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I'm the Daughter of Who?

Number 12, Grimmauld Place

I yawned laying in my bed. It had been four days since I talked to Harry. He had hent me a letter saying that he was almost expelled and that he had to go to a trial on August 12th. I looked out my window and saw that his Aunt and Uncle were leaving. I looked around my room and saw that I had nothing else to pack but my school stuff, that I didn't have yet, and smiled. I walked out of my room and looked to see if my father was around anywhere. When I saw that he wasn't I walked out of the house and ran over to to Harry's room window. "Hey Harry are you there, I saw that the others left."

I heard the voices that were in Harry's room stop talking. A man came to the window and looked down at me. The look on his face said that he thought i was a bad person,which I'm not. "Who are you and what do you want?"

"My name is Scarlet Rose and I was just wondering if Harry was okay because I haven't seen him in a few days and I know that he has to go to trial soon so I won't really be able to see him until school unless I can some how go to the trial thing with him." I blushed realizing that I had said way to much. "Who are you?"

He looked back into the room but I couldn't hear what they were saying. Soon he looked back down at me with a small smile on his face "My name is Remus Lupin. I was one of Harry's professors two years ago. Harry has told me that you were there with him when he got attacked by the demoentors." I gave him a confused lok and he must have realized I had no idea on what he was talking about. "They have black cloaks, the ones that attacked four days ago"

I looked at the ground "Oh those things. I felt so useless when they attacked him." I looked up at Lupin "If your taking Harry with you then I want to come with." he looked like he was going to object but I wouldn't let him. " I was there with him so I should be able to help him with his trial as being a witness."

Lupin sighed and looked back into the room. I think he was asking if it was okay to bring me along with them. He looked back to me "Do you know how to ride a broom?" I shook my head "Alright then you are going to have have to ride with Harry. Do you already have your things packed because we need to leave when the signal is given."

I nodded "Yeah. I haven't had anything else to do in four days so I packed. I just don't have a wand or anything for school but I do have my list of things that I will need. I will be back with my trunk." I ran back to my house and ran into my room to see that my mother was sitting on my bed with my trunk next to her. I walked up to my bed ant grabbed my trunk. My mother got up and put a hand on my shoulder. " I'm going to be going with Harry and his friends for the rest of the summer and I will be back when if they let out for the holidays." She just nodded and handed my a golden key. I took it and looked at it.

I looked at her and gave her a confused look, she just shook her head and smiled "You will know what it is for in all good time. Now hurry and go before your father finds out." She looked out the window and her smile grew " It looks like they are ready to leave. Hurry before they leave you behind. Also scarlet will you tell Remus to take good care of you and tell him that I have missed him."

I nodded and put they key into my pocket and grabbed my trunk again and ran as fast as I could with my trunk to the others. When I reached them a guy with purple clothes took my trunk and strapped it to his broom. I walked over to Harry and and got onto his broom behind him. Something shot into the air and everyone kicked off of the ground and started flying. I held onto harry tightly. After we were in the air for a while I looked down and regretted it right away. I looked back up and buried my head into Harry's back. I was normaly ok with heights , but since there wasn't anything under my feet and I could easily fall off I was just a little scared. The guy with the weird eye wasn't really making it any better because we kept doing turns because of his paranoia.

We finally landed on an empty street and Harry handed me a price of paper. I read it a few times trying to memorize it the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix may be found at Number twelve, Grimmauld Place, London. I handed the paper back to Harry and he handed it to the guy with the weird guy. He took out his wand and muttered a spell. The paper turned to ash. I looked over to Lupin just remembering what my mother had told me. I walked up to him "Hey Lupin my mother told me to tell you that she wants you to take care of me and that she misses you."

Lupin eyes widened "what's your mothers name?"

I thought for a minute wondering how he knew her. "Elizabeth Rose. Do you know her?"

He nodded. "Yes, we went to Hogwarts together. She was in ravenclaw."

"Oh. Okay" I walked back over to Harry not saying anything.

"what's the Order of the-" Harry begane

"Not here boy" Mad Eye snarled

I sighed 'Great is everyone snarling like a dog now'

"But where's -?"

"Think about what you've memorized," said Lupin quietly.

I looked at the house numbers and realized that number twelve wasnt there. Soon a door appeared and Lupin tapped his wand against it. I heard a few clicks from it and saw it open.

Lupin looked at me and Harry. "Go in but not to far and don't touch anything."

I nodded and walked in. I tired to look around but couldn't because it was pitch black. I heard some voices from further in.
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Sorry it took longer then I thought it would, but here is the second chapter. Hope you like it.
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