimir was looking down at me smirking.
“Aw…were you dreaming about me again? I told you, I’d never take advantage of you,” Vladimir leaned in closer, “unless of course, you wanted me to.” I growled and tackled him to the floor.
“You know Vlad, if you’d stop making perverted jokes and snide comments then maybe I would want you to.” I jumped off of him harshly stepping on his ribs to bounce to my dresser. I quickly grabbed my uniform and ran to the bathroom to change.
“How’d you get into my house anyway you perv?” I shouted through the door pulling my sweater over my bed-head. I can practically hear him smirk.
“Livvie let me and the guys in, it is our first year of high school you know, we should walk to school together.” I sighed; junior high was bad enough with the clique’s and so called “popular” kids (my school went sixth through ninth). But now in high school it would just be worse. I finished getting dressed hating how short the skirt was and opened my door only to find Vladimir laying on my bed reading my…DIARY!!!!
“Vladimir you bastard!!! Give me my diary!” I shouted as I made a leap towards him. He looked up from what he was reading and “oofed” when I landed on his stomach.
“Agh, get off of me fatty!!!” he growled very wolf-like and flipped me around so I rolled off the bed, with him on top of me. I blushed, I couldn’t help it, and I could tell my eyes were a very light red, for embarrassed. He growled like a wolf again, this time showing off his fangs, attempting to show who the alpha here was. I growled back showing my more powerful vampire teeth.
“Get off of me and give me my diary!” I murmured menacing-like, my eyes turning darker. He huffed and got off of me throwing my diary onto my desk on his way out. I rolled my eyes I’d never fully understand him.
When I finally got downstairs Livvie, Vladimir, and his buddies were already in disguise waiting for me.
“Hey there hottie! Took you long enough, you know you don’t have to try so hard to impress me.” laughed one of Vladimir’s friends, Gabriel, he’s a lycan, half werewolf, half vampire. I rolled my eyes and cast the spell on myself so my appearance could be hidden,
“Dissen, non valmpere for nesz shoun.” It sounds like a bunch of bullshit but trust me, it works. I ran upstairs and grabbed my backpack and contacts; the spell isn’t powerful enough to hide my eyes. I walk out last so I can lock up. As I’m fussing with the key I can sense Livvie behind me.
“Yah Liv? What is it?” I ask without looking up from the lock, which I just locked (makes no sense).
“Why are you so undeveloped?” she asks innocently with her big brown (contacts) eyes. I stiffen and glare at her. So what if I was flat chested? I didn’t even care about the way I looked, or having a boyfriend.
“Did the guys tell you to ask?” I glare up at her with my blue contacted eyes. She nods sheepishly. She always was kind of shy and manipulative. I sigh and glare at the three boys running away with their supernatural speed.
“C’mon Liv, if we don’t hurry we’ll be late.” I give her a sly grin,” race ya?” I ask. She grins and races off. I laugh as I chase after her, hoping my short skirt can withstand the speed. We made it to school just in time to grab our schedules and get a quick tour of the school from the seniors. They even showed us where the sex-spot and the best make-out places were! It really creeped me out though. Then the teachers introduced themselves and explained their subjects that they taught. It was super boring but Livvie and I talked throughout the entire thing so I still don’t know who my teachers are. When we finally got our schedules Livvie and I compared them immediately and I was shocked at what I discovered.
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Way different from my other stories and I'm sorry those arn't updated but I have major writers block on those and would actually like advice, thnxs!