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I'm the Daughter of Who?

Imperturbable Charm

A women came up and hugged Harry, "Oh Harry, its so good to see you." She whispered as if she didn't want to wake anyone or anything up. "You look a bit peaky; you need feeding up, but you will have to wait for dinner, I'm afraid." She finally looked over to me like she had just realized that I had been here as well. "And who are you dear?" 

I looked up at her a little confused not really hearing what she had just asked me.  "Huh? Oh my name is Scarlet Rose. If you don't mind me asking, who are you?"

She smiled "I don't mine dear. My name is Molly Weasley," her smile started to fade just a little "I'm sorry dear we don't really have any room left but in one room. I really hope you won't mind rooming with Fred and George."

I shook my head and smiled. "No I really don't mind as long as they don't try anything then it will be fine." I put my hands in my pockets and felt something in my right pocket. I took it out and looked at it, the key had the number 577 at the top of it. I look at Molly and held it out to her. "Mrs. Weasley do you know what this key is for? I was never told."

She took the key and looked at it "Dear please just call me Molly, the key seems to be a key to a Gringots vault at the Gringots Bank." She handed it back to me and gave me a smile. She looked over to Harry and then back to me. "You two need to go upstairs and don't be to loud, we don't want anything in the house to wake up." She walked of into the kitchen and closed the door.

I looked around and saw harry walking upstairs. I followed but didn't stop when Harry did. I kept walking until I heard laughing. I walked up to the door and put my ear to it. It sounded like whoever was in there were talking about something, but stopped a few seconds after I put my ear to the door. I took my ear from the door when it sounded like they were gone. I looked confused and turned to leave. I jumped when I saw twins with red hair staring down at me. "um....I wasn't spying or anything I promise. I just heard laughing so I came this way."

They looked at each other with a grin on their faces.  They looked back down at me. "I'm Fred and this here is George."

"Who are you?" George said

I looked over to George and smiled "I'm Scarlet, your mom told me I was going to be rooming with you guys since there isn't anymore room left in Ginny's room. I hope you guys won't mind..." Their smiles grew after that. I heard some yelling and looked down the hall. I noticed that it was Harry who was doing all of the yelling. I looked back to the twins. "Didn't your mom say to not be loud because she didn't want anything in the house to wake up?"

They nodded and Fred stepped closer to me. "You sure are short. How tall are you anyway?"

I glared up at him and sighed. "I'm 5'3. I'm not short you're just freakishly tall!"

Fred laughed and then put his arm around my waist "You might want to close your eyes for this."

I looked confused but did what he said. I felt fine until it felt like I was being sucked through a straw. When I opened my eyes I started to feel a little sick. I looked around and saw that we were in front of Harry,Ron, and Hermione I looked at Fred and George "We could have just walked down here you know." 

"Hello, Harry," George said beaming at him. "We thought we heard your dulcet tones."

"You don't want to bottle up your anger like that, Harry let it all out," Fred said also beaming "There could be people fifty miles away who didn't hear you."

I held back my giggle not wanting to get glared at by Harry.

"You two passed your apperation tests, then." Harry asked grumpily

"With distinction." Fred said as he let go of my waist. He pulled out a skin colored string.

"It would have taken you thirty seconds longer to walk down the stairs," Ron said.

"Time is Galleons, little brother," Fred said "Anyway Harry you're interfering with reception. Expendable ears" He added at Harry's raised eyebrow and my confused look. He slowly lowered the string "We are trying to hear what's down stairs."

"You want to be careful" Ron said staring at the ear "If mum found it again...."

"It's worth the risk. That's a major meeting they are having." Fred said. 

The door opened and a girl with red hair walked out of the room "Oh hello Harry" She looked at me and then looked at Fred. "The expendable ears are a no go. She's gone and put an imperturbable charm on the door."

"How would you know?" George asked

"Tonks told me how to find out." Ginny said "You just have to chuck stuff at the door and if it can't make contact the door has been imperturbed. I've been flicking dung bombs at it from the top of the stairs, and they just soar away from it, so there is no way the expendable ears will work."

Fred sighed "Shame I really fancied what olds Snape was up to."

"Snape?" Harry said quickly "Is he here?"

I looked really confused. Could it be the same Snape my father was always talking about. I looked to the twins "Who is Snape?"

Fred looked down at me "Oh that's right you don't know anything about magical stuff do you?"

I shook my head but then thought about the past with my family. I remembered something of when I was just a little kid. "Um no not really I was raised as a muggle, although my father did teach me how to turn into an animal."

Everyone looked at me surprised. Fred finally spoke up "Can you show us?"

I nodded and everything around me started to get taller. I had turned into a Siberian tiger cub. My fur was white and my stripes were black. My eye pupils turned into slits. They all looked down at me in shock. I smiled on the inside and just decided that I was going to stay like this until it was time for dinner. 

Fred seemed to figure out I was staying like this and picked me up and held me in his arms. He started to pet my fur and I started to purr. "Me and George will tell you everything we can when we have time to." They started walking until we got to one of the rooms and the conversation started again as if I had never interrupted it.

"Yeah," George said, carefully closing the door and sitting down on one of the beds; Fred and Ginny following and Fred putting me in his lap. "Giving a report. Top secret." 

"Git" Fred said idly.

"He is on our side now," Hermione said reprovingly

I closed my eyes and started to go into a catnap only to be awakened by Harry's raised voice. "I didnt ask - I  didn't want - Voldemort killed my parents!" Harry spluttered "I got famous because he murdered my parents but couldn't kill me! Who wants to be famous for that? Don't they think I'd rather it'd never--"

"We know Harry," Ginny earnestly said

"And of course, they didn't report  a word about the dementors attacking you and Scarlet," Hermione said. "Someone's told them to keep that quiet. That should've been a really big story, out-of-control dementors. They haven't even reported that you broke the International Statute of secrecy - we thought they would, it would tie in so well with this image of you as some stupid show-off - we think they're biding their time until you get expelled, then they're really going to go to town - I mean, if you get expelled, obviously," she hastily went on, "you really shouldn't be , not if they abide by their own laws,there's no case against you."

My ear twitched as I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Fred pulled the Expendable ears a hard tug and then held onto me. I closed my eyes when he did and soon felt the sucking feeling. When I opened my eyes we were in another room. I got off of Fred and waled over to the door and nudged it open. I jumped down the stairs one by one. It was a little hard because I was so small that I looked like I was a kitten and not a tiger cub. When I reached the bottom I almost ran into a guy that was in all black. I looked up and saw that he looked very familiar. He and my father had met a few times, but I never knew his name. I hissed at him and then walked into the kitchen. I turned back to normal when no one was looking.

Soon the table started to fill up. There were three chairs left and Fred and George were the only two who weren't seated yet. I sat down in the middle of the two chairs and waited for dinner. I soon heard Fred and George getting scolded by their mother, and I did everything to not laugh. Soon after their scolding dinner began and I had my attention on my food, that is until Lupin talked "Scarlet is almost of age so I think she should know who her real father is before school starts."  Everyone nodded and then looked at me.
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I am sooo sorry it has been so long since I have posted a chapter. I don't really have a good excuse so I won't give one. Right now my Internet is turned off so I don't know the next time I will be able to get on. I hope that you like this chapter. Comment and subscribe please and thank you. Again I'm sorry